The 100 Best Quotes of Aldous Huxley

Sherman Hoover

I leave you the best Aldous Huxley quotes (1894-1963), English essayist and novelist born in 1894. In 1921 he published his first novel called Crome scandals.

His main work called happy world, It was published in 1932 and is considered one of the most important works of literature of all time. They also stand out among his books A Mocking Pilate from 1926 and New visit to the happy world of 1958.

You may also be interested in these phrases from writers or are you about reading.

-The experience is not what happens to you, but what you do with what happens to you.

-There is only one corner of the universe that you can be sure to improve, and that is your own self..

-There are known things and there are unknown things, and in the middle are the doors of perception.

-To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong with respect to other countries.

-The world is an illusion, but it is an illusion that we must take seriously.

-Finding the truth for yourself will never be the same as having to listen to it for others.

-Love drives away fear and reciprocally fear drives away love.

-Words have the power of X-rays, if used properly they can cut through everything.

-Genius has its secret in always maintaining the spirit of a child until old age, which means never losing enthusiasm.

-In the combat of life our most powerful weapon is love.

-Good ends cannot be achieved by inappropriate means.

-Our progress is due to the dissatisfied.

-The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

-Perhaps the only true men are the wise.

-The bourgeois is the perfect human in a domesticated state.

-Leaving silence aside, what best expresses what cannot be expressed is music.

-How do you know that Earth is not the hell of another planet?

-You can find the whole present even in broken pieces.

-When we see indifference we see a form of laziness. And when we see laziness we see one of the forms of heartbreak. No person is negligent with what he loves.

-My longing is not comfort. I look for God, I long for poetry, I want true risk, I long for freedom, I long for goodness. I want sin.

-What we think determines what we are and what we do, and reciprocally, what we do and what we are determines what we think.

-Happiness is never great.

-Knowing is a matter that can be considered relatively easy. Wanting and being able to act according to what one would like, is a more difficult matter.

-There are three types of intelligence: human intelligence, animal intelligence, and military intelligence..

-The good for all humanity must be that each one can be happy to the fullest, with the guarantee that their happiness will not diminish that of others at all.

-For all dogs men are gods. But there are men who love dogs more than men.

-Being intelligent seeks the experience you want to make.

-The more sinister the purposes of a politician, the more elaborate his language tends to be.

-Neighbors who are never seen up close are the ideal and perfect neighbors.

-A truth that lacks emotion can be displaced by a lie that has emotion.

-Stupidity is, of course, a daughter of the will.

-All people always get what they ask for. The problem is that before having it they are never aware of what they asked for.

-By character we understand the summation of the tendencies to act in a certain direction.

-The end cannot justify the means, for the simple fact that the means employed determine the nature of the ends..

-The gods are created by men in their likeness.

-In research on diseases, such great progress has been made that it is more difficult every day to find someone who is completely healthy.

-When you are part of a crowd you can experience something very similar to when you get intoxicated with alcohol.

-Violence routinely results in the need for more violence.

-The most penetrating criticisms are cartoons and parodies.

-It is a pity but higher education does not necessarily guarantee a virtue or a higher public wisdom.

-Public shows are to the current era what religion was in the Middle Ages.

-Nationalism along with capitalism are the fruit of the obsession with power, success and social prestige.

-The man who is silent does not bear witness against himself.

-In most cases, ignorance is a surmountable issue. We don't know why we don't want to know.

-To go far on the mystical path, man must desire God with intensity but learn to do it quietly, passively, although with all his heart, with all his spirit and all his strength..

-Power is of such a nature that even in what they have obtained inadvertently and without seeking it, the idea of ​​increasing it more and more is born..

-The advance of natural knowledge is marked by an absolute rejection of authority.

-We have the words to explain the meaning of things, so that the listener understands said meaning.

-It is essential for us to free ourselves from the fundamental human incapacity that constitutes materialistic selfishness..

-I believe that there is a group of technological devices that can take us away from freedom by imposing control.

-In underdeveloped countries, life expectancy is decreasing alarmingly, we must do something.

-I see a pattern that seems to drive the establishment of a totalitarian regime.

-It seems that the communist party will be the heir to this land without liberties.

-The Catholic Church seems to be pushing us into the hands of the Communists.

-The whole essence of biological life on Earth is a question of balance, if we break that balance, there will be no life.

-Overorganization is robbing us of our freedom.

-The more complex the technologies, the greater the need to create organizations capable of keeping them under control..

-We must not underestimate our own technological advances.

-A well-molded and neutral technology is a tremendous power that can be used for good or it can be abused for evil..

-I believe that in the future dictators will find to preserve their power through the consent of the dominated and this in part will be due to the use of drugs.

