Reality is not subjective and goodness exists

Robert Johnston
Reality is not subjective and goodness exists

The idea is widespread that there are as many truths as there are people, that everything is relative, "depending on the color glass with which you look at it", it is often said.

And although it is true thateach individual perceives reality according to their ideas or subjective parameters, forged through experience, that subjective perception of reality does not invalidate that there is a single reality.

An example

If a person comes to a gathering accompanied by a dog, each of the meeting participants can interpret this event in a different way..

You will think that the dog is wonderful, and you will feel joy. Another who is unpleasant, and will be angry. Someone else will think that dogs are dirty, and they will feel disgusted. Still another may think that they are going to give them a disease, and they will be afraid. Another will think that dogs are extraordinary and will feel affection for him.

Each one has lived that experience from their own parameters, and as a consequence of this they have felt one thing or another., but the dog is the same.

Another example

Suppose that a person answers angrily to another, that other person tells him that he has been angry and the first says that he is not. It is not possible that both things are true, or he has been angry or not, it would not be worth saying "that is your truth".

Another issue is how to discover who is right or to what extent both distort their interpretation of reality, because they may have gotten angry, but not as much as the other assures.

However, it is a very widespread idea today that there is no reality or truth, but that "each one has his own truth." This confuses the person who thinks about it, because it would suppose that there are as many truths as there are people, that is, each one would live in their own world, which enchants the person in his distorted vision of reality.

The idea that everyone has their own truth keeps them away from solving conflicts

It would be more correct to say that each one has, or lives, their distortion of truth or reality. Being aware of this fact will push them to correct this distortion..

Many of these distortions are specific to each individual, others are similar in individuals of the same culture or social class. Others are common to humanity (like continuing to get angry at reality).

The distortions of reality, that can be more or less serious, more or less striking, have their origin in ideas, whether they are beliefs, concepts, conclusions, ideologies ..., which are normally based on assumptions, erroneous interpretations due to misunderstood experiences or assumption of the ideas of others.

There are innumerable issues in the day to day that they face without reflecting, imitating those around them or allowing themselves to be carried away by their fears.

Suffering is the result of a distortion of reality

Therefore, it produces an incalculable benefit learn to discover the reality that remains hidden behind the veil of misconceptions, ideas that produce a certain way of thinking, feeling and acting, and whose mistakes lead to suffering.

Goodness exists

In this sense, and without following any type of belief, or having to adhere to any creed, it is very important be confident that life has meaning. Perceive or feel that goodness exists, or if one does not feel it, reason about its existence.

You can perceive in yourself that inclination towards goodness, in some cases as slight pangs of conscience, other times enjoying goodness in all its fullness, enjoying when you collaborate with others, when you help yourself, when you contribute something to others. others or when you feel grateful.

To solve what makes you suffer and enjoy life, it is essential to feel that confidence in life and regain it if it has been lost.. As each one conceives it: goodness, truth, God, life ... But always as something good that sustains us and helps us to learn, not that it blackmails us, demands, or punishes arbitrarily or if we are wrong.

There are different ways to feel or perceive that goodness. The simplest is pay attention to those good feelings, to that feeling that there is something, something good beyond oneself, although one does not know how to explain it. Another way is to check the feeling of satisfaction that arises when we act for the benefit of all (others and ourselves, at the same time).

Like everything, it should not be a blind belief, but a personal verification that this is so.

Life has not betrayed us, simply a large part of humanity has lost confidence in it..

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