The 100 Best Hate Phrases

Philip Kelley

I leave you the best hate phrases of great historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Pablo Neruda, Nelson Mandela, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mahatma Gandhi, Orson Welles, Buddha and many more.

You may also be interested in these quotes of anger or these of resentment.

-I do not hate anyone. I love the only people I know enough to hate them. -Robert Brault.

-I love you, and because I love you, I'd rather you hate me for telling you the truth, than worship me for telling you lies. -Pietro Aretino.

-Love and hate are two sides of the same blade. -Jacqueline Carey.

-Hate has caused many problems in the world, but it has not helped solve any. -Maya Angelou.

-There is no fire like passion, there is no shark like hatred, there is no trap like madness, nor torrent like greed. -Gautama Buddha.

-When we don't know who to hate, we hate ourselves. -Chuck Palahniuk.

-From the deepest desires, comes the deadliest hatred. -Socrates.

-It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -André Gide.

-The smaller is the heart, more hatred houses. -Victor Hugo.

-If you learn to hate one or two people, you will soon hate millions of people. -Jerry Spinello.

-Hate can only be overcome by love. -Mahatma Gandhi. 

-Hating people is like burning your own house to kill a rat. -Henry Emerson Fosdick.

-Others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win until you hate them too. And then you destroy yourself. -Richard Nixon.

-When our hatred is violent, it sinks us even below those we hate. -François de La Rochefoucauld.

-Nothing can be loved or hated if it is not understood first. -Leonardo da Vinci. 

-Hate less, live more. -Terri Guillements.

-I have decided to keep love. Hate is a very great burden to bear. -Martin Luther King Jr. 

-Hate is very easy. Love requires courage. -Hannah Harrington.

-Hatred is never conquered by hatred, but by love. -Gautama Buddha.

-Hate is not a good counselor. -Victoria Woolf.

-Life is a great road with many signs. So while you go through the potholes, do not complicate yourself. Run away from hatred, harm and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts and focus your vision to reality. Wake up and live! -Bob Marley.

-Hate is a swordfish, it moves in invisible water, and then you see it coming, and it has blood on the knife: transparency disarms it. -Pablo Neruda. 

-Another reason why we should love our enemies is because hatred marks the soul and distorts the personality. -Martin Luther King Jr.

-I have a strong impression that the opposite of love is not hate, it is apathy. -Leo Buscaglia.

-The dark cannot fight the dark. Only light can do that. Hate cannot fight hate. Only love can do it. -Martin Luther King Jr.

-As long as you hate, there will be people to hate. -George Harrison.

-If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of you. What is not part of us does not bother us. -Hermann Hesse.

-The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. -Elie Wiesel.

-Hate is a peculiar thing. You will always find it at its most intense and most violent where there is the lowest degree of culture. -Johann Wolfgang van Goethe.

-In the long run, we hate what we usually fear. -William Shakespeare.

-I will not let any man belittle my soul by making me hate him. -Booker T. Washington.

-It is easy to hate and difficult to love. This is how the general scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve, and bad things are easy to obtain. -Confucius.

-Don't let the words of those who hate you get to you. They are just so insecure that they need to turn against you. -Unknown author

-Instead of hating, celebrate. -Prince.

-Animals don't hate, and we're supposed to be better than them. -Elvis Presley.

-Throughout life, people will drive you crazy, disrespect you, and treat you badly. Let God take care of the things they do, because the hatred in your heart will consume you. -Will Smith.

-Jealousy is love and hate at the same time. -Drake.

-People who are full of hate don't know how to handle love. -P.C. Cast.

-We hate some people because we don't know them; and we won't know them because we hate them. -Charles Caleb Cotton.

-Hate is a long wait.-Ren Maran.

-It is easier to hate those we have loved than to love those we have hated. -Norman MacDonald.

-Racial hatred is not human in nature. Racial hatred is the abandonment of human nature. -Orson Welles.

-Life seems too short to spend time feeding hostility and keeping track of mistakes. -Charlotte Brontë.

-Hate is not healthy, it hurts the hater more than the hated. -Eric Jerome Dickey.

-The price of hating another human being is loving yourself a little less. -Elridge Cleaver.

-Hate is a boomerang that is sure to hit you harder than who you threw it at. -Anonymous.

-You can't have everything in life, and you can't hate everyone. Someday you will need something you don't have, from someone you don't like. -Unknown author.

