Psychology in Advertising and Marketing

Sherman Hoover
Psychology in Advertising and Marketing

It is widely known that there is a direct relationship between psychology and advertising and marketing. From the chosen typeface to the advertising items that companies give to customers and workers, there is a whole chain that has been studied by specialists and that pursues a clear objective: the connection between the consumer and the company.

In fact, there are many advertisers who say that current marketing has entered a new phase known as marketing 3.0. These come to say that current consumers no longer only look at the product and the advertising campaign that accompanies it; now it is a question of going one step further and studying the company itself, its values ​​and ideals.

In simple words, Marketing 3.0 is based on the emotional identification of the consumer with the company and the workers who manufacture a product.

Psychological tools in advertising and marketing

Brands have understood that new consumers demand not only a good product, but also a good behavior. New times, especially concern about climate change, play a determining role in this new conception of consumers.

However, they sometimes forget that brands have an entire team of marketing and advertising experts who can shape an image that doesn't really exist. Thus, there are many tools that are used from the marketing world to convey a brand image, realistic or not..

  1. Differentiation from the competition

If brands are trying to establish a unique connection with potential customers, it stands to reason that one of the first steps they take is differentiation from your competition. Thus, it is about projecting the image of a different brand, depending in each case on the company and the product for sale..

For example, in recent years we have seen companies committed to the environment (called zero waste or zero waste) or betting on the local and national economy. This will make the difference with other companies that, for their part, manufacture abroad.

  1. Connection and closeness with the client

In the search for a certain connection with the consumer, the language. Sometimes the big brands have to face a serious and distant image that they have inherited from their predecessors. Unlike past generations, new consumers do not look for great companies that convey seriousness and firmness. Rather, the new connection is based on the equality between companies and consumers.

For this reason, many brands that we know have changed their uniforms for casual t-shirts, funny logos or social networks in which they interact with the consumer..

  1. Empathy and concern for the same issues

In the same way that we share hobbies with clients, global concerns are the same. Among them, the environment has become an advertising bet.

Thanks to ad campaigns and marketing teams, brands are starting to sell the idea of ​​a "sustainable brand", fully computerized offices or the manufacture of new products based on recycled ingredients. Like the consumer, the company is part of the collective concerns.

  1. Experiences and sensations

Classic advertising campaigns, those in which a message was simply broadcast by a mass media, have become outdated. Today's consumers are looking for sensations and emotions, need to understand that they are more than just a recipient for the company. To do this, brands carry out raffles, give away promotional items, respond to messages from social networks ... In general, it is about generating an experience for the consumer, an event that goes beyond the purchase of the product itself.

  1. Long-term loyalty

Although each company is different, years ago it was common for them to barely offer guarantees. The objective was the sale of a product and, since the competition of that time was not like it is now, little attention was paid to questions related to the final deal, customer service by phone, guarantees ...

Over time this brand idea has become out of date. Companies are currently looking get loyal customers to buy back the products it offers.

This requires constant treatment and concern on the part of the company, who must guarantee to the client that they will always take their needs into account even if the sale has taken place..

With the use of the Internet, social networks or emails have opened a world of possibilities. Thus, many brands have a specialized customer service team who answers questions, contacts clients or conducts surveys online. In addition, mechanisms such as storytelling are incredibly effective, as well as recommend tips to save or prolong the life of the product.

If you are still wanting to know more about the relationship between psychology and marketing, the newspaper El Confidencial carried out an analysis on the tricks of large companies to sell their products.

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