Some functions of a leader They are planning, delegating tasks and achieving goals or objectives. A leader is a person who leads a group, organization or country. It can also be defined as "the individual who constantly exerts more impact than others in the direction of a group activity".
To be a good leader it is necessary to have some specific skills, such as knowing how to communicate, having motivation and flexibility, among others. The effectiveness of a leader can be measured by the number of goals achieved or by the number of people who follow him..
Through planning, the way in which the goal will be reached will be defined. That is, the actions and steps to follow are designed to solve any identified problem.
To create such a plan, the scenario and the facts, both external and internal, that can affect the goals set, must be taken into account. The starting point is the current moment or situation.
With the fulfillment of the activities established in the planning, the work team is usually strengthened.
It is about selecting the decisions to reach the objectives or solve a conflict.
To accomplish the problem, the leader needs to analyze the data, examine the alternatives, exchange information, and determine a course of action..
Delegating requires assigning activities to someone else. This also has to do with accepting that there is no one way of doing things, and that people have different perspectives on what is being done..
Once delegated, efforts are multiplied to achieve the desired result.
Leaders set the goals that the organization or team has to reach. Therefore, one of the main functions of leaders is to achieve fulfillment of these commitments..
Goals are generally planned in the short, medium and long term.
In the case of support, it refers to the help that the leader can offer during the planning process and achievement of the objectives.
Evaluation is the process not only of control, but of learning and exchange of experiences, taking into account what has been planned and what allowed reaching the goals or not..
With the evaluation of the results obtained, information can be obtained and data measured to analyze the fulfillment of each of the planned objectives. With these conclusions an effective feedback is achieved.
To lead it is necessary to know how to communicate. That person who wants to achieve a series of objectives or transmit values must know how to explain himself to all those who make up his team or close staff.
At the same time, you must know how to listen to those who will be around you, since they will be able to transmit feelings, ideas, feedback or opinions that can serve to improve coordination..
Training is essential for the person involved in a project to know how to develop. The leader has the function of facilitating this training and keeping abreast of possible educational and training improvements that help the company and his family..
Counseling is key to providing the support the team needs. Clearing unknowns is key for the system to continue working, so the leader must always be willing to listen to the needs and know how to cover them.
That a person is motivated when carrying out any activity is key for a project to work. Motivation improves efficiency, quality and performance, so a leader must put a certain effort in always keeping those close to him motivated.
And one of the main ways to motivate is by rewarding those who deserve it. If a person is valued, his loyalty and efficiency will be more difficult to corrupt. A leader must be fair in this regard and know how to give his reward when it is deserved.
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