-We will be persuaded without realizing the damage they do to our capacity for reason and judgment.

-What propagandist dictators do is try to outwit the rational side of man and appeal to his emotions and unconscious forces..

-It seems as if all the propaganda is in the hands of one or very few agencies.

-Descriptions of advertising methods are really bloody when you read them.

-Advertising training techniques produce a youth breakdown causing 75% loyal fans with unique vision.

-I believe that all new technologies are an instrument to acquire power and there is nothing more tentative than the passion to hold power.

-All these devices that are supposed to limit power, are nothing more than instruments to prolong the power of a small group..

-Cynical realism is man's best clever excuse for doing nothing in an intolerable situation.

-An intellectual is a person who has found something that is more interesting than sex..

-People will come to love their oppression, and will adore technologies that will suppress their abilities to think..

-The deepest sin against the human mind is believing in things without evidence.

-Beauty is worse than wine, it intoxicates both those who have it and those who observe it.

-The purpose of advertisers is to make a group of people forget that certain other groups of people are human..

-Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

-The most valuable of all education is the ability to make you do the things you have to do, when they have to be done, no matter if you like them or not..

-One believes in things because we are conditioned to believe in them.

-Wherever a choice must be made between the man of reason and the mad man, without hesitation the world has followed the mad man.

-The more powerful and original a mind is, the more it will lean towards the religion of solitude.

-If many of us continue to ignore ourselves, it is because self-knowledge is painful and we prefer the pleasure of illusion..

-Be careful to be very rational. In the land of madness, the whole man does not become king. He is lynched.

-The pleasures of ignorance are as good, in their way, as the pleasures of knowledge..

-If one is different, we are meant to be alone.

-Life is short and information is endless: no one has time for everything.

-If you want to write, have cats.

-That men don't learn much from history lessons is the most important lesson in all of history..

-The most important goal in life is to discover that you have always been where you are supposed to be..

-Experience teaches only what can be taught.

-Dream in a practical way.

-We are all geniuses until we turn ten.

-We don't want to change. Every change is a threat to stability.

-Most of us are looking for peace and freedom; but there are very few of us who are enthusiastic about the thoughts, feelings, and actions that achieve that peace and freedom.

-Being a fool at the right time is also an art.

-Happiness is a rude teacher, particularly other people's happiness.

-Everything that happens means something; nothing you do is insignificant.

-Anyone who wants the good of the human race always ends up in universal harassment.

-Words are good servants but bad teachers.

-We oppose morality because it interferes with our sexual freedom.

-Many excuses are always less convincing than one.

-If the prince of peace were to come to earth, one of the first things he would do would be to put psychiatrists in his place..

-I have always found that angels have the vanity to speak of themselves as the only wise.

-Words are magical in the way that they affect the minds of those who use them..

-I want to know what passion is. I want to strongly feel something.

-I am me, and I wish I wasn't me.

-The memory of each man is his private literature.

-Freedoms are not given, they are taken.

-It is natural to believe in God when you are alone, very lonely, at night, thinking about death..

-The pain was a fascinating horror.

-The charm of the story and its enigmatic lessons lies in the fact that, from time to time, nothing changes and still everything is completely different..

-I can sympathize with people's pain, but not with their pleasures. There's something oddly boring about someone else's happiness.

-A man can smile and smile but still be a villain.

-When people are suspicious of you, you start to be suspicious of them..

-Never put off tomorrow the fun you can have today.

-Consciousness is only possible through change; change is possible only through movement.

-I claim the right to be unhappy.

-They should allow us to live on this planet only as long as we treat nature with compassion and intelligence..

-Can you comment on anything?

-What man is attached to, nature does not have the power to separate him.

-Reality, as utopian as it may be, is something that people feel the need to take vacations from very often..

-Most human beings have the almost infinite capacity to take things for granted.

-It is not a question of forgetting. What we have to learn is how to remember and still get rid of the past.

-No one can have the comforts of religion or philosophy unless he has experienced its desolations first..

-Routine transforms luxurious pleasures into boring, everyday necessities.

-With success (regardless of the meaning) or with failure, we all overreact the part of our favorite character in fiction..

-For each traveler who has a taste of his own, the only useful guide will be the one he has written himself..

-Give us on this day our daily faith, but deliver us, dear God, from belief.

-Everyone strives for happiness, and the result is that no one is happy.

-Well I'd rather be unhappy than have the kind of fake, lying happiness you have here.

-An irrelevance, and your life is altered.

-Anyone who knows how to read has the power to glorify himself, to multiply the way he exists, to make his life full, important and interesting.

-The concern of the next generation will not be how to free the masses, but how to make them love their servitude..

-The greater the talent of man, the greater is his power to lose himself.

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