Pre-sport games

Philip Kelley
Pre-sport games are a mix of sports and games

What are pre-sports games?

Pre-sports games are a type of game that encourages the acquisition of both skills and basic concepts of traditional sports. They are mainly aimed at children and young people, with the aim that they incorporate physical resources, such as travel or receptions, among others, and in turn, begin to know the basic rules of some traditional sports.

Pre-sports games are a combination of basic games and sports. In this way, an attempt is made to promote a sports culture in children, but with an approach that has more to do with play..

These games are usually incorporated in the activities that are carried out in the hours of physical education for children and young people in schools.

Features of pre-sports games

Pre-sports games are usually played outdoors and they combine rules from different sports

Some of the features of the pre-sports games are as follows:


Pre-sport games have rules, but they are not as strict as sports games.

Skills and abilities

They promote the acquisition of new abilities and skills through different games.

Initiation in sports

Pre-sports games are used to initiate children in the practice of sports.

Different levels

The rules of the pre-sport games can be adapted depending on the age of the participants. In this way, the rules of the games will be more difficult for older participants, and less difficult for younger ones..

Sports combination

Pre-sport games usually combine rules from several sports, such as soccer-tennis, or basketball, among others..

Types pre-sport games

There are two types of pre-sports games, generic and specific. These two types differ from each other by the type of skill or dexterity they are trying to develop.

Generic pre-sport games

Generic pre-sports games are those that promote the development of various skills that are common to different sports, such as throwing objects or running, among others..

Specific pre-sport games

Specific pre-sport games are those that attempt to develop a certain skill of a particular sport. An example of this is the case of the "canal +" game where participants try to kick a ball and hit a target.

Examples of pre-sport games

Pre-sport games usually include balls and other materials

Here is a list of some of the most common pre-sports games:

  1. Blind network

It is a variant of volleyball, the difference is that the net is a fabric that does not let you see the other side of the court.

  1. Basketball

It is played like baseball, but with the difference that the ball is thrown with the foot.

  1. Dominated with the ball

It can be played alone or with more members. An attempt is made to keep the ball off the ground, hitting it with any part of the body except the arms.

  1. Ball touched

The game consists of 8 participants who form a circle and pass a ball with their feet. Inside the circle are 2 participants who will try to intercept the ball.

  1. Cachibol

This game is similar to volleyball, with the difference that the ball can touch the ground once, and the participants can catch it..

  1. Channel +

Divisions are made in an arc, which have different scores. Participants must throw balls with their hands trying to score more points.

  1. Crazy passes

The same number of balls are arranged as the number of participants. Everyone must pass without having more than one ball in their hand at any time.

  1. Mobile basket

4 participants are used, to which a basket will be placed on their back. The rest of the participants will have a ball. When a signal is given, the basket participants will start to run, while the other teammates try to score the balls..

  1. Pass 10

Two teams are formed with the same number of members, who must try to pass a ball between them with their hands, until they reach 10 passes, without the other team intercepting it..

  1. Wall relays

Two lines are formed in front of a wall with 10 participants in each. The first two participants must hit a ball with their hands against the wall and quickly go to the end of the line. The next participant in line must repeat the same. The team that makes all its members pass without the ball touching the ground wins.

  1. Soccer-tennis

Two teams of two participants are formed and one is located on each side of a rectangle divided by a network in the middle. Participants must pass the ball over the net, touching it with their feet once each participant, with a maximum of three touches. The ball can bounce only once on the floor.

  1. Burnt ball

Two teams are formed with the same number of members. The teams are placed on opposite sides of a rectangle, and in the center of this some balls. When the whistle blows, everyone should go try to pick up a ball and throw it at an opponent. If the ball touches it, the opponent will be eliminated.

  1. Burned

In this game one of the participants must chase the rest to try to "burn" by touching another participant. Once it touches one, that participant must do the same as the first.

  1. Against everyone

Two nets are placed forming a cross. In the four places that are formed within the networks, the teams are placed. It is played with the same rules of volleyball, but with the difference that there are four teams.

  1. Shot put with balls

In this game you try to throw the ball as far as possible, from a static position. The participant who throws the ball the furthest will be the winner.

  1. Hunt balls

Two teams are formed, one must throw the balls and catch them, and the other will try to intercept them. The team that throws the balls is divided into two extremes, and they must throw them from one end to the other without the participants of the other team, who are in the middle, intercepting them.

  1. Bowckey

It is a mix of bowling and hockey. The bowling pins are located in a sector, and to knock them down the participant must use a hockey stick to push the ball.

  1. The fastest

Two teams are formed with the same number of participants and stand one behind the other. When the teacher gives a signal, the first two participants must run to a point marked with a signal and return to where they left off. When it arrives, the next participant does the same route.

  1. Moving target

Two participants hold a cloth that has a hole in the center, which they must permanently move from one side to the other in a straight line. The rest of the participants must throw balls to pass through the hole.

  1. The rally

Three teams are formed with the same number of participants. Two teams face each other, forming a corridor between them and with a ball for each member. The members of the third team will try to pass through the corridor without being touched by the balls thrown by the other teams..


  1. Campbell Quintana, Y. (2012). Pre-sport games for the massification of the practice of athletics category 8 and 9 years in the municipality of Baraguá. Retrieved from
  2. Gómez Flechas, L. A., Sanabria Pico, J. A., & Pinto Romero, M. (2014). PRED-SPORTS GAMES AS A TEACHING STRATEGY FOR TEACHING PASSING WITH THE INTERNAL EDGE. Retrieved from
  3. Guevara Sagarra, G., & Gallardo Fines, J. M. (2011). Set of pre-sport athletics games for the development of basic motor skills in primary school students. Retrieved from
  4. PRE-SPORTS GAMES. (2020). Retrieved from
  5. Roldán, M. J. (2020). What are pre-sports games. Retrieved from

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