Mafalda's 100 Best Phrases

David Holt
Mafalda's 100 Best Phrases

I leave you the best Mafalda phrases, comic character drawn from 1964 to 1973 by the graphic humorist Joaquín Salvador Lavado Tejón, known as Quino. Perhaps it is precisely the mix between childlike innocence and political maturity that catapulted Mafalda as one of the most famous comic book characters in history..

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-Start the day with a smile, you will see how fun it is to go around being out of tune with everyone.

-Wouldn't the world be beautiful if libraries were more important than banks?

-Little by little, man has managed to unleash his freedom to limit himself.

-I frankly don't know what I would do without me.

-Smile! It's free and headache relief.

-I'd say let's all be happy without asking why.

-If you cry for having lost the Sun, the tears will prevent you from seeing the stars. 

-Life is beautiful, the bad thing is that many confuse the beautiful with the easy.

-Of course money is not everything, there are also checks.

-The ability to succeed or fail in life, is it hereditary?

-How behind is progress.

-It would be nice to wake up one day and find that your life depends on you.

-Stop the world, I want to get off.

-Since loving each other doesn't work, why don't we try loving each other?

-Wouldn't it be more progressive to ask where we are going to continue, rather than where we are going to stop?

-Where do you have to push this country to take it forward?

-Today I have learned that the truth disappoints people.

-The ideal would be to have the heart in the head and the brain in the chest. So we would think with love and we would love with wisdom.

-It's not true that every past time was better. What happened was that those who were worse still had not realized.

-Half the world likes dogs and to this day no one knows what wow means.

-What if instead of planning so much we fly a little higher?

-What do the years matter? What really matters is to verify that at the end of the day the best age of life is to be alive.

-I'd rather cause annoyance by telling the truth than to cause admiration by telling lies.

-Soup is to childhood what communism is to democracy.

-And why, having worlds more evolved, did I have to be born in this one??

-The worst thing is that the worsening starts to get worse.

-It's always late when bliss is bad.

-We have men of principle, too bad they never let them get past the beginning.

-It is not that there is no goodness, what happens is that it is incognito.

-Did you ever think that if it weren't for everyone, no one would be anything?

-There is always someone left over.

-The bad thing about the mass media is that they do not allow us time to communicate with ourselves..

-I don't know if I chose a bad moment or a bad century to try to communicate.

-Do not leave for tomorrow trying to fit another with what you have to do today.

-I don't cry, I'm just washing memories.

-I trust, you trust, he trusts, we trust, you trust ... What a naive manga, right?

-What can I do with an interesting personality like mine?

-In this world everyone has their little or great concern.

-As we continue like this, this country is going abroad.

-Even my weaknesses are stronger than me.

-The country is waiting. Do I tell you to feel or something?

-Your life will go forward when you separate yourself from the people who take you back..

-Today I entered the world through the back door. 

-It's terrible to see that people care more about any TV series. that the mess of vietnam.

-And is it not that in this world there are more and more people and fewer people?

-I'm starting to suspect that when the teacher asks something, it's not because she doesn't know..

-The almanac is the bureaucracy of time.

-It's funny, you close your eyes and the world disappears.

-The newspapers are full of bad news and nobody returns it for it.

-Good night world, but beware, there are many irresponsible awake.

-The bad thing about being a boy is that you finish telling your life in two kicks.

-What worries me the most is how to lower the egoism index.

-Could it be that this modern life is having more of modern than life?

-No one can make a fortune without making flour for others.

-Life should not strip one of childhood without first giving it a good place in youth.

-As always: the urgent leaves no time for the important.

-Do I clean all the countries or only the ones that have bad times?

-Life begins at forty (reads Mafalda in a newspaper) And then why the hell are they making us come so early??

-You better go take a look, and if there's freedom, justice and stuff, wake me up. We're?

-It is awful! People study, finish their degree and ZAZ! They go abroad! As we continue like this, this country is going to ... (the teacher sees Mafalda) abroad!

-And may we never be the ham of the international sandwich ...

-Today I want to live without realizing it.

-I have three wishes: eat without getting fat, love without suffering and earn money without working.

-The problem with closed minds is that they always have their mouths open.

-There are women so complicated that when Prince Charming appears to them, it turns out that it is not the shade of blue they wanted ...

