The 100 Best Phrases of Khalil Gibran

Charles McCarthy
The 100 Best Phrases of Khalil Gibran

I leave you the best Khalil Gibran quotes (1883-1931), Lebanese poet, painter, novelist and essayist, author of works such as The TempestBetween night and day or Teacher.

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-No matter how long the storm, the Sun always shines again in the clouds.

-Only the seed that breaks its shell is capable of daring the adventure of life.

-Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Every time you enter it, do it with all your being.

-By giving, you do not give more than the smallest part of your fortune, which would be worthless if you do not make your charity an integral part of yourself..

-Men do not want the blessing on their lips or the truth in their hearts, because the first is the product of tears and the second is the daughter of blood.

-There is a tremulous spring in each winter of the heart, and a smiling dawn hides behind the veil of each night.

-You do not progress by improving what has already been done, but by achieving what remains to be done.

-It is our inner self that suffers when we disobey and the one that kills us when we betray it..

-From suffering the strongest souls have arisen. The strongest characters are riddled with scars.

-All the poor are not despised. The wealth of the world is a crust of bread and a coat.

-He who instructs himself and who rectifies his own way of living is more worthy of respect and veneration than he who teaches others how to change the way they behave.

-Progress is not just about improving the past: it is about moving from the forward to the future.

-Do not forget that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds yearn to play with your hair.

-If you see a man deviating from the forbidden fruits that would drag him into unfathomable crimes, judge him with love, because it is God who preserves in him.

-You can forget the one you have laughed with, but not the one you cried with.

-Do not look for the friend to kill the hours, but look for him with hours to live.

-A man who cannot tolerate a woman's small flaws will never be able to enjoy her great virtues.

-Stay away from the wisdom that doesn't cry, the philosophy that doesn't laugh, and the greatness that doesn't bow to children.

-To work with love is to build a house with affection, as if your loved one were to live in that house.

-When you love do not say "God is in my heart", but "I am in the heart of God".

-Get up, heart, raise your voice and sing because whoever does not accompany the choir of light, will continue to belong to the spawn of the shadows..

-You give little when you give your possessions. It's when you give of yourself that you really give.

-To understand the heart and mind of a person, do not look at what they have done, do not look at what they have achieved, but rather what they aspire to do.

-The nightingale refuses to nest in the cage, lest slavery be the fate of its young.

-Material things kill man without suffering, love revives him with vivifying pains.

-I knew a second birth, when my soul and my body loved and married.

-The tortoise can talk more about the road than the hare.

-You are your own forerunner, and the towers you have erected are the foundations of your giant self..

-Hell is not in regret, it is in the empty heart.

-If you love something, set it free. If you come back it's yours, if not it never was.

-If at night you cry for the Sun, the tears will not let you see the stars.

-It has always been known that love does not know its own depth until the time of separation.

-When you reach the end of what you should know, you will be at the beginning of what you should feel.

-If you reveal your secrets to the wind, don't blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.

-When sadness melts two hearts, neither glory nor happiness will be able to destroy that union..

-Tears are fire that purifies love, making them clear and beautiful for an eternity.

-The silence of the envious is full of noises.

-In the dew of small things, the heart finds its morning and takes its freshness.

-In every country, every city, in every corner of the world, lives a woman who is the representative of future times.

-Trust in dreams, because in them the door of eternity is hidden.

-Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.

-You speak when you stop being at peace with your thoughts.

-Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.

-If your heart is a volcano, how do you expect the flowers to bloom?

-Your life is determined not by what it brings you, but by the attitude you bring to life. It is not what happens to you, but the way your mind looks at what happens.

-A friend who is far away is sometimes much closer than one who is next to you.

-Is not the mountain much more impressive and more clearly visible to one who passes through the valley than to those who inhabit the mountain?

-What I leave is not the shirt that I take off today and that I will wear again tomorrow. Not; it is my flesh that I tear. It is not a thought that I leave behind, but a heart that my hunger has beautified and that my thirst made tender and bright.

-When love calls you, follow it no matter how abrupt and steep its path may be. If he covers you with his wings, obey him, even if he hurts your back that hides his plumage. When love speaks to you, have faith in him, even if his voice destroys your dreams and dissipates them like a north wind that ravages the garden.

-All that love can give is to give itself; and does not take anything that is not of himself. Love owns nothing and does not admit to being possessed, because love conforms to love itself.

-That in your married life there is a space that separates one from the other, so that the winds of heaven can blow and dance in your midst.

-Let each of you fill your partner's cup, but do not drink from a single cup. Let each one of you give his bread to the other, but do not eat all of the same bread.

-Your children are not yours; they are the children of life, which is anxiously searching for itself. They come to this world through you but not from you; and, despite living with us, they are not your property.

-There are men who give a little of what they have. And if they do, it is for the sole purpose of gaining fame and accolades. In their intimate desires and lusts, they lose the merit of their charity, for the itch of vain celebrity.

