The 100 Best Phrases of Pepe Mujica

Abraham McLaughlin
The 100 Best Phrases of Pepe Mujica

I leave you the best phrases of José “Pepe” Mujica, about education, freedom, life, money, love, time, youth and much more. Mujica is a renowned Uruguayan politician with a leftist affiliation and a guerrilla past. He was previously Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (2005-2008) and also became President of Uruguay from 2010 to 2015.

Mujica was widely accepted and loved by his people for his reputation as a simple, humble and congruent person, as well as for his generally eloquent, direct and inspiring speech. You may also be interested in these phrases of humility or these of leadership.

-Dreams must be fought so that they are less dreams and more reality.

-Living better is not just having more, but being happier.

-The impossible costs a little more, and defeated are only those who lower their arms and surrender.

-The life is a miracle. Nothing is worth more than life.

-Don't be ashamed of wearing the same clothes, not having a big cell phone, or riding in an old car. Shame is pretending something that you are not.

-The poor are not those who have little. They are the ones who want a lot. I do not live with poverty, I live with austerity, with renunciation. I need little to live.

-Truly smart people are humble.

-There is no triumph around the corner, there is no easy triumph.

-I am not poor, I am sober, light luggage, live with just enough so that things do not steal my freedom.

-The real crux of the matter is whether you live as you think, because otherwise you will end up thinking how you live..

-Life is leaving us. There is no point spending your life paying bills, filling up on things.

-The answer is in willpower. It's like learning to cross a busy street without being hit by a car..

-The main thing is not to succeed but to get back up every time one falls.

-Spending most of my life's time on the things that motivate me. That's called freedom.

-Pain, when it doesn't destroy you, makes you think deeply.

-We face a sedentary lifestyle with treadmills; to insomnia, with pills; to solitude, with electronics. Is it that we are happy away from the eternal human?

-The only defeated in the world are those who stop fighting and dreaming and wanting ... and it is the difference that human life has, it can be given content.

-You have to learn to carry scars and backpacks to keep going, looking forward.

-The inevitable is not whined. The inevitable must be faced.

-On earth, the only addiction worthwhile is that of love.

-Do not let the youth from within be stolen. The one outside inevitably takes time.

-Fight for happiness […]. There is no recipe for that. It is here, in consciousness ... if you use the wonderful opportunity of being born, almost miraculous.

-To be happy we need the lives of others. Individuals alone are nothing. Individuals depend on society.

-You can alienate your life and have it bought by the market, and you spend your whole life paying cards and buying gadgets, […] and in the end you look like an old man like me. You peeled yourself, and what did you do in this world?

-To live you have to have freedom. To have freedom you have to have time.

-He who wants to change the world knows what he is getting into, but it is beautiful to have a cause to live.

-With that money it is enough for me and it has to reach me, there are those who live with much less.

-If we aspire in this humanity to consume like an average American, three planets are essential to be able to live.

-The poor are not those who have little. They are the ones who want more and more, infinitely more and it never reaches them.

-You have to have the courage to look at reality.

-There is no better language than the truth, the short line.

-Life is a beautiful fight.

-Dignity, […] is what sustained us to carry out an ideal.

-Two million dollars in the world are spent on the military budget. To say that there is no money […], to say that there are no resources, is not to be ashamed.

-Human beings are different. Nature makes us similar but never identical.

-Life is a continuous learning, and it is full of dead roads and tramples. But the old causes that pushed us are present in the world in which we live.

-Comrades, nothing is worth more than life. Fight for happiness, and happiness is giving you content and direction to life, and not letting it be stolen from you.

-If we can't change society, we can always change our behavior.

-Life is not just receiving, it is giving. As fucked up as you are, you always have something to give.

-Today is the time to start fighting to prepare a world without borders.

-The duty of youth is to fight for changes.

-Freedom is so that you can think differently, because freedom is not required to agree.

-If you want to change, you can't keep doing the same.

-Man does not rule today the forces that they have unleashed, but the forces that he has unleashed govern man.

-Yes, we need to chew the old and eternal of human life a lot, together with science, that science that strives for humanity, not to get rich.

-I can't fix the world, but I can tell young people who have freedom in mind, don't get carried away.

-Yes, I am tired, but this does not stop until the day they take me in a drawer or when I am an old lelo.

-To build things for essential changes, you need to build collective tools […], you have to build systematically, with patience.

-I am not speaking wonders, I am speaking through common sense. The most vital things are simple.

-Tolerance is required for those who are different and with whom we have differences and disagree, (...) it is the foundation of being able to live together in peace and understanding that, in the world, we are different.