-I don't have time to hate people who hate me, because I'm very busy loving people who love me. - Unknown author.

-The fear of something is the root of hatred towards others, and the hatred that lies within them will eventually destroy the one who hates. -George Washington Carver.

-Hatred deceives, fear distorts, and love blinds. -Tim Lebbon.

-No one is born hating another person because of the color of their skin, because of their background, or because of their religion. -Nelson Mandela. 

-The man of knowledge must not only be able to love his enemies, but also hate his friends. -Friedrich Nietzsche.

-The more people love you, the more people will hate you. -Kylie Jenner.

-Real hating is an art that is learned over time. -Carlos Ruiz Zafon.

-You have to practice motivation and love, not discrimination and hatred. -Zendaya.

-Hatred leaves ugly scars; love leaves pretty scars. -Mignon McLaughlin

-Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I will always be in your heart, and if you hate me, I will always be in your mind. -Qandeel Baloch.

-I don't love studying. I hate studying. I love to learn. Learning is beautiful. -Natalie Portman.

-Stop hating yourself for everything you are not, and start loving yourself for everything you already are. -Anonymous.

-Love kindles more fire than hatred extinguishes- Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

-Hate is a drunk at the back of a tavern, who constantly renews his thirst with drink. -Charles Baudelaire.

-War is not the answer, because only love can conquer hate. -Marvin Gaye.

-Hate is the most accessible and complete unifying agent. Mass movements can rise up without believing in a God, but never without believing in a demon. -Eric Hoffer.

-There is no faculty so persistent and so universal of the human soul as hatred. -Henry Ward Beecher.

-Hate is a very great burden to bear. Deals more damage to the hater than it hurts the hated. -Coretta Scott King.

-Hate is the atmosphere of hell. -Martín Farquhar Tupper.

-Most hate is based on fear, in one way or another. -Laurell K. Hamilton.

-Hate seems to be like any other person until he smiles. -Tahereh Mafi.

-If your heart is a volcano, how do you expect the flowers to sprout? - Khalil Gibran.

-To hate someone is to feel irritation at their simple existence. -José Ortega y Gasset.

-The hatred of men will pass, and dictators will die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And as long as men die, freedom will never perish. -Charlie Chaplin.

-Hate is a tendency to take every opportunity to harm others. -Plutarch.

-All men kill what they hate, unless, of course, that kills them first. -James Thurber.

-More smiles, less worry. More compassion, less criticism. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate. -Roy T. Bennett.

-I am free from all prejudice. I hate everyone the same. - W.C. Fields.

-The unsworn and hidden hatreds are to be feared more than those openly declared. -Cicero.

-Success makes people hate you. I wish it wasn't this way. It would be wonderful to enjoy success without seeing the envy in the eyes of those around us. -Marilyn Monroe.

-A man who lives, not by what he loves, but by what he hates, is a sick man. -Rchibald MacLeish.

-There will always be hateful people. And the more they hate you, the more you will grow. -Antony Liccione

-We must learn to forgive. He who is exempt from the power to forgive will be exempt from the power to love. There is good in the worst of us and evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less likely to hate our enemies. -Martin Luther King Jr.

-A single drop of hatred remaining in the cup of happiness transforms the happiest drink into poison. -Johann Cristoph Friedrich von Schiller.

-If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it. Everything and everyone you hate is etched in your heart. If you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate. -C. Joybell.

-We have enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to love one another. -Jonathan Swift.

-Accumulating love means luck, accumulating hatred means calamity. -Paulo Coelho.

-If the masses can love without knowing why, they can also hate without much foundation. -William Shakespeare.

-I imagine that one of the reasons people hold onto their hatred so stubbornly is because they feel that when the hatred fades, they will be forced to deal with the pain. -James Baldwin.

-If people loved with the same intensity that they usually hate, the world would be a better place. -Unknown author.

-When you hear people making hateful comments, confront them. Point out how much of a waste hating is, and you might open their eyes. -Taylor Swift.

-Those who hate more fervently must have loved more deeply. Those who deny the world must have accepted what they set on fire today. -Kurt Tucholsky.

-Many men are loved by their enemies, and hated by their friends, and they are the friends of their enemies, and the enemies of their friends. -Plato.

-Hate is the revenge of an intimidated coward. -George Bernard Shaw.

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