Multiple Intelligences Kinetic-Body Intelligence

David Holt
Multiple Intelligences Kinetic-Body Intelligence

Who doesn't have a friend who is especially good at dancing? And who doesn't have another friend who looks like a "dizzy duck" when dancing? And there are people who when music plays have an almost innate ability to associate with the rhythm and create their own choreographies. They are also especially good at learning different types of dances and rhythms. Welcome to Howard Gardner's Kinetic-Body Intelligence.

Dancing is not only moving the body. It requires coordination, rhythm, partnering with another partner if it is a dance with a partner, or partnering with more partners if it is a dance group. Many of the people who enjoy dancing assure that time flies by and define the experience as something like "letting yourself go and fly with the music." What is behind this kind of intelligence?


  • Kinetic-Body Intelligence
  • A little history
  • Stages of Development: first months to 12 years
  • Kinetic-Body Intelligence at the neurological level
  • Characteristics
    • Bibliography

Kinetic-Body Intelligence

Kinetic-Corporal Intelligence can be defined as the art of movement and expression through the body. Through our body we transmit feelings, thoughts and emotions through different movements. These movements are based on different abilities such as coordination, balance, strength, speed and dexterity..

However, not only dance (expressing an emotion with the body) is associated with this type of intelligence. Also includes sports (competing in a game) or manual skills (creating new products) to handle tools with dexterity.

"The goal of education is to help people use their minds better." -Howard Gardner-

Movement can be trained, in this way we will increase our coordination, precision, flexibility, agility and balance. As we have seen in previous articles, intelligence can be developed and enhanced. If we train and make an effort, little by little we will reach a union of the body-mind that will allow us to carry out different activities and learnings.

Gardner affirms that "the mind must be trained to use the body and the body must be trained to respond expressively to the orders of the mind".

A little history

Dance has been something fundamental throughout history in man. Through it he has expressed feelings and emotions. Even shamans danced to perform invocations. They also danced to celebrate births, weddings and deaths. To attract luck when they went hunting or to war. Mind-body coordination has always been there.

Creating tools with your hands is also an example of this type of intelligence. At the beginning it was about survival, however, with the passage of time the tools were increasingly sophisticated, thus showing a clear process of evolution.

Stages of Development: first months to 12 years

  • 4 months: Play with rattles.
  • 6 months: They stand upright when sitting. They push and drag what is ahead. They are able to bring the foot to the mouth.
  • 9 months: Say hello. Crawl. He begins to stand up. Beat your palms.
  • 12-14 months: Simple constructions by stacking blocks. They start to walk. Leaf through books and magazines.
  • 18 months: Climb stairs. They keep the balance. They sit, walk and run. They already start scribbling.
  • 20-25 months: Able to accumulate and lift objects. Kick the ball.
  • 2 years: Can ride a tricycle and begins to play simple sports.
  • 2 and a half years: Loves to listen and make up stories. Manages to maintain attention for longer and longer periods of time.
  • 3-5 years: Starts to dress alone.
  • 5-6 years: He likes physical exercise and testing his skills. Improve balance. You can walk in a straight line with one foot in front of the other. Learn to tie your shoes.
  • 6-12 years: Creative stage regarding dance choreographies. Begins to lean towards physical activities that you enjoy the most.
  • 12: From this age on, the evolution of body-kinetic intelligence loses strength in its natural evolution. Those who want to promote it must continue to stimulate it.

Kinetic-Body Intelligence at the neurological level

  • The first important structure related to this type of intelligence is the cerebellum. It is related to the coordination of muscle activity, the maintenance of muscle tone and balance. This structure constantly receives information to coordinate the activity correctly. It receives information from the cerebral cortex, muscles and joints. It also receives impulses from the inner ear about the position and movements of the head..
  • Basal ganglia. The basal ganglia are made up of a group of gray matter nuclei related to motor, emotional and cognitive functions. We find the corpus striatum, which is subdivided into the caudate nucleus and the lenticular nucleus, formed by the putamen and the globe pallidus. The striatum is part of the extra-pyramidal motor system and its function consists in regulating muscle tone, regulating unconscious movements and regulating automatic movements that require prior learning.
  • The motor cortex is responsible for the motor functioning of the limbs and other motor organs. It processes the planning as well as the control and execution of voluntary motor functions. The movement control center is in the motor cortex and each hemisphere controls the body movements of the opposite side..


Children who excel at body-kinetic intelligence need to touch the content and use their hands to do so. They create and express what they feel through their body. They move and process information through the sensations they receive in the body.

They love to jump, run, dance, play sports, manual tasks, etc. They tend to gesticulate when speaking and move restlessly. In games and exercises they usually show good coordination. They stand out in strength, speed, flexibility, speed, eye-hand coordination and balance.

"The truth is that everyone who lives in a human body is the owner of an extraordinary creation." -Tim Gallwey-

If they learn through touch, this learning is enhanced and they create things for themselves. In the same way, they remember better the experiences in which they participated than those in which they were only observers. They are active participants in learning and not passive receivers of information.

Some professions related to body-kinetic intelligence would be: dancers, athletes, surgeons, artists, instrumentalists, sculptors, craftsmen, machinists, seamstresses, actors, carpenters and choreographers.


  • Gardner, H. (1988). The new science of the mind. History of the cognitive revolution.
    Barcelona: Paidós.
  • Gardner, H., (2000). The education of the mind and the knowledge of the disciplines. Iberian Paidós.
  • Gardner, H., (2005). Multiple intelligences: theory in practice. Barcelona, ​​Paidós.
  • Gardner, H., (2005). Reformulated intelligence: multiple intelligences in the 21st century. Barcelona, ​​Paidós.
  • Gardner, H., (2011). Multiple Intelligences: Theory in Practice. Iberian Paidós.

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