Adrenaline or epinephrine, ready for action

David Holt
Adrenaline or epinephrine, ready for action

Adrenaline, also called epinephrine, is a substance produced naturally by our body and has various functions. It is a hormone, since it travels through the bloodstream and acts in organs far from the place where it is produced, with different effects throughout the body, and it is also a neurotransmitter, that is, a substance released by neurons in the synaptic spaces to chemically communicate with other neurons and cause a certain effect.


  • What is the function of adrenaline?
    • Increase heart rate
    • Increase respiration
    • Increases glucose metabolism
    • Dilate the pupils
    • Stops the bowel movement
    • Decrease pain
    • Psychological effects of adrenaline
  • Adrenaline and stress
    • How to regulate excess adrenaline
  • Medical applications
    • Cardiorespiratory arrest
    • Anaphylaxis
    • References

What is the function of adrenaline?

Adrenaline is synthesized in the adrenal glands, which are small capsules located above the kidneys, and in some neurons of the central nervous system.

Adrenaline is the substance responsible for the fight or flight reaction, which allows us to prepare to face an attack, a danger or a threat to survival. Faced with a stress situation, the body quickly releases adrenaline into the blood, so that it sends impulses to different organs to respond to this situation..

Increase heart rate

When adrenaline is released in the heart, it begins to beat faster, and in this way more blood reaches the muscles to provide oxygen and nutrients necessary for physical effort.

Increase respiration

Adrenaline causes a relaxation of the muscles of the respiratory tract, to allow an increase in the supply of oxygen necessary to maintain a faster activity.

Increases glucose metabolism

The hormone adrenaline acts on the cells of the liver and muscles, causing an increase in the metabolism of glycogen, which is the way in which energy is stored. When the glycogen breaks down, glucose is generated, which will be available to provide the extra fuel necessary to respond to the stress situation.

Dilate the pupils

As the pupils dilate, the vision becomes clearer and we are more aware of what is happening around us, so we can better see the danger.

Stops the bowel movement

By slowing down the intestinal rhythm, it allows better distribution of energy in moments of action, to provide more energy where it is most needed.

Decrease pain

By acting on the mechanisms of pain, adrenaline or epinephrine allows us to flee or fight despite the possible damage that we may suffer.

Psychological effects of adrenaline

One of the consequences of adrenaline rush is that it allows us to be more attentive, with a higher level of physical, intellectual or psychological hyperactivity. This state of euphoria is the one that is reproduced when we practice extreme sports, for example, and can become addictive.

Adrenaline and stress

The response triggered by adrenaline has a special evolutionary sense, since it was especially important when man lived in the middle of nature and had to face multiple dangers that haunted him. Today, this immediate, effective and rapid response to the environment does not make so much sense, except on special occasions, such as a traffic accident, and it is much more common than what causes an increase in adrenaline levels. It is an emotional stress, either due to work or personal causes. In this case, it can cause dizziness, tachycardia and changes in vision. Furthermore, releasing glucose in a situation where no extra energy intake is necessary results in irritability and agitation. In situations of continuous or chronic stress, it can lead to insomnia, headaches, nausea, feelings of restlessness and nervousness and even heart damage.

How to regulate excess adrenaline

To regulate excess adrenaline release it is vital to reduce physical and emotional stress. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the situations that stress us and try to find solutions that allow us to live better.

Medical applications

Adrenaline or epinephrine, in addition to being produced naturally in the body, can also be synthesized in the laboratory, and is used as a drug to treat different situations, taking advantage of its mechanism of action.

Cardiorespiratory arrest

Epinephrine is used as a medicine to treat cardiac arrest, which can be caused by a heart attack, or some arrhythmias..


Due to its dilating effect on the airways, epinephrine is used for the treatment of severe allergic reactions that cause anaphylactic shock, as well as septicemias (serious infections of the blood).


Bloom, F.E. i Lazerson, A. (1988). Brain, Mind, and Behavior. New York: Freeman and Company.

Bradford, H.F. (1988). Fundamentals of neurochemistry. Barcelona: Labor.

Carlson, N.R. (1999). Physiology of behavior. Barcelona: Ariel Psychology.

Carpenter, M.B. (1994). Neuroanatomy. Fundamentals. Buenos Aires: Editorial Panamericana.

Del Abril, A .; Ambrosio, E .; De Blas, M.R .; Caminero, A .; De Pablo, J.M. i Sandoval, E. (eds) (1999). Biological basis of behavior. Madrid: Sanz and Torres.

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