The 100 Best Pride Phrases

Sherman Hoover
The 100 Best Pride Phrases

I leave you the best phrases of pride from great authors such as Alexander Dumas, William Shakespeare, Baruch Spinoza, Friedrich Nietzsche, Dalai Lama, Jane Austen and many more.

You may also be interested in these phrases of effort or these of personal growth.

-If you do not moderate your pride, it will be your greatest punishment.-Dante Alighieri.

-Pride is the pleasure that arises from the too high thought of a man towards himself.-Baruch Spinoza.

-Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst and cold.-Thomas Jefferson.

-Faith begins where pride ends.-Félicité De Lamennais.

-Pride does not find pleasure in possessing something, but in possessing it in greater quantity than the next man.-C.S. Lewis.

-Swallow your pride and admit that we all need help sometimes.-Huston Smith.

-It is a good thing to rise above pride, but you must have pride to do it.-Georges Bernanos.

-He who is proud eats himself: pride is his own glass, his own trumpet, his own chronicle.-William Shakespeare.

-Pride is the mother of arrogance.-Toba Beta.

-False humility equals pride.-Blaise Pascal.

-A certain amount of pride is a useful ingredient for genius.-Hugo Von Hofmannsthal.

-Pride carries with it a punishment, foolishness.-Sophocles.

-Most conflicts in the world are produced by men who pretend to be important.-T.S. Eliot.

-If I had to preach only one teaching, it would be a teaching against pride.-Gilbert Keith Chesterton.

-A proud person is always looking down on things and people's work. Of course, while looking down, you can't see something that is above you. S. Lewis.

-A man given over to pride, usually takes pride in what is wrong.-Henry Ford.

-Pride is an admission of weakness; Secretly fear all competition and fear all rivals.-Fulton J. Sheen.

-The infinitely small have infinitely great pride.-Voltaire.

-Anger is the enemy of nonviolence and pride is a monster that swallows everything.-Mahatma Gandhi.

-Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.-Thomas Merton.

-Anger, pride and competition are our true enemies.-Dalai Lama.

-Pride is more related to our opinion of ourselves, vanity to what we think others think of us.-Jane Austen.

There are two types of pride, good and bad. 'Good pride' represents our dignity and self-worth. 'Bad pride' is the mortal sin of superiority that smacks of conceit and arrogance.-John C. Maxwell.

-Let others be proud of the number of pages they have written. I prefer to boast of the ones I have read.-Jorge Luis Borges.

-Proud people engender sad sorrows for themselves.-Emily Brontë.

It is better to lose pride with someone you love, than to lose someone you love out of useless pride.-John Ruskin.

-We are rarely proud when we are alone.-Voltaire.

-Pride must die in you or nothing from heaven can live in you.-Andrew Murray.

-The pride of a man is mistaken for dignity; in a woman, with self-love.-José Bergamin.

-When it comes to people, remember that they are not creatures of logic, but creatures full of prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity.-Dale Carnegie.

-No one has a greater advantage for their business than someone who takes pride in their work.-Hosea Ballou.

-Pride had kept her going when love had betrayed her.-Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

-Ignorance, power and pride are a deadly mix.-Robert Fulghum.

Pride holds your head up when everyone around you bows it. Courage is what drives you to do it.-Arthur Bryce Courtenay.

-Humility is nothing but the truth, and pride is nothing but a lie.-St. Vincent de Paul.

-In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes.-John Ruskin.

-Pride is not a bad thing when it only urges us to hide our own pain, without hurting others.-George Elliot.

-To get to know a man, observe how he gains his objects, rather than how he loses them; because when we fail, our pride keeps us; When we succeed, he betrays us.-Charles Caleb Coltoz.

-Pride is seldom delicate; He will please himself with base advantages.-Samuel Johnson.

-Pride makes man, guides him, is the wall of protection around his reputation ... Men die, they said, but reputation does not.-Cornwell.

-You have to have strength to be proud of yourself and accept yourself, when you know that you have something out of the ordinary.-Abigail Tarttelin.

-If you are driven by fear, anger, or pride, nature will force you to compete. If you are guided by courage, awareness and tranquility, the nature of peace will serve you.-Amit Ray.

-Pride is a better lever against nobility than reason.-Patrick Rothfuss.

-A proud man is seldom grateful, because he never thinks he gets all that he deserves.-Henry Ward Beecher.

-Pride and curiosity are the two scourges of our soul. The latter leads us to stick our noses everywhere, and the former prohibits us from leaving anything unsolved and unfinished.-Michel de Montaigne.

-When you feel nervous, call on your pride.-Toba Beta.

-Wealth is a gift from God, and pride has been bequeathed to us from the devil.-Douglas Wilson.

-Pride is an independent, self-oriented spirit. It makes people arrogant, rude and difficult to deal with.-Joyce Meyer.

-When you are filled with pride on the inside, you become tough, tenacious, and create conflicts with others.-John C. Maxwell.

-Leaders who fail to prune their pride will disappear. That is not a conjecture, it is a guarantee.-John C. Maxwell.

-Pride is the chalice into which all human sins are poured.-Vladimir Odoevsky.

With pride, come many curses. With humility, many blessings come.-Ezra Taft Benson.

-Vanity is a flaw. But pride, in the case of people of superior intelligence, I think it is valid.-Jane Austen.