-What have you brought? Ah, is it the monument of the international situation? (referring to a prickly pear / cactus full of thorns).

-The bad thing about the reports is that one has to answer a journalist at the moment everything that he did not know how to answer himself in his entire life ... And on top of that they want one to be as intelligent ...

-Great are those who despite being judged for who they are, do not change to please anyone.

-I am not disheveled, but my hair has freedom of expression.

-Talk to me in Spanish because in hysterical I don't understand you.

-I am not antisocial, I am socially selective.

-I like people who say what they think. But above all, I like people who do what they say.

-One of life's spelling problems is not knowing where to put a full stop.

-Embarrassing situations ... Does the stork bring them? ...

-They say that man is an animal of customs, rather than usual man is an animal.

-Education is the vaccine against violence and ignorance.

-More than a planet, this is an immense space tenement.

-In the end, how is the matter? Do you carry your life forward or does life take you forward??

-Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you always learn ...

-The problem is that there are more interested people than interesting people..

-Some love me for being who I am, others hate me for the same reason, but I came to this life to try to be happy ... not to please anyone!

-Difficult to forget a great love? Naaa ... difficult is walking without money.

-When I grow up I will work as an interpreter at the UN and when a delegate tells another that his country is disgusting, I will translate that his country is a charm and, of course, no one will be able to fight, and the problems and problems will end! wars and the world will be safe!

-The checks of your mockery have no funds in the bank of my mind.

-I'm not perfect, but thank God I'm happy!

-Mr. UN Secretary: Since in Washington and Paris it is daytime ... while in Moscow and Beijing it is night ... don't you think then that what divides the world is not politics, but bed?

-Each ministry with its mini-hysteria.

-The best thing about being over 30 is that I did all my nonsense before the existence of the internet.

-I want to congratulate the countries that conduct world politics. So I hope there are ever reasons.

-The newspapers make up half of what they say. And if we add to that that they do not say half of what happens, it turns out that the newspapers do not exist.

-What have some poor Souths done to deserve certain Norths?

-And these rights ... to respect them, eh? It will not happen like with the ten commandments!

-So small and already says incongruities.

-My God, what a disgusting show! (Turn off the TV). Excuse me, it's the custom.

-From so much saving on education we have become millionaires in ignorance.

-From time to time it is convenient to take your instinct for a walk.

-As always, as soon as you put your feet on the ground, the fun is over.

-Ignoring is a way to kill but without getting your hands dirty.

-After all, humanity is nothing more than a meat sandwich between heaven and earth..

-Let those who are tired of seeing the world run with their feet raise their hands!

-In life there are people who never stop surprising ... And there are others who never stop disappointing ...

-The only happy ending I know is the weekend.

-We all believe in the country, what is not known is whether at this point the country believes in us.

-Neither my dad nor my teacher will sleep soundly knowing that they instill things that don't work.

-Not because forgiveness exists, people have the right to harm us as many times as they want.

-Working for a living is fine. But why does that life that one earns working have to waste it working to earn a living?

-Some people have not understood that the earth revolves around the sun, not theirs.

-Admitting you're wrong is the harakiri of pride.

-Where do they sell cheap bugs? It is that mine have been very expensive.

-Really, it has been one of those days when the bad of one is the other.

-One thing is an independent country and another is a country in the pending.

-Of course ... the bad thing is that instead of playing a role, women have played a rag in the history of mankind.

-The cool answer always comes to us 5 minutes after giving a stupid answer.

-It's not true that every past time was better. What happened was that those who were worse still had not realized.

-Don't they have crutches for encouragement?

-If you don't do stupid things when you are young you have nothing to smile about when you are old.

-In this family there are no bosses, we are a cooperative.

-Isn't it amazing how much a pencil can have inside?

-And now please teach us really important things.

-And of course, the drama of being president is that if one starts to solve the problems of the State, there is no time left to govern.

-I'm going to be like mom! I have to clean, wash, iron, sew, prepare delicious meals ... Anyway, everything I need to pretend I'm mediocre!!

-Those who go through life ruining the lives of others, and then continue as if nothing else. Remember, life is a circle, everything comes back and hits you where it hurts the most.

-Be careful with me today ... I have the humor to spend the day.

-Use Sunday to rest and leave problems in the past.

