The 10 most important Renaissance works in history

Philip Kelley
The 10 most important Renaissance works in history

The Renaissance works They are part of the heritage of humanity. This era was the niche of great artists who through art created dream paintings that are still considered the best in history today..

Thinking about this and that you expand your cultural knowledge, we present the 10 best known Renaissance works.

Before going into the subject and showing you the most representative Renaissance works, it is necessary to contextualize a little and tell you what we are talking about.

What is the Renaissance? Main Features

The Renaissance is the name given to a time of great cultural proliferation in which the brilliance of pictorial art and other types of arts is evident. This era is between the 15th and 16th century in Europe, and today it is still considered as one of the peak time points of art.

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Among the most representative authors of the time we find Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Raphael. Each one gave a distinctive touch to their production, but retaining the main characteristics of the Renaissance What are they:

  • It moves from a society that revolves around the religious, to explore other facets of existence.
  • Humanism shines with its own light, highlighting the role of the human being in the world.
  • At this time the classical values ​​of Greek culture are highlighted.
  • Rational thinking is valued as the transforming axis of society.
  • This era stands out for its great investigative and technical curiosity.
  • The relationship between art and nature is explored.

These are just some of the Renaissance characteristics. Here are some of the most important works of this era.

Selection of the main works of the Renaissance

1. La Gioconda (Leonardo Da Vinci 1503 and 1519)

The Mona Lisa It is also recognized as "The Mona Lisa" and it is one of the most relevant works in the artistic world. It was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci, who worked on this portrait for more than four years.

There are various enigmas around this work, such as the smile of the protagonist, which has been an element studied by different art critics..

Among its curiosities we also find that this is the painting with the most replicas and reinterpretations in all of history. Although the work does not have an exact date, it is presumed that it was made between 1503 and 1519.

2. The Last Supper (Leonardo Da Vinci 1495-1497)

This is one of the most important Renaissance works in all of history, so much so that it is considered that in many houses in various countries of the world there is a replica of this wonderful painting.

It is presumed that the work was made between the years 1495 and 1497, from that moment it became one of the standards of religious art. As it is possible to observe, in it the episode of the “last supper” is portrayed, one of the most relevant moments in the life of Jesus.

3. Portrait of Cardinal (Raphael 1510)

Cardinal portrait it is one of the most representative works of Rafael. It was created in 1510 and is also known simply as "El Cardenal". The time when this painting was inspired was the papacy of Julius II. It was he who authorized the portrayal of one of the cardinals of the time.

However, it should be noted that multiple investigations have been made to find out which Cardinal was portrayed and all have been unsuccessful..

Rafael is considered an artistic icon who inspired other great artists such as Tiziano Vecellio.

4. The Annunciation (Fra Angelico 1426)

This painting was made by Fra Angelico in 1426. This painter was also known as Guido Di Prieto da Mugello. The painting is considered one of the most relevant Renaissance works thanks to the use of perspective, color and light.

In this beautiful work "The Annunciation" is portrayed that the Archangel Gabriel makes to Mary, where he announces that she will be the mother of the son of God. The play of colors and lights makes this work a real delight for the observer.

5. The Sistine Chapel (Michelangelo 1508-1502)

The Sistine Chapel is not a work in theory, but a set of works used to decorate the Chapel that bears the same name and which is one of the most important religious temples.

It is said that during the process of the work, Miguel Ángel affected his eyes seriously, due to the paint residues that fell in the middle of his creative exercise. This monumental work is composed of more than 300 figures that allude to the time that man lived on earth, before Jesus Christ.

6. Dante and the Divine Comedy (Domenico Di Michelino 1465)

Domenico Di Michelino created this marvelous work in 1465. Here we see Dante portrayed on a stage that alludes to one of the scenes, one of the most important literary works of world literature.

It is considered that Divine Comedy It is the one that opens the door that allows the transition between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, which is why this work is undoubtedly an icon of Renaissance works, thanks to its powerful intertextuality.

7. Spring (Sandro Boticelli 1482)

Boticelli's Primavera is one of the most recognized Renaissance works in the world. In this beautiful painting the arrival of spring is portrayed, staging mythological characters and fantastic creatures that are a powerful symbol within the spring energy..

This was one of the many paintings created at the request of the Medici family, one of the most influential families, recognized for being artistic patrons of the most important painters of the time.

8. The Birth of Venus (Sandro Boticelli 1484)

Boticelli takes another place in this top, because The Birth of Venus that was born in 1484 is one of the most beautiful works in history. This painting recreates the birth of the goddess Venus who emerges from the sea. This painting is of a unique symbolic richness.

Some critics of Renaissance art assure that the beauty of Venus in this work is inspired by Simonetta Vespucci, a woman of incomparable beauty who became the muse of many painters of the time..

9. Flora (Titian, 1515 and 1517)

Mythological characters were a common theme within Renaissance works. This beautiful painting created by Titian, portrays Flora the goddess of spring, showing her in a sober way and with a sublime beauty.

Like many other works of the time, this type of technique was very common in the Renaissance, and it sought to represent the fertility and happiness of married life.

10. The Hunters in the Snow (Pieter Brueghel 1565)

This work, created by Pieter Brueghel, as its name implies, portrays hunters in the snow. The use of color, light and contrast is masterful, which has led it to position itself among the best works of the Renaissance..

This work has so many elements that it has been the protagonist of numerous historical studies. The most daring researchers assure that the work speaks of the cruelty and cruel practices inflicted by the Duke of Alba in the rule of the Habsburgs in Flanders.

So far our compilation of the most important Renaissance works of all time. We hope you enjoyed it and that this knowledge enriches your level of general culture.

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