The integration of the cerebral hemispheres increases our quality of life

Simon Doyle
The integration of the cerebral hemispheres increases our quality of life

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein


  • What does it mean to integrate the hemispheres?
  • With which group of functions do you most identify?
  • Benefits of brain integration
  • What can we do to stimulate the integration of the two hemispheres?

What does it mean to integrate the hemispheres?

It means to promote the connection between the two cerebral hemispheres, the left and the right. Let's see roughly what we talk about when we talk about cerebral hemispheres.

At the structural level, our brain is made up of the right and left hemispheres, both are connected by the central part, which allows information from one to pass to the other and, together, process the globality of the world. Each hemisphere is specialized in a series of functions.

The left hemisphere is more analytical, it is in charge of the most rational part, logic, it works with words, it is more rigid, etc. on the other hand, the right hemisphere is in charge of creative functions, it is more intuitive, perceptive, it works with metaphorical and symbolic language, with images, it is more flexible and, ultimately, more holistic.

While the left hemisphere will be more activated to do tasks such as mathematical calculations, data analysis, grocery shopping, etc. the right hemisphere will be more activated when we listen to music, when we paint a picture, when we daydream, etc..

With which group of functions do you most identify?

In our western society, the use of certain functions in defect of others has been promoted and reinforced, making us believe that some were "better" than others, those of the left hemisphere over those of the right, thus what is called the dominant hemisphere. The functions of the right hemisphere have been labeled as "infantile", probably because during the first years of life it is the hemisphere that directs us.

After decades this operation has been established in the knowledge that we transmit to each other, especially in the education that we give to the little ones, promoting the left hemisphere from an early age, and in the values ​​that we idolize..

Let's see an example, it is customary to positively value being a perfectionist, especially in the workplace, this trait will involve being analytical, meticulous, rigid, anxious, etc., no one would go to say that this is not positive, since it can give a excellent work result but at what price? And I'm not saying that this is bad in itself, but the opposite, but unfortunately this operation overshadows other functions, the more intuitive, perceptual, relaxed, etc. And this does cause a problem, since we stop perceiving the world as a whole, diminishing our perception and learning capacity.

It may interest you: Herrmann brain dominance test

Benefits of brain integration

When we integrate the two hemispheres we feel in harmony, a fact that happens when the parties communicate well. So we feel flexible, calm, connected with ourselves and with our environment, we relate better with others since it increases our capacity for empathy, we perceive holistically, etc..

What can we do to stimulate the integration of the two hemispheres?

As we say, each cerebral hemisphere is specialized in carrying out a series of tasks, therefore to promote the right hemisphere, which is the one that is most deprived, we can do the following:

  • Reflect: reflection gives space to generate subjective and creative responses.
  • Imagine: we can do it through reading metaphors, poetry, or by itself.
  • Make use of a sense of humor
  • Breathe consciously: breathing is par excellence one of the great enhancers of the right hemisphere, as well as doing relaxation and meditation exercises that promote body awareness and the activation of the parasympathetic system, a system that relaxes us.
  • Feel the silence: promote your own conscience
  • Enjoying art: taking time to listen to music without doing anything else, looking at works of art that we like, reading novels, etc. choose the art you like.

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