The 10 Most Relevant Technical Creations in History

David Holt
The 10 Most Relevant Technical Creations in History

Among the main technical creations of history The microscope, the wheel, the telescope, the steam engine, the light bulb, the automobile, the photographic camera, the computer, the telephone and the printing press stand out..

Man has never given up in his constant search for innovation and simplification of tasks. This characteristic dates from the beginning of time.

That is why the great inventions of man have made technological evolution possible throughout history, with applications of great utility in the scientific, mechanical and medical fields..

Throughout history, man has been characterized by his creativity and broad ability to reinvent himself, using available resources in an extremely efficient way..

Main technical creations of the story

1- Microscope

It was invented by the Dutch lens maker Zacharias Janssen in 1590. Then, in 1655, the English scientist Robert Hooke perfected this instrument and created the first compound microscope, with two lens systems..

2- Wheel

According to some sources, the invention of the wheel dates back to 3200 BC. The creation of the wheel is an icon in the evolution of human society.

The wheel greatly simplified the transport mechanisms that were used at that time.

3- Telescope

The invention of the telescope is attributed to the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, who formally presented this instrument to the Venetian authorities in mid-1609..

The first telescope had eight magnifications. By using this instrument Galileo sighted a great variety of stars that were not perceptible to the naked eye..

4- Steam engine

English blacksmith and inventor Thomas Newcomen is the author of the first atmospheric steam engine, in the early 1700s.

In 1765 the English engineer James Watt perfected the above design and created the first modern steam engine, which was used as the basis for steamships and locomotives..

5- The bulb

It is a joint creation between Joseph Swan and Thomas Alva Edison, in the late 1870s.

Edison worked on the creation of Swan to invent the light bulb with carbon filaments, capable of staying on for more than 40 hours.

6- Automobile

The first automobile in history was created by the German engineer Karl Benz, in the middle of the year 1885.

This vehicle was called "Motorwagen" and had a small four-stroke engine, a carburetor and simple water-based cooling..

7- Photographic camera

The first photographic camera was created by the Frenchman Charles Chevalier and his brother Jacques Vincent, in 1826.

This first camera was made of wood and had a very rudimentary working principle.

8- Computer

The invention of the first computer is attributed to Charles Babbage, Konrad Zuse, Tommy Flowers and Alan Turing, in 1940.

Without a doubt, it is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.

9- Telephone

Scientist and inventor Alexander Graham Bell is listed as the one who patented the invention of the telephone in late 1875.

However, the phone was created by Antonio Meucci, who cannot patent it first because he does not have the necessary money..

This device was capable of electronically transmitting the human voice through itself.

10- Printing

In the 1430s the German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg created the printing press, which made it possible to massively reproduce literary works and promote their dissemination.


  1. 5 inventions of the Industrial Revolution that changed the world (2017). Recovered from:
  2. Galileo Galilei's greatest invention: The telescope (2017). Recovered from:
  3. History of microscopes (2017). Recovered from:
  4. The 15 best inventions in history (2013). Recovered from:
  5. The 50 inventions (s.f.). Recovered from:
  6. Pino, F. (s.f.). How do steam engines work? Recovered from:
  7. Pino, F. (s.f.). The 10 best inventions in history. Recovered from:
  8. Who Invented the Camera? Recovered from:

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