The 100 Best César Lozano Phrases

Alexander Pearson

I leave you the best César Lozano quotes, surgeon and famous lecturer of Mexican origin, host of the program For the pleasure of living, which is broadcast in Mexico, Argentina and the United States through the radio station MSV Radio.

You may also be interested in these inspirational phrases.

-Simplicity and humility are not incompatible with intelligence and power. Treat how you would like to be treated.

-Become someone who provokes memorable moments, comforting smiles and unforgettable recognitions.

-Avoid the daily doses of poison that irremediably annihilate love: bad character and indifference.

-Avoid crying to those who do not cry for you, miss those who do not value you and spend time with those who do not deserve you.

-Forgiving is the greatest act of love. But earning forgiveness is the greatest responsibility.

-True love is much more than feeling. It is a daily decision to be made.

-Beware of emotional vampires. They criticize everything, they complain about everything, and they suck your energy, infecting you with their negativity.

-Warm, bitter and inconsequential people are most bothered by the brightness of the smiling, hardworking and happy.

-The best way to debunk a rumor will be by how unimportant you give it. That your attitude denies it by itself.

-Offenses are like gifts: one decides whether or not to receive them.

-We will never find the answers to everything that has happened. Because I? Why me? Everything happens for a reason. The light always returns.

-Dogs will always bark at the moon, but they will never be able to reach it.

-What a great truth the phrase that says: the person who makes you strong is also your greatest weakness.

-If your ex says to you arrogantly: "You will never find someone like me!" You answer: “Sure! That's what it's about! ".

-A terrible mistake is to cement our happiness in a single person, in a single project, in a single dream.

-Never beg for anyone's love. Pray to God to make you value what you do have and bring closer to those who do deserve your love.

-Silence hurts, because if your silence spoke, I would hear what I do not want to recognize.

-It hurts more to ignore someone than to despise them. When you ignore, you sow doubt. When you despise, you affirm.

-Things that are good to let flow: undeserved offenses, acknowledgments expected and not received, and unrequited love.

-No matter how much pain there is in your heart, no matter how indifferent they show you, always try to make them see you smiling, happy and wanting to continue.

-Your indifference turns off my love, your jealousy confuses my love and your aggressiveness detracts from my love.

-It is good to remember that the physical attracts, but the personality falls in love.

-Suffering appears when reason or the heart want to change reality before what I cannot change. Acceptance free.

-Don't constantly ask, "Do you love me?" Because it makes doubt those who do love you. Analyze the origin of your doubts.

-If my mistake was to love you: blessed mistake; if your mistake was not to do it: how horrible your loss!

-If you truly love, give your partner space, support their growth, control your character and listen more than you talk.

-The most painful thing about a goodbye is not having learned. Live your duel, accept your failures, bless your successes and go your way.

-Today I made an agreement with God: I will thank Him more than I ask because He really knows what I need.

-Every encounter with someone can become an anecdote in the future. It is up to you to be unforgettable.

-Going back to the one who mistreated or betrayed you is like wearing the same unwashed underwear from yesterday. You do not lack, but you feel discomfort.

-The best way to start the day is to make a firm resolve not to let my real and imaginary problems dampen my faith and joy..

-Spending a day without a good memory, without a reason to rejoice, something to celebrate or acknowledge, is not living. Is to survive.

-Pain is a teacher that no one would like to have, but it is from which we can learn the most. His cure: time.

-Negotiating: it is the art of convincing another of what you want. But the most difficult negotiation is convincing ourselves of what is really better.

-When hungry, any bland street taco tastes like glory to you. The same happens when there is loneliness and urgency to be loved.

-Without a doubt, the biggest challenge is to prevent our happiness from depending on someone.

-It is possible to bear your natural flaws, but it is impossible to bear your apathy and indifference..

-Saying something positive when correcting someone makes you cautious. Accepting your mistakes with humility makes you smart.

-I wish the best for you because I firmly believe that everything I say or wish to others comes back to me multiplied.

-Let's start this day with a positive balance. Let's count your skills, strengths, blessings, and affections.

-It hurts to find reasons to no longer love you, but it hurts more not to remember the reasons that made me love you.

-For my sake, today I decide that your bad memories and your few good memories go to the dead archive of my memory.

-In business and in love, your level of expectations defines what you will get. Wait more because you deserve the best.

-As long as I have something to do, I have done nothing.

-Avoid continually swearing by what you say. The more you swear by everything, the less credibility you will have.

-If we only decided to live in the present and add a dose of faith in what is to come, we would be happier.

-May the day give you reasons to thank and may your presence give you reasons to smile.

-Regretting forever is a lousy investment. Better learn, forgive, forgive yourself and let life give each one what they deserve.

-Rejoicing or making fun of the misfortunes of others is the best way to attract them into your life.

-I reserve the right of admission of my thoughts. Today I only accept the ones that make me feel good.

-Make sure that you are missed in your absence, but do not prolong it too long so that it does not feel that it can be better without you.

-It is not about finding an extraordinary person, it is about finding something extraordinary in an ordinary person..

-If after so much love my past mistakes irritate you and my present overwhelms you, it means that my future will be better without you.

-May difficult times never lack a good memory, a good friend and a solid faith.

-If in love today you settle for crumbs, tomorrow do not complain about being hungry.

-Expecting more from those we love is the greatest cause of disappointment and giving more to those who do not deserve it, too.