-There are so few intelligent, funny and beautiful women that sometimes I am afraid of being kidnapped and for that reason I will not go out. I will stay in little house.

-Dreaming is cheap so I'll sleep for a while.

-Life is like a book. Certain friends are in a page, others are in a chapter, but the true ones are in the whole story.

-I do not wish great things in life, only those tiny ones that make my life better.

-The thing about doing favors for people all the time is that when you can't do it, the villain in the story is you.

-I don't know if my life is changing or I'm growing, but things matter less and less to me..

-Maybe I was not what you wanted, and I was not what you needed, but one thing is real, it turns out to be more than you deserve.

-All he does is eat time and even then he's skinnier (Mafalda looking at a calendar).

-Love without trust, it looks like a car without a motor: you can push it all you want, but it won't get you far.

-Although I ate a yogurt that contained 1% fat, I am still 99% hungry.

-My body wakes up at 6am, my brain at 9am and my sense of humor after noon… Good morning world.

-I'm lazier than the one who designed the flag of Japan ...

-There should be a bank of hypocrites so they can save their comments.

-They say that time puts everything in its place ... But I've been waiting for hours for the house to tidy up and nothing happens.

-Someone who laughs every day is not because it is great, but because they have learned that they should smile both through thick and thin.

-I was never worried about the end of the world, much less predictions. What worries me is the end of the month ... And the payments I have to make.

-Three tips to discover a hypocritical person: when he opens his mouth ... he lies, when he makes promises ... he does not keep them and when you trust him ... he betrays you.

-It's not that I'm lazy, it's that I was born tired.

-Lately I behave so well that I even sweat holy water.

-Why have wealth in your pockets, if you have poverty in your head?

-A woman who is brave does not deserve to be on the same level as a coward.

-Never expect anything from those who promise a lot. Better to be surprised than disappointed.

-If you want to see an example of true love, without barriers, without commitments and without an expiration date then ... look at your mom.

-There is no age to learn. There is no age for emotion.

-You may like a body and a beautiful face, but what really falls in love is a humble and sincere heart.

-I think Cupid has hit me right with his pillow, because I love to sleep.

-I learned from life that you should always look for the positive side of things and remember that everything happens for something.

-Being pretty is a bummer but you get used to it.

-How ironic is technology: it brings us closer to distant people, but distances us from those close to us.

-No one is allowed to make me feel bad without my permission..

-Conclusion, I do not try any more, there are people who only understand what they want to understand.

-The truth is painful, the lie poisons, but the doubt ... the doubt hurts.

-If you want your wounds to heal, stop touching them.

-To be happy you should not say everything you know, listen to everything they say and believe everything you see.

-I'm already too nice to be cute too.

-Never argue with an idiot, he will push you to his level and defeat you with experience.

-Law of life; the more untidy you leave home, the more familiar you will find.

-In this life there are no rewards or punishments, only consequences.

-God send me strength to work, because with those to sleep you are already something past.

-It is said that each man is a world ... that's why, ladies, it's time to go sightseeing!!

-Some time ago they told me that in the world there are many idiots, but I never thought that I would find them all.

-It's not tripe, it's abs pouting.

-Do not give so many explanations ... your friends do not need them, your enemies will not believe you and the fools would not understand them.

-He who is ignorant criticizes because he thinks he knows everything, while he who is wise respects because he knows that he can learn something new.

-I'm not chubby, I'm just full of love.

-I know ... I should lose weight, but I hate losing.

-Someday I'll find myself in the hallway if I keep going to bed late and stopping early.

-Explain to me, how does one put a band-aid on one's soul?

-There is no doubt that spring is the most famous thing in life.

-It is better for your health if you distance yourself and stay away from complicated people.

-There are people who never get the hints, as well as others who always think they are for them..

-If we don't salute, those who are bad might be offended.

-Good morning sir, I would like to know if there has already been a vaccine against bedbug blood?

-For me, the good thing about this new year starting is that we are getting closer to the future.

-It is entertaining to look for the shapes that clouds have.

-The negative that a great human family has is that everyone wants to be the father.

-I wonder if I should fall in love or make a sandwich, the ideal would be to feel something in my stomach ...

-Next year! Does it really exist? Or is it going to be one of many things that will come and then don't come! Hey?

-I could tell you many subtle things, but today I don't feel like it.

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