The descriptive research It is a type of research that is responsible for describing the population, situation or phenomenon around which its study is centered. It seeks to provide information about the what, how, when, and where regarding the research problem, without giving priority to answering the “why” of the problem. As its name says, this way of investigating “describes”, it does not explain.
In addition, it obtains information on the phenomenon or situation to be studied, using techniques such as observation and survey, among others. For example, research studying the morphology and mechanism of action of SARS-CoV-2 is descriptive. Answer the "what", not the "why".
This type of research is very useful when conducting studies, for example, when you want to know which brand of soda is most consumed in a supermarket, where you only want to know which is the most consumed, and not why it is the most consumed. consumed.
Descriptive investigations, unlike other types of investigations, carry out their study without altering or manipulating any of the variables of the phenomenon, limiting themselves only to their measurement and description. Additionally, it is possible to make future forecasts, although they are considered premature or basic..
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Here are some of the most important characteristics of descriptive research:
In descriptive research, the researcher has no control over any of the variables that affect the event or problem under investigation..
To carry out a descriptive research, it is necessary to know in advance the variables that will be analyzed, since this type of research is not dedicated to the search for variables, but to their study.
Although, when obtaining data on the variables, it is possible to make forecasts, these are not entirely reliable, since they are considered premature.
In most cases, descriptive research gets data on quantities, not qualities. It is for this reason that it can be said that a descriptive research is quantitative..
Even so, there is also the possibility of obtaining qualitative data.
As in all types of research, the data provided by descriptive research must be both accurate and reliable.
Descriptive research can be used to classify the data collected in the study that is being carried out, separating them into different categories of description.
Usually, the cross-sectional or transectional design is the most used to carry out this type of research, although it is also possible to use the pre-experimental design.
The research design is used to draw up the work plan to follow in the research. It is where the conceptual phase of the research, such as the statement of the problem, meets the operational phase, such as the method and instruments of the investigation..
For the case of the design of a descriptive investigation, most of the time it is necessary to obtain data that refers to the quantity. To achieve this task, the researcher can choose between two different types of research designs, which have specific characteristics that differentiate them from each other..
The two types of designs used in descriptive research are described below:
In cross-sectional designs, the variables are not affected by any type of process, which is why they only dedicate themselves to observing the event as it happens, limiting themselves only to analyzing them..
They basically consist of making a description of the variables to be measured in a phenomenon, and analyzing the incidence at the time that event occurs..
There are occasions where the pre-experimental design is used as a test to get a first contact with the research problem in a real way, being used, on some occasions, as a test of experiments with a greater degree of control.
This type of design does not allow establishing causal relationships, since they do not have the possibility of controlling variables, and their internal validity is not very reliable. In addition, it is applied only to a group, over which it has no control..
There are two ways to carry out a pre-experimental design, which are as follows:
In the case of descriptive research, there are three techniques to carry it out:
Observation is one of the most used techniques when conducting descriptive research. In addition, it allows obtaining data, or information, of the quantitative or qualitative type:
By using the case study it is possible to carry out a slightly more detailed analysis of the event, as well as to study in detail groups or subjects separately.
In addition, it is possible to present a hypothesis and to expand the degree of knowledge about the event under investigation. However, due to its low precision in the elaboration of forecasts, it is not possible to specify the causes and effects of the phenomenon studied..
The research survey is one of the most used instruments when conducting descriptive research, where the number of samples to be taken is large..
The selection of questions should include both open and closed questions, thus guaranteeing a balance between them and making it possible to collect good quality information..
Like all different types of research, descriptive research has both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most important are listed below..
Some examples of descriptive investigations may be the following:
Studying the penguin population that exists in the South Georgia Islands is a descriptive investigation that responds to the what and where.
The research carried out in a national census is descriptive, since it is only interested in data such as the number of the population, the salary they receive, or what class the household is, without making any kind of analogy between these..
Carrying out a descriptive investigation that collects data about the political party that people will choose in the next elections, it is possible to predict, with a margin of error, the result that will be obtained in the same.
Using observation, qualitative data can be collected on the habits of supermarket customers regarding the purchases they make in it..
Through the resource of the survey, it is possible to carry out a descriptive investigation that yields information about the number of hours per day that the children of a particular population play. Thus being able to make a forecast of the weather that a particular child of that city plays.
Documentary research.
Basic investigation.
Field research.
Exploratory investigation.
Scientific method.
Applied research.
Pure research.
Explanatory research.
Observational study.
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