A field research or field study is a type of investigation in which data is acquired or measured about a particular event, in the place where they occur. That is to say, the researcher moves to the site where the phenomenon he wishes to study occurs, in order to collect useful information for his research..
Examples of field research would be biologists taking data from a zoo, sociologists taking data from actual social interactions, or meteorologists taking data from the weather in a city..
On the one hand, with field research, data can be collected in order to expand the knowledge to carry out a study. On the other hand, the information obtained can be used for practical purposes, carrying out diagnoses and proposing changes to modify some type of unwanted situation..
Likewise, field research gives the researcher the possibility of having a broader understanding of the data obtained, since they will know first-hand the real conditions through which said information was obtained, being able to modify or review it if any doubt arises..
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Some of the most important characteristics of a field investigation are the following:
Field investigations are carried out in the place where the event to be studied by the researcher occurs, and the researcher has to travel there to capture the necessary data..
The researcher has the possibility of collecting the data directly at the place of the events, which gives him greater control both in the essence and in the quantity of the same..
Obtaining the necessary data to carry out the research can be done through observation, interaction with study subjects (using surveys or interviews), and also by referring to existing information..
Because this type of investigation requires data collection at the scene, the time and costs of the same can be high..
The design of a field investigation is the way or the method by which the researcher will carry out said investigation. It refers to the development of a research plan, in which the techniques and instruments used to obtain the desired information are defined..
Depending on the type of research that needs to be carried out, there are different research design models, some of these are:
In this type of design, the researcher has no control over the variables that affect the study, so data is collected before and after these variables are applied. Finally the data obtained are compared.
In quasi-experimental designs, the researcher has control over one of the variables that affect the group to be studied..
Unlike experimental designs, in quasi-experimental designs the researcher carries out the study on previously formed groups. It is for this reason that the results obtained in this type of design may become less reliable..
In this type of design, the researcher has control over all the variables involved in field research. In this way, by introducing variables or causes, you can see the reactions of the studied subjects..
In addition, they have the free formation or selection of groups for their subsequent study, under the conditions that this considers necessary..
Field research techniques are the techniques by which the researcher will collect the data he needs for his research. It is the way in which information will be obtained or captured at the scene of the events.
Due to the great diversity of phenomena or events that can be studied using field research, there are different types of techniques that allow the collection of information, which are based on the type of data that must be obtained..
Next, the different techniques used to carry out a field investigation are exposed.
The use of field experiments allows us to observe how the behaviors of the subjects studied develop in their natural habitat, by introducing a variable alien to this, allowing the researcher to obtain first-hand data, by closely observing the reactions they are trying to investigate.
However, if the subjects notice that they are being studied, it is possible that they change their naturalness in behavior, thus losing the objectivity of the study..
The data collected through the use of field experiments are of the quantitative type.
The observation technique can be applied in two different ways, one of them is passive, where the researcher limits himself to observing the study subjects from the outside, and the other is a participant, getting involved in the study group and sharing with these your experiences.
Depending on the technique used to carry out the investigation, the data to be collected will vary in type. In the case of passive observation, the data collected will be quantitative, and in participant observation, qualitative..
The survey technique is carried out through the use of a questionnaire, a fact that allows reaching a large number of people at the same time, without the obligation to contact them, since it can be delivered by any means, both digital and physical.
In the interview, the researcher meets the study subject in person, asking questions to obtain information. Thanks to this, the type of information that is obtained is very detailed, since the researcher can delve into the questions that he / she believes are necessary to obtain the information..
For its execution there are two forms of interviews, the structured interview, which consists of a previously prepared question guide, and the unstructured interview, where the interviewer asks questions to get to the information he needs, as he talks to the client. subject.
This type of technique is used to obtain information about the way or way in which a community lived, in a certain period of time. To do it, you can use stories and stories obtained from different people, or also from historical files found in the media, newspapers or letters, among others..
When a discussion group technique is used, the information obtained is qualitative. In addition, it can be used as a complement to the interview, allowing data to be obtained about the social structure or the type of ideological current that the group of people studied has.
Instruments are the tools used in field research, with the aim of capturing information, classifying it and even making it more understandable for later analysis.
Therefore, the instruments are divided into three large groups:
Sorting instruments are used, as their name suggests, to sort the data obtained in an investigation, where the way they are sorted depends on the type of instrument used..
Some examples of ordering instruments are the following:
Classification instruments are used to form groups of data, which share certain previously determined characteristics, such as time, magnitude, place or behavior, among others..
Some examples of qualifying instruments are as follows:
This type of instrument makes it possible to observe the data with the naked eye, since they are represented by symbols, images or maps. It is for this reason that they are used mostly when working in rural areas, market studies or censuses, among others..
Some examples of these instruments are:
As with most research, field research has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most important are listed below..
Thanks to the fact that in most cases the information is taken in the place where the facts to be investigated naturally occur, the researcher will obtain data without any type of adulteration, and will have a greater knowledge of the applied variables.
In addition, it allows the researcher to obtain a greater degree of understanding of the real situation that he wishes to study..
One of the most important disadvantages of this type of research has to do with the high economic cost involved in conducting field research, since the researcher has to travel several times to the place of study.
Another disadvantage is the time it takes, since to obtain a good amount of data it is necessary to observe, survey or interview several people, during a few days.
Some examples of field investigations may be the following:
From research in China, it is known that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was transmitted through zoonoses from bats. For this, the researchers had to carry out a field investigation taking data from bats from Chinese caves and others from Southeast Asia..
To know what causes the whales to be stranded, it is necessary to go to the beaches where the event occurs and collect data.
In 2002, Intel, through its subsidiary People and Practices Research and under the leadership of anthropologist Genevieve Bell, was looking for an efficient way to market in Europe..
They visited 45 homes in small, medium, and large cities in 5 European countries for 6 years, concluding that it was not possible to speak of just one Europe and that each country has its own idiosyncrasies..
However, the field research managed to raise enough data for a more effective marketing in each country of the Old Continent..
In 2020, many cities in Spain reported how animals from the countryside and rural areas entered the city, being totally unusual. Wild boars in Madrid or Barcelona, goats in Albacete, roe deer in Valladolid and even a bear in a town in Asturias.
This phenomenon occurred during the confinement period due to the respiratory virus that affected the country (as well as the rest of the planet) during that year..
The field researchers observed that the reason was due to the reduction of human persons in the street, less pollution and pollution, as well as less noise or direct hazards such as cars..
In turn, they reported that once the confinement stage was over and normal activity was recovered, the animals would abandon urban centers to environments more conducive to their survival, something that has already happened in other areas where the same phenomenon occurred ( Huabei province).
To carry out the study, a field investigation can be carried out using the passive observation technique, where the researcher travels through areas of the city where there is more influx of tourism, observing the behavior of tourists, and collecting data for the investigation.
One of the ways to carry out this study is by distributing a survey in different neighborhoods of the city, either physically or by email, and asking a series of questions that can serve as information to know the status of acceptance of the company in different locations of the city.
In this situation, the interview technique can be used, conducting them both with clients who buy products of the company, and with clients who make complaints. Thus achieving a general overview of the situation.
This study can be carried out using the passive observation technique, obtaining data on the amount of traffic on the avenue at different times and days. In this way you can get a real perspective of the congestion that happens there..
Exploratory investigation.
Basic investigation.
Applied research.
Pure research.
Explanatory research.
Descriptive research.
Documentary research.
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