-That pride does not take over you. It is better to be happy than to always want to be right.

-Over time you learn that nothing is forever. Everything changes; Be thankful and let flow is what gives stability.

-In solitude is where I have found true company.

-The most cunning and intelligent woman is the one who makes a man believe that he is in control of the relationship.

-Do not lower yourself in arguments with those who seek to destabilize you. Remember, the one who argues the more, the more lacking. There are levels!

-My father told me that he who lies in the small can lie in the transcendent.

-I forgive you, because I love you, but I walk away because I love myself.

-Thank you God for what you gave me, thank you also for what I asked you and you did not give me, it was simply because it was not the best for me.

-If they don't love you the way you deserve, won't you deserve better?

-If I am not in your priorities, in my future you do not figure.

-Pretending that everyone loves you is a tremendous drain. Better treat others as you would like to be treated and you will have a breakthrough.

-Flow, thank and avoid getting hooked is enjoying life even with those who hate its reality. Today illuminates with his presence.

-There is no better exercise to increase your self-esteem than knowing that you were created and loved by God with a unique and unrepeatable mission..

-When it comes to comforting, sometimes a hug and a cautious silence are worth more than a thousand words.

-Giving time to those we love is the most precious gift. It is possible to give without loving, but impossible to love without giving.

-If you loved a lot and the relationship ended, it was not a loss. He gave you the opportunity to give and someone received a love that they did not have before.

-From so much effort in what we should do, we forget what we want to do.

-When they compliment you, say “thank you” with pleasure. Do not explain or justify yourself, it is the first step to raise your self-esteem.

-For your tastes I gave up my tastes. For your dreams I left mine. Because of your problems I forgot my joys. That's not love!

-If you don't have something positive or productive to say, it's better not to say anything.

-Ask for what you want and say what you feel without hurting. Holding out for more in silence generates sadness and hopelessness.

-Not everything will be as you expect. Over time you learn that the ability to adapt is and will always be the best strategy for happiness..

-Great contradiction for your happiness when, by going in search of a better future, you forget to live your best present.

-Do not accept criticism from someone who only sees the bad in others. His negative charge and pain is so much, that he needs to share it.

-The more importance we give to the opinion of others, the less freedom and peace we will have to live in our own way.

-Do not allow those around you to truncate your dreams with their destructive criticisms and redesign the positive image you have of yourself. Deaf ears to foolish people.

-Today is a good day to focus on the hopes and not the fears, the blessings and not the damage count.

-Do not put three types of people on the train of your life: those who do not value you, those who lie to you and those who treat the person who gave them life badly.

-Small acts of love give enormous happiness. The more harmony and love you sow on your way, the more love you will reap.

-Don't underestimate the power of the mind and your intentions. Wishing something very much is the beginning for it to happen.

-Of course, verb kills face! But high self-esteem kills verb, and little face!

-The tragedy of constantly saying: "I cannot live without you" is greater than living without you..

-We are imperfect by nature. Be grateful and go your way.

-Do not get confused. There are people with very good intentions but with very little love for you.

-The worst thing about living an unrequited love is keeping hope. Life goes on!

-It's amazing how you attract people similar to how you feel into your life.

-Everything we desire is returned to us. Things didn't work out? Bless, thank and be surprised by what is coming!

-Reaction to adversity is what is important. It is not what happens, but how you react to what happens to you.

-Don't let anger be stronger than pain and reason.

-Reconcile yourself first, with God and with life, then you will find peace in your heart.

-What a blessing to have someone to share our crises and joys with! I dedicate my day to you as a sign of gratitude.

-No one has the right to take away our hope. For those of us who have faith, the good is always yet to come.

-That the movie of your life does not become a historical document where you live of successes, loves and memories of the past.

-The heart aches when your cold actions and long silences make you feel so far away, being so close.

-People will never be what you want or wish for. Today do not let pain, sadness or disappointment cloud your reason.

-Don't underestimate the impact of your presence. For someone, a meeting with you can be the best of their day.

-Bully response to undeserved criticism: Do you think my life is just to please you? There are levels!

-Don't believe everything they tell you. Words always contain an intention that is not always positive.

-In the end, what will really matter will be how many lives you made happy, how much you laughed, and how much love you received..

-I realized that there was no time to meet us, when there was time to say goodbye.

-We are born gifted with the happiness chip, but our negative attitudes, judgments and thoughts deprogram it.

-The greatest rival to defeat is our own destructive and defeatist thoughts. We are what we think.

-Today ask God: What surprise do you have in store for me? A moment, a person, a place, an emotion. Keep it in mind and you will be able to recognize your gift.

-Be careful with your prolonged silences because they can silence the love of those who love you today.

-It is terrible to keep the hope of change from those who offend, mistreat or humiliate you.

-It's not that they don't love us. What makes us suffer the most are the high expectations we have.

-The first step to stop loving you is to stop admiring yourself. It hurts but it's the truth.

-On this day your presence can brighten or darken, cheer or sadden, motivate or faint. It depends on you. Cheer up!

-Life multiplies everything you wish to others, but you receive many more blessings if you wish good to those who do not love you.

-We miss the best moments by mentally reliving the worst moments.

-If you do what is asked, you will get what you deserve, but when you do more than what is asked, life will give you more than you deserve.

-In love, do not look for answers with someone who enjoys sowing doubts. What are you doing there?

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