The formation of values ​​in the university student

Philip Kelley
The formation of values ​​in the university student

The formation of values constitutes one of the premises of Higher Education, the teaching-learning process in the university context includes within its objectives the comprehensive development of students' personality.

Possessing knowledge and skills is not framed as the limit for today's university; it is necessary that there exist in him values ​​that guide and regulate his behavior in the different spheres of life. This is the reason why education in values ​​is established as one of the premises of the contemporary university.

The human being is formed by the unity of the biological, the psychological, the social, the cultural and the spiritual. Psychology as a science is responsible for the study of the subjective nature of values. In this field of knowledge, values ​​become a motivational training complex of the personality, which, along with other psychological processes, intervenes in the regulation of behavior.

The formation of values ​​is not part of a spontaneous process resulting from psychic development. Its appearance will be determined, among other factors, by the subjectivation processes and by age period through which each individual is passing. Hence the importance of the process of subjectivation of values ​​in the university student.

Framed in the curricular dimension of the professional training process, values ​​education aims to make the social personal through an integrated set of methods that contribute to the integral development of the student. It is wrongly believed that the impact of educational influences is the most effective method to achieve this purpose. Values ​​will not be formed in the student by the mere fact of having passed through the university, even when their relationship system is made up of ethical, aesthetic or moral values. To analyze it this way would be to deny the active character of human beings.

It is necessary to think of education in values ​​as favoring a dynamic convergence between the mechanisms of educational influence and the emerging of the subject, that is, the intrapersonal. An imposition would violate the subjectivity of the student, resulting in a deviation in its development and a rejection of any type of influence.

Values ​​and Social Relations

Values ​​arise through social relationships. They have an objective character because their existence does not depend on personal will. They are the result and condition of human activity and communication. The moment the individual incorporates them into his personality, they come to possess a subjective, psychological character. The incorporation of a certain value to the personality is subject to several factors. In the first place, the student will not only have some level of information, understanding and reflection about the value in question, also its contents must necessarily have a personal meaning that enlivens their feelings and emotions..

Values ​​have a double character, they are objective and subjective at the same time. Responsibility, for example, cannot exist independently of a responsible subject, that is why it is subjective. In the same way, its existence is in social conditions and therefore it is objective. The subjectivation of values ​​is nothing more than the personalization of socially valued content. This refers to the relationship between the objective and the subjective, the transition from the external to the internal of the individual's psychological qualities, which is explained by Vygotsky's genetic law of development.

Subjectivation of values

The subjectivation of value does not suppose an identical copy of the values ​​present in a given social environment. Once internalized by the subject, he assumes and expresses them from their personological characteristics, so they do not manifest themselves in him in the same way that they appear in others; that is, they acquire a personalized character. They are not formed as a product of psychological development, nor are they spontaneously internalized. Rather, they are the mediate result of the individual's personal history, their conditions and lifestyle, and their education.. His personalization is determined by society and by the active role he plays in the process, thus highlighting his self-determination..

The age period plays a crucial role in the subjectivation of values, so it would be a bias not to analyze it at the same time as the stage of psychological development the individual is in. The university student is usually in the youthful age, at which time the affective-emotional sphere is seen as of great importance. Ideals, self-worth, world outlook and meaning of life, moral development, and professional motives and interests are psychological formations that are included within what affective-motivational and promote a relative independence in the subject from external influences.

Self determination

The young man must face the task of his self determination in the different spheres of life as one of the requirements for its proper development. In this way, the fact of not arbitrarily implanting the values ​​is reaffirmed. In this sense, young people should feel free to choose, among other reasons, given that self-determination is framed as a necessity rather than an aspiration..

Self-determination, together with the development of the young person's cognitive sphere, favors the emergence of the new formation of this stage: the conception of the world. It constitutes the most comprehensive complex motivational training since allows the young person to structure their meaning and life projects. It also marks the system of principles, values, concepts, beliefs, myths and ideas that a subject has about life. Therefore, behind all meaning and philosophy of life, lie, together with other personological contents, the values ​​that have been subjectivized by the individual..

Linked to the conception of the world is the emergence of theoretical conceptual thinking. The maturation of the young person's thinking allows him to reason deeply about his relationships with reality, with others and with himself, so that his philosophy of life will be marked by the reflections he makes on it. Consequently, the subjectivation of values ​​will be consciously and intentionally. Similarly, self-assessment reaches a higher level at this stage. It refers to the ability of human beings to have an evaluative representation of themselves and will be influenced by the subject's scale of values, since it is from them that they will judge their own behavior.

In the previous stages, moral conscience could be manipulated or managed by external agents, but in this period the young person is much more autonomous. This allows you to strengthen your moral conscience and with it moral values. For this reason, teachers have to guide the formation of values without usurping the student's right to self-determination. Reflecting on this aspect will make values ​​education strategies more effective, due to the existence of a close link between ideals and moral values..

In youth, the personality formation process essentially culminates. In this stage, the psychological formations of the affective-motivational sphere, allowing the young person to maintain a conscious and intentional behavior, in line with the authentic values ​​of society.

For the historical-cultural psychology Values ​​are a complex motivational formation of the personality, not spontaneous products of psychic development. This implies that their formation depends both on the social conditions in which the subject develops and on their intrapsychic qualities..

The incorporation into the personality of the university student of the socially valued content is produced through the subjectivation of the same and in this process the student's conception of the world, his self-assessment, his moral development and his need for self-determination will always intervene..

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