The Bibliographic research or documentary consists of the review of existing bibliographic material regarding the subject to be studied. It is one of the main steps for any investigation and includes the selection of information sources.
It is considered an essential step because it includes a set of phases that include observation, inquiry, interpretation, reflection and analysis to obtain the necessary bases for the development of any study..
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Different authors have been in charge of conceptualizing the bibliographic research. The definitions made by three prominent authors will be described below:
- Guillermina Baena, graduate in Information Sciences: "Documentary research is a technique that consists of the selection and compilation of information through reading, criticizing documents and bibliographic materials, from libraries, newspaper libraries and documentation and information centers".
- Laura Cázares, researcher at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de México: "(….) Depends fundamentally on the information that is collected or consulted in documents that can be used as a source or reference at any time or place".
- Manual of the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador: "Integration, organization and evaluation of the existing theoretical and empirical information on a problem".
- There is a review of documents to know the state of the subject or object that is being investigated.
- Presents a process that consists of the collection, selection, analysis and presentation of the results.
- Involves complex cognitive processes, such as analysis, synthesis, and deduction.
- It is done in an orderly manner and with precise objectives.
- Its purpose is to build knowledge.
- It supports the research that is being carried out, at the same time that it allows to avoid carrying out studies that have already been explored.
In general terms, there are two types of bibliographic or documentary research:
The main objective of the researcher is to take a position on a certain topic to test whether that element to be studied is correct or incorrect. Consider causes, consequences, and possible solutions that will lead to a more critical conclusion.
Unlike the previous one, it does not seek to object to a topic but to recreate the theoretical context of the research. To do this, it uses reliable sources, and the selection and analysis of the material in question..
It should be noted that it is vital that the researcher relies on his capacity for analysis and synthesis of ideas to present a fluid and coherent work. During the bibliographic research process, it is necessary to consider a series of criteria for the selection of documentary material:
It refers to the fact that the sources must be consonant with the object of study, as well as its objectives, in order to support the research.
All sources must be necessary, sufficient and possible, without excluding any that may also represent an important contribution. They must correspond to the objectives set.
Recent research or studies will be taken into account to support the research.
It is important to note that before conducting the review of documentary and bibliographic material, it is vital to be clear about the following:
- Determine the topic to be studied, which must match the possibilities of the researcher, framed in a reasonable time with future projection and with a connection to their area of study.
- After this, make a work plan that will serve as a guide for the correct selection of bibliography.
The process of collecting data, information and documents is complex and requires a series of steps for the correct handling of the information:
References include any type of written or audiovisual document that will be essential to support the research..
The material that respects the quality and current standards will be chosen.
It is about the organization of the documents chosen in alphabetical or chronological order.
It refers to the emptying of the basic information of the collected material, where the appointment to be used, the summary and the comment made by the researcher will be collected..
Placement of specific data.
It is a question of determining whether, indeed, the hypothesis raised by the author is valid, based on the information collected.
It refers to the latest arrangements made to the form and substance of the investigation.
To simplify the search and make it easier, three types of documents are classified:
They convey direct information. For example, original articles and doctoral theses.
They refer to the primary documents and extract the author and type of publication. For example, catalogs and databases.
They synthesize the information found in primary and secondary documents to answer specific questions and questions.
Likewise, another type of document classification can be included:
- Books and monographs: manuals, texts, proceedings, anthologies.
- Periodicals: magazines, newspapers, previews.
- Reference publications: indexes, databases, bibliographies.
- Technical publications: standards, patents, technical catalogs.
- Reference material: encyclopedias, dictionaries, atlases.
In bibliographic research, it is necessary to respect the norms related to the citation of texts. To have a better reference in this regard, here are some examples:
- “Pinillos, José Luis (1975). Principles of Psychology. Madrid: Alliance ”.
- “Taylor, S. and Bogdan, R. (1992). Introduction to qualitative research methods. Barcelona: Paidós ".
- When it is a chapter in a book: “Martí, Eduardo (1999). Metacognition and learning strategies. In: J Pozo and C. Monereo (Coords.). Strategic learning. (111-121). Madrid: Aula XXI-Santillana ".
- Scientific journal article: “García Jiménez, E. (1998). A practical theory on evaluation. Education Magazine, 287, 233-253 ".
- Article signed in a newspaper: “Debesa, Fabián (200, March 12). Careers and their entry strategies. Clarín, Education Section, p.12 ".
- Any field of study needs constant study and research.
- It is estimated that, thanks to documentary and bibliographic research, it is possible to achieve good educational training at all levels.
- The progress of scientific studies needs documentation.
- To start any type of study it is necessary to review the previous material to carry out the research.
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