-Pride is the vice that crazy people never lack.-Alexander Pope.

-Pride is the first of tyrants, but also the first of consolations.-Charles Ducios.

-Pity is the most pleasant feeling among those with little pride and no prospect of great conquests.-Friedrich Nietzsche.

-The less value a man has, the greater his pride.-Yukito Kishiro.

-It was pride that turned angels into demons; It is humility that makes men like angels.-Saint Augustine.

-Pride is the same in all men, only the means and the way of manifesting it vary.-François de la Rochefoucauld.

-Pride makes us deaf to the advice or warnings of those around us.-John C. Maxwell.

-In the eyes of the infinite, all pride is nothing but dust and ash.-Leo Tolstoy.

-The rich swell with pride, the poor with hunger.-Sholom Aleichem.

-It is not the broken heart that kills, but the broken pride.-Gilbert Parker.

-I am proud to be myself because I feel quite comfortable with who I am.-James McAvoy.

-Although it may seem unpleasant, I would always rather be happy than worthy.-Charlotte Bronte.

-Vanity and pride are two completely different things, although sometimes they are used as if they were synonymous.-Jane Austen.

-Behind every insistently reaffirmed argument, lies someone's ignorance.-Louis D. Brandeis.

-Pride should always have some limit and be allowed to one degree or another, if not in this way, hardly a man can maintain his dignity.-John Selden.

-Pride is like a magnet: it constantly points to an object, to oneself. But, unlike the magnet, pride does not have an attractive pole and repels at all points.-Charles Caleb Colton.

-If you have faith in yourself, you have dedication and pride and you never quit, you will be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the prizes.-Paul Bryant.

-I could simply forgive his pride as long as he had not modified mine.-Jane Austen.

-I am not proud, but I am happy and blind happiness is more important than pride.-Alexandre Dumas.

-Pride is at the center of a host of corruptions, mistakes, and evil practices that have a grand stage and a semblance of humility.-Matthew Henry.

-I prefer to boast of what I have read.-Jorge Luis Borges.

-When you get to the top, be careful as the only way to go is down.-Darren Bateman.

-One man may be more malicious than another, but never more cunning than other men.-Ben Franklin.

-I shouldn't let a proud man make me keep my distance.-Jonathan Swift.

-Always keep in mind that when the peacock pushes its wings, it shows its backside to the rest of the world.-Herve Wiener.

-God never sends anyone into a void except those who are full of themselves.-Dwight L. Moody.

-When nature leaves a hole in a person's mind, it usually covers it with a thick layer of self-deception.-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

-Pride chooses a kingdom of its own and acts as sovereign within it.-William Hazlitt.

-When pride comes, dishonor increases, but in the humble increases wisdom.-Proverbs 11: 2.

-Many people spend money they haven't earned to acquire things they don't want in order to impress people they don't like.-Will Rogers.

-The way we respond to criticism is closely related to the way we respond to flattery.-Warren Wiersbe.

-It is humility that causes men to be angels.-Saint Augustine.

-If you are able to show class, have pride and maintain your ideals, you will be a winner of yourself.-Paul Bryant.

-Never accept your pet's admiration as definitive proof that you are a wonderful person.-Ann Landers.

-All men have mistakes, but a correct man gives in when he recognizes that his path is wrong and decides to repair it. The only crime in the world is pride.-Sophocles.

-I do not care so much what I mean to others as what I am to myself.-Michel de Montaigne.

-The road to hell is packed and built with good intentions.-Samuel Johnson.

-When a woman discovers how valuable she is, it is easy for her to pick up her suitcases with pride and set out on a flight to freedom.-Shannon L. Alder.

-Virtually everything, expectations, pride, fear of shame and failure are things that fade in death, leaving only what is really important.-Steve Jobs.

-By nature man is not worthy of everything he wants. When we think we have a right to something automatically, that's when we start walking on others to get it.-Criss Jami.

-Pride makes us long for a solution to things that happen: a solution, a purpose, a final cause; But what we must recognize is that the better the telescopes, the more stars will appear.-Julian Barnes.

-The test that we have to take care of and try to establish among ourselves is not to march, but to march in such a way that other people want to join us.-Hubert Humphrey.

-The proud man always wants God to agree with him. He is never interested in modifying his opinion to agree with God.-Ezra Taft Benson.

-A proud person wants to do things properly all the time, but because he wants to do it with his own strength, he is never fighting with other men, but with his own God.-Soren Kierkegaard.

-We deceive ourselves through the channels of pride, however, deep down, beneath our conscience, a very low voice communicates that something is not in tune.-C.G. Jung.

-Pride transformed companies into a company of art and commercial success.-Henry L. Doherty.

-Vanity usually causes more conversation than wit.-François de La Rochefoucauld.

-I never have pity or sympathize with presumptuous people, because I consider that they carry comfort with them all the time.-George Eliot.

- Pride is a cold, stormy and barren mountain.-John Thornton.

-The origin of all sin comes from pride and the starting point of pride in humanity is related to rebellion against God.-Apocryphal Books.

-The usual thing would be to be proud of humility and not to be proud of pride.-Robert Burton.

-Generosity means giving more than you can, an action contrary to pride, which only does is take from you what you need the least.-Khalil Gibran.

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