Emotional intelligence An increasingly present concept

Robert Johnston
Emotional intelligence An increasingly present concept

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to correctly identify, understand and manage emotions, in a way that facilitates relationships with others. This term is closely related to another, which is the life coach. The special use of both in recent times shows to what extent they are on the rise.

It is increasingly common to hear about people who are not able to control their emotions, and have excessive reactions to situations that could be considered everyday. On other occasions, the problem is that they do not know how to express what they feel, and the origin of their emotional disorders is not explained, they easily know the extremes.

What works in a life coaching?

Just as so many people hire a personal trainer to exercise at a physical level, there are already many who choose to attend an emotional intelligence workshop to learn how to manage emotions, feelings, and reactions, which are the elements that ultimately make up emotional intelligence. The role of the life coach is, among others, to help people manage their emotions, that is, to be emotionally intelligent.

What exactly is emotional intelligence?

According to specialists, emotional intelligence is a quality that enables the person to relate to himself and his environment, and to learn to think before acting, controlling your thoughts and the way you act. In relation to this, Aristotle said in his day “Anyone can get angry, that is something very simple. But getting mad at the right person, at the right degree, at the right time. With the right purpose and in the right way, that certainly is not so simple ”, Aristotle.

It was from 1990 on when Salovey and Mayer would introduce the term "emotional intelligence" in the scientific literature, as the ability to recognize one's own feelings and those of others, to motivate oneself and to manage emotions appropriately, in oneself and in one's emotions. relationships you have with others.

We can all handle our feelings, and even those of others

Experts point out that everyone has the ability to handle their own feelings and those of others to a high degree. Feelings can be handled quite well, to favor some actions and hinder others. However, envy, aggressiveness, selfishness, cruelty and laziness are lacks of an adequate education of the corresponding feelings, which decisively affect the possibilities of a happy life.

Why is emotional intelligence so important in the business environment?

In the field of management of companies and organizations, emotional intelligence acquires a fundamental role. And especially due to the current context of the internationalization of work, and intense intercultural relationship.

Thus, human resources departments look for professionals who have sufficient knowledge, and are also capable of using their emotional skills in the development of their professional work..

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