The 100 Best Famous Painters Phrases

Robert Johnston

I leave you the best famous painters phrases, including Rafael, Leonardo da Vinci, Pablo Picasso, Paul Cézanne, Rembrandt, Vincent van Gogh, Francisco de Goya, Rubens and many more.

You may also be interested in these art phrases or these about creativity.

-The painter has the universe in his mind and in his hands. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-A drawing is simply a line that goes for a walk. -Paul Klee.

-Without atmosphere a painting is nothing. -Rembrandt.

-I dream of painting and then I paint my dream. -Vincent van Gogh.

-I paint because the spirits whisper madly inside my head. -El Greco.

-I paint objects as I think of them, not as I see them. -Pablo Picasso.

-A good painter needs only three colors: black, white, and red. -Titian.

-I want to die painting. -Paul Cezanne.

-When you are painting, you don't think. -Rafael.

-A man paints with his brain and not with his hands. Miguel Angel.

-Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Make your work fit your purpose. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Genius is eternal patience. -Miguel Angel.

-Why are you trying to understand art? Are you trying to understand the song of a bird? -Pablo Picasso.

-I already have a wife who is too much for me… she is my art and my works are my children. -Miguel Angel.

-Art cleanses the dust of everyday life from the soul. -Pablo Picasso.

-The truth is found in nature, and I am going to prove it. -Paul Cezanne.

-The work of art is above all a process of creation. -Paul Klee.

-I paint my own reality. -Frida Kahlo.

-I'm always doing what I can't do, so I can learn how to do it. -Pablo Picasso.

-The awareness of our own strength makes us modest. -Paul Cezanne.

-Genius is the ability to renew one's emotions in daily experience. -Paul Cezanne.

-Life without love is not life. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Some painters transform the Sun into a yellow spot, others transform a yellow spot into the Sun. -Pablo Picasso.

-I never paint dreams or nightmares. I paint my own reality. -Frida Kahlo.

-I try to apply colors like words shape poems, like notes shape music. -Joan Miro.

-The works must be conceived with fire in the soul, but executed with clinical coldness. -Joan Miro.

-A landscape does not exist in itself, since its appearance changes every moment; but the environment that surrounds it brings it to life - the light and air vary continuously. -Claude Monet.

-Everyone discusses my art and tries to understand, as if it were necessary to understand, when it is simply necessary to love. -Claude Monet.

-Choose only one teacher - Nature. -Rembrandt.

-I put my heart and soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process. -Vincent van Gogh.

-Passion is the bridge that takes you from pain to change. -Frida Kahlo.

-Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything rotates, everything flies and disappears. -Frida Kahlo.

-I think I'm starting to learn something about painting. -Titian.

-Art is stronger than nature. -Titian.

-The act of painting is about a heart telling another heart where it found its salvation. -Francisco Goya.

-Only when we are not fearful do we begin to create. -J. M. W. Turner.

-My job is to paint what I see, not what I know. -Joseph Mallord William Turner.

-I don't believe in art. I believe in artists. -Marcel Duchamp.

-Creating is divine, reproducing is human. -Man Ray.

-As long as art lives, I will never have to accept that man is dead. -Giorgio Vasari.

-The position of the artist is humble. It is essentially a channel. -Piet Mondrian.

-Personally, I have always preferred inspiration to information. -Man Ray.

-There is no self-portrait of myself. -Gustav Klimt.

-When I meet your soul, I will paint your eyes. -Amedeo Modigliani.

-Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. -Pablo Picasso.

-To touch is to give life. -Miguel Angel.

-Destruction is also creation. -Marcel Duchamp.

-Art is knowledge made visible. -Gustave Courbet.

-I was created by Almighty God to fill the universe with my masterpieces. -El Greco.

-I'm not sick. I am broke. But I am happy as long as I can paint. -Frida Kahlo.

-The only time I feel alive is when I am painting. -Vincent van Gogh.

-I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things. -Vincent van Gogh.

-A painting is finished when the artist says it is finished. -Rembrandt.

-Colors haunt me like a constant concern. They even worry me in my dream. -Claude Monet.

-I am more a friend of art than a producer of painting. -Paul Cezanne.

-My hand has become the obedient instrument of a remote will. -Paul Klee.

-At the end of the day, we can take a lot more than we think we could. -Frida Kahlo.

-There is peace even in the storm. -Vincent van Gogh.

-Art is to comfort those who are downcast by life. -Vincent van Gogh.

-Light is the most important person in painting. -Claude Monet.

-The five senses are the ministers of the soul. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Art is never finished, only abandoned. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Drawing is a kind of hypnotism: one looks at the model in such a way that it comes and sits on the paper. -Pablo Picasso.

-Action is the fundamental key to all success. -Pablo Picasso.

-Art is a line around your thoughts. -Gustav Klimt.

