Psychodynamic Therapy

Egbert Haynes
Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic Therapy or psychodynamic orientation as it is also known, is a therapeutic approach that encompasses the work of all analytic therapies. Its roots lie predominantly in Freud's approach to psychoanalysis, but Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Otto Rank, and Melanie Klein are widely recognized for further developing the concept and application of psychodynamics..

Like Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapy, the goal of therapy is to bring the unconscious mind to consciousness, to help individuals understand their true, deeply held feelings in order to resolve them. Our unconscious is seen as holding onto painful feelings and memories, which are too difficult for the conscious mind to process. In order to ensure that these memories and experiences do not surface, many people will develop defenses, such as denial and projections. According to Psychodynamic Therapy, these defenses tend to do more harm than good..

While sharing the same fundamental principles of psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Therapy is much less intensive, focusing primarily on immediate problems and trying to find a faster solution..

How does psychodynamic therapy work?

The psychodynamic approach is guided by the fundamental principle that the unconscious mind harbors deep-rooted feelings and memories that can affect our behavior. Psychodynamic therapists function accordingly, in different context-specific ways, varying their techniques and style of therapy for the individual. They maintain a relationship of equality with their client, adopting the attitude of unconditional acceptance and with the aim of developing a relationship of trust. This encourages the client to open up and explore unresolved issues and hidden conflicts in their unconscious that are affecting their mood and behavior..

In order to help the client understand what their unconscious disturbances are and how their mind works, psychodynamic therapists will make use of similar techniques used in psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic therapy. These are listed below:

  • Free Association: This technique involves the client speaking freely with the therapist - saying the first things that come to mind. There is no attempt to shape ideas before they are said, nor do clients say things from a linear story structure. Spontaneity allows true thoughts and feelings to emerge without any concern as painful, illogical, or silly it may sound to the therapist..
  • Therapeutic transfer: This as a reversal of a person's feelings - especially those unconsciously retained since childhood - about the therapist. Clients often feel a loving attraction to their therapist, but this transference can manifest itself in many other ways, such as hatred, mistrust, extreme dependency, and anger. Through recognition and exploration of this relationship, the client can begin to understand their feelings and resolve any conflicts with their childhood figures..
  • Interpretation: The therapist is likely to remain relatively calm throughout the treatment, but will occasionally intersperse thoughts or interpretations of the topics the client chooses to discuss. The application of these interpretations will depend on the therapists' awareness of the state and the mental capacity of the client to integrate materials that they are not aware of..

Ultimately, it is up to the therapist to help clients learn new patterns of behavior and ways of thinking that promote personal development and growth; help them overcome the limitations caused by unconscious feelings. In general, this process tends to be quick and solution-focused, and sessions will take place once a week, lasting about 50 minutes. Psychodynamic therapy seeks to solve the most immediate problems.

Who can benefit from Psychodynamic Therapy?

The psychodynamic approach is designed to help people with a wide range of problems, but it tends to be more effective in treating more specific issues, such as anxiety disorders (eg, phobias and obsessive compulsive disorders).

It is also appropriate for those who are really interested in exploring themselves, and seeking self-knowledge, as well as symptom relief. They will have the capacity for self-reflection and a natural curiosity about themselves and why they behave the way they do. For example, someone who maintains the choice of abusive partners may want to learn how to break that pattern by exploring their unconscious conflicts through free association..

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