-Our world needs fewer global organizations, which serve hotel chains more, and more humanity and science.

-I am a half-crossed countryman. And the only merit I have is to be a bit tough, stubborn, follower, cutting. That's why I held on.

-Being sober in the consumption of things is to guarantee individual freedom and guarantee your opportunity to be with your sweet adventure, friends, children. In the end it's the only thing that will really make us happy.

-Man, as long as he lives in a war climate, is in prehistory, despite the many artifacts he can build.

-Yes, a world with a better humanity is possible. But maybe today the first task is to save life.

-Socialism cannot be at odds with freedom.

-Life can give you a thousand stumbles (…). In love, at work, in the adventure of what you are thinking, and in dreams (…). But one and many times you are made to get back up and start again, because the important thing is the path.

-Human life is a miracle, we are alive by miracle and nothing is worth more than life.

-The only thing that cannot be bought is life. Life is wasted. And it's miserable to spend your life to lose freedom.

-The world that we will have will be the one that we are able to achieve.

-The planet's ecological crisis is a consequence of the overwhelming triumph of human ambition.

-The greed that pushed us to domesticate science and transform it into technology, plunges us into a misty abyss, into a history we do not know, to a time without history and we are running out of eyes or collective intelligence.

-Life escapes you and goes away, minute by minute […] So fight to live it, to give life content! […] You can be, in relative terms, the author of the path of your own life.

-We were allowed to get to today, being aware of the mistakes we made. But being aware of the gigantic generosity with which we embrace life.

-I believe and am confident that man is capable of building infinitely better societies if he has the courage to look at the direction of older societies (…). Not to return to the caveman, but to learn from generosity.

-There is twice the population, there is twice the food. Too bad we throw away 30%. We don't even give it to dogs, least of all poor people. Those are the contradictions of our civilization. […] Never did man have as much as today.

-No one is going to give us prosperity. Prosperity must be won and freedom must be fought permanently because it is a fight for a permanent reconquest..

-There are other things besides youth. The irreverence of looking in the mirror and committing to reality.

-I ate 14 years in Cana (…). The night they put a mattress on me I felt comfortable, I learned that if you can't be happy with a few things, you won't be happy with many things. The loneliness of the prison made me value many things.

-The fundamental things are very few.

-We had to fight with madness, with the fear of being left alone. But we triumph.

-We raze the jungles, the real jungles, and we implant anonymous concrete jungles.

-I have no vocation as a hero. I have, yes, a kind of fire inside, especially for social injustice, class difference.

-Man needs society, whether he realizes it or does not realize it.

-Social progress is full of broken glass of those who wanted to change the world.

-Nothing is worth more than a life, fight for reality.

-It seems to me that we must fight for peace in all corners of the earth, it seems to me that war is a prehistoric resource.

-Development cannot be against happiness. It has to be in favor of human happiness […]. The first element of the environment is called human happiness.

-You are with the majority, or you are with the minority, and there is no middle ground. You cannot be neutral and you have to take sides.

-To be free is to spend the greatest amount of time of our life in what we like to do.

-Freedom is in here, otherwise it doesn't exist.

-The personal does not make sense if it is not inspired by something collective that transcends us and that precedes us.

-The humanity that I dream of is that in which when I give the floor, the word is a document, and when I shake my hand, it is a contract.

-The advancement of society in its values ​​and well-being is true progress.

-In reality, the best leaders are those who, when they leave, leave behind a group of people that far surpasses them..

-We have to learn to include the diversity that exists in this world.

-The war will continue until nature calls us and makes our civilization inevitable..

-There is no goal, there is no triumphal arch, there is no paradise that welcomes us […]. No, what there is is something else, it is the beauty of living to the fullest, of wanting life in any circumstance, of fighting for it and trying to transmit it.

-I don't look back because the real today was born in the fertile ashes of yesterday.

-We are kind of haunting, we don't like to work so much. Nobody dies from overwork.

-The real fight is learning to live together without attacking others.

-The world must not be divided into men, women, blacks, and yellows. It should not be divided into two sectors: those who commit and those who do not, and to commit is to embrace a cause.

-If I had a lot of things I would have to take care of them. The true freedom is in consuming little.

-No one is more than anyone.

-I belong to a generation that wanted to change the world, I was crushed, defeated, pulverized, but I still dream that it is worth fighting so that people can live a little better and with a greater sense of equality.

-Neither large nation states, nor transnational corporations, and much less the financial system, should rule the human world..

-You have to respect, especially when it hurts the most.

-We are too small in our natural selfishness. Every living thing fights for its life, but widening the embrace multiplies us.

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