-It is good that you give to the one who, by imploring you for charity, has shown you his need; but it is more beautiful that you give to him who does not ask you, knowing his misery and poverty; because whoever opens his hands and his heart, has, in his action, greater intimate satisfaction, for having found the needy.

-May your act be one of the manifestations of adoration, and may your table be an altar on which you offer pure and immaculate presents from the fields and orchards, as a holocaust for that "I" who is purer than them and who is rooted in the depth of being itself.

-Shut up, sweetheart, because space doesn't listen to you. Be quiet, for the air, laden with wailing and sobbing, will not hold back your hymns. Be quiet, because the ghosts of the night do not take care of the whisper of your secrets and the courtship of the shadows will not stop before your dreams.

-Infinite night that you rise above the twilight clouds, crowned by the Moon, wrapped in the mantle of silence and wielding the sword of terror.

-The flowers of the fields are the daughters of the affection of the Sun and of the love of nature. And the children of men are flowers of love and compassion.

-In certain countries, the wealth of parents is a source of unhappiness for children. The great solid house that the father and the mother have used together to safeguard their riches, becomes a narrow and gloomy prison for the souls of their heirs.

-I love you because you are weak before the powerful oppressor, and poor before the greedy rich. That is why I cry with you and I comfort you. And after a thousand tears I see you, oppressed in the arms of justice, smile and forgive your followers.

-The true force that prevents the heart from being hurt is the one that prevents it from growing with its inner greatness. The song of the voice is melodious, but the song of the heart is the pure voice of heaven.

-Poor brother of mine, poverty gives value to nobility of spirit, while wealth reveals its evil ... My poor friend, if you could simply know that the poverty that makes you so miserable is precisely what the knowledge of justice and justice reveals. understanding of life, you would be satisfied with your luck.

-All of us are not capable of contemplating with an inner glance the great depths of life, and it is cruel to demand of those who have their eyes lowered to distinguish what is dark and distant..

-The right is part of the will, because souls float in the wind from here to there when the strong dominate and the weak suffer changes for better and for worse. Neither deny the will of the soul, stronger than the strength of the arm.

-Loneliness is a consolation for a saddened soul, who hates those around her just as a wounded deer leaves its herd, to take refuge in a cave where it will sound or die..

-Man has received from God the power to wait, and to wait firmly until the object of his hope removes the veil of oblivion from his eyes..

-We have always been our own forerunner, and we will be forever. And all that we have gathered and all that we collect will be nothing but seeds for fields still uncultivated. We are the field and the farmer, the reapers and the harvest.

-Some of you say, "Joy is better than pain," and others say, "No, pain is the best." But I tell you that they are inseparable. Together they come and when one sits alone with you at your table, remember that the other is asleep in your bed.

-I have learned the silence of the talkative, the tolerance of the intolerant, and the goodness of the bad. However, strangely enough, I am ungrateful to those teachers.

-Because life and death are one, just as the river and the sea are one.

-Life without love is like a tree without flowers or fruits.

-Love one another, but do not make a bond of love: let it be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.

-May there be no purpose in friendship but in deepening the spirit.

-The eye of a human being is a microscope that makes the world appear larger than it really is.

-If Jesus' grandfather's grandfather had known what was hidden within him, he would have remained humble and fearful before his soul..

-The most pitiful among men is the one who turns his dreams into silver and gold.

-If in the twilight of memory we meet once more, we will speak together again and you will sing a deeper song to me.

-Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the scope of testing.

-Nor will mockery be powerful against those who listen to humanity or those who follow in the footsteps of divinity, because they will live forever. Forever.

-The person you consider ignorant and insignificant is the one who came from God, so that he can learn bliss and the knowledge that sadness provides.

-Poverty is a veil that obscures the face of greatness.

-Love… envelops each being and slowly extends to embrace all that will be.

-Of the two main prizes of life, beauty and truth, I found the first in a loving heart and the second in the hands of a worker.

-Wisdom ceases to be wisdom when she becomes too proud to cry, too serious to laugh, and too selfish to seek someone other than herself..

-The lust for comfort, that sneaky thing that comes into the house as a guest, then becomes a host, then a master.

-To advance is to move towards perfection. March and fear not the thorns, nor the sharp stones in the path of life.

-Where is the justice of political power if it executes the murderer and imprisons the looter but then approaches neighboring lands, killing thousands and plundering the same hills?

-Many doctrines are like windowpane. We see the truth through them but they separate us from the truth.

-If the other person hurts you, you can forget about the injury; But if you hurt him, you will always remember.

-Work is love made visible. If you cannot work with love but only with aversion, it is better that you quit your job and sit at the door of the temple to beg for alms from those who work with joy..

-Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge.

-The righteous are close to the heart of the people, but the merciful are close to the heart of God.

-What difference is there between us, except a restless dream that follows my soul, but is afraid to approach you?

-Faith is an oasis in the heart that will never be reached by the caravan of thought.

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