-I have never painted a self-portrait. I am less interested in myself, as the object of a painting, than I am in other people, especially women.-Gustav Klimt.

-With one eye you look at the outside world, while with the other you look inside yourself. -Amedeo Modigliani.

-Nature is not only everything that is visible to the eyes ... it also includes internal images of the soul. -Edvard Munch.

-A work of art only comes from inside a human being. -Edvard Munch.

-Every morning when I wake up, I experience again a supreme pleasure - that of being Salvador Dalí. -Salvador Dali.

-A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others. -Salvador Dali.

-There are days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction. -Salvador Dali.

-Collage is the noble conquest of the irrational, the coupling of two apparently irreconcilable realities on a plane that apparently does not suit them. -Max Ernst.

-Art has nothing to do with taste. Art is not there to be tasted. -Max Ernst.

-The painting rises from the brushstrokes, as a poem emerges from the words. The meaning comes later. -Joan Miro.

-The more I work, the more I want to work. -Joan Miro.

-The simplest things give me ideas. -Joan Miro.

-A work of art that did not start with emotion is not art. -Paul Cezanne.

-Do not fear perfection - you will never achieve it. -Salvador Dali.

-Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings. -Salvador Dali.

-I do not believe in art that does not result from the compulsive impulse of man to open his heart. -Edvard Munch.

-What is the art? Art is born out of joy and pain, especially pain. It grows from human lives. -Edvard Munch.

-The function of art is to fight against obligation. -Amedeo Modigliani.

-Happiness is an angel with a serious face. -Amedeo Modigliani.

-There is always hope, as long as the canvases are empty. -Gustav Klimt.

-Music and art are the guiding lights of the world. -Pablo Picasso.

-If you know exactly what you're going to do, what's so great about it? -Pablo Picasso.

-I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The topic that I want to improve. -Frida Kahlo.

-I am searching, I am fighting, I am in him with all my heart. -Vincent van Gogh.

-The light is constantly changing, and every minute it alters the atmosphere and the beauty of things. -Claude Monet.

-One eye sees, the other feels. -Paul Klee.

-All good ideas come by chance. -Max Ernst.

-Geniuses must not die, the progress of humanity depends on us. -Salvador Dali.

-Errors are almost always sacred, understand them well. -Salvador Dali.

-Let my enemies devour each other. -Salvador Dali.

-I would love to live as a poor man, with a lot of money. -Pablo Picasso.

-Whatever you do in life, if you want to be creative and intelligent, and develop your brain, you must do things with the awareness that everything, in some way, connects with everything else. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Learning is the one thing the mind never runs out of, never fears, and never regrets. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-The greatest danger for most of us is not that our goal is too high and that we do not achieve it; but it is too low and we can reach it. -Miguel Angel.

-Each stone block has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it. -Miguel Angel.

-We could say that the Earth has a spirit of growth; that its flesh is the soil, its bones the arrangement and connection of the rocks that make up the mountains, the cartilage is the tuff, and its blood the springs of water. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Vitality and beauty are gifts of nature to those who live according to its laws. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-You must always work not only from within, but below your means. If you can handle three items, handle only two. If you can handle ten, only handle five. In this way, what you handle, you will do it with greater ease, greater control, and you will create a feeling of inner strength. -Pablo Picasso.

-Learn the rules like a pro, then you can break them like an artist. -Pablo Picasso.

-The painter will make paintings of little merit if he takes the works of other authors as a model. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Being willing is not enough. We must do. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-Great geniuses sometimes achieve more when they work less. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-I paint my works with all the considerations that are natural to my intelligence, and in accordance with what my intelligence understands. -Paolo Veronese.

-We painters use the same license as poets and madmen. -Paolo Veronese.

-Together with reason, imagination is the mother of all art and the source of all its beauty. -Francisco Goya.

-To give a body and a perfect form to a thought, this and only this is to be an artist. -Jacques Louis David.

-I'm just a simple man standing alone with his old brushes, asking God for inspiration. -Peter Paul Rubens.

-All children have the spirit of creation. The wastes of life often exterminate the spirit through the soul's own boredom and misery. -Peter Paul Rubens.

-My passion comes from the heavens and not from earthly reflections. -Peter Paul Rubens.

-The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself. -Washington Allston.

-Never judge a work of art by its flaws. -Washington Allston.

-Remember, light and shadow are never still. -Benjamin West.

-To recognize great talent, we must encourage dreamers. -Benjamin West.

-A kiss from my mother made me a painter. -Benjamin West.

-Blessed are those who, in humble places, see beautiful things, where other people see nothing. -Camille Pissarro.

-It paints the essential character of things. -Camille Pissarro.

-Everything is beautiful, what matters is being able to interpret it. -Camille Pissarro.

-Some say they see poetry in my paintings, I only see science. -Georges Seurat.

-The relationship of the color and the proportions are based on the relationship of the position. -Piet Mondrian.

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