I leave you a list of cousin phrases, ideal for those family members who are also your life companions, your best friends and even your sisters. Those cousins with whom you have shared your childhood, fun, your achievements and failures.
You may also be interested in these phrases about best friends.
-Cousins are the sisters you never had. -Reah Glowstorl.
-A cousin like you is one of the best gifts I have ever received. Thanks for being an inspiration.
-At Christmas, the cousins are the gifts under the tree. -Karen Decourcey.
-I experience happiness any day I spend with my cousins.
-God made us cousins because He knew our mothers couldn't bear to have us as sisters.
-Those who think I'm crazy still don't know my cousin.
-Grandparents' house is where cousins become best friends.
-Cousin, you are my favorite person in this world, because you are an endless source of laughter and joy. Have a wonderful day!
-Life made you my cousin, love made you my friend, but time and experiences made you my sister.
-The party is only complete if my cousin is with me.
-A cousin is halfway between a friend and a sister. - Frank Oudit.
-Cousin, you are and always will be the sister of my soul, the friend of my heart.
-My cousin is my favorite crime accomplice.
-More important than the love that unites us, is the lack that we do to each other.
-At his side everything is magical, beautiful and unforgettable. I adore you cousin!
-It is impossible not to have an amazing day when I am by his side. I love you cousin!
-In my cousin, I find my second self. -Isabel Norton.
-When I am with my cousin I gain time, life, strength, courage and everything that is good in this life.
-A cousin is someone whose smile helps us travel the long and difficult roads..
-There are many hidden heroines around the world, and my cousin is one of them..
-An ordinary day turns extraordinary when I'm with my cousin.
-I may not always be there with you, but I am always there for you.
-A true cousin is someone who comes into your life when other people leave it..
-I carry my cousins kept in my heart so that no distance will keep us away.
-Premiums are supposed to be designed to be the best part of the family. I am proud to have a cousin as wonderful as you.
-Dear cousin, I hope this year you meet the man of your dreams and fulfill your plans and dreams. Greetings!
-You are not only the most beautiful cousin in the world, but also the best human being there is.
-Blood makes us related, but loyalty makes us family.
-There is no better friend than a cousin, and there is no better cousin than you.
-Cousins are linked by an invisible thread, hidden among a thousand things of little importance, which can only exist between two people like them.
-You taught me to be a wiser, kinder, and more compassionate person. I can't thank you enough for having you as my cousin.
-My life is wonderful because I have a wonderful cousin. You're my role model. Thanks to you I am a better person.
-A cousin a day removes the monotony.
-When I see you, I see a woman with a kind soul and a loving heart. You deserve the best in this world, cousin.
-A friend can become a stranger, but never a cousin, because blood unites us.
-The love of cousin is a love without comparison; it is something unconditional and immeasurable.
-A cousin sees the first tear, catches the second and stops the third.
-Cousin, you are a masterpiece of creation, capable of softening even the hardest heart.
-Happiness is having crazy cousins.
-Cousins: a little madness, a little noise and a lot of love.
-Yes, I am aware of how hateful we are when we are together. And still I don't care.
-Treasure your cousins as if they were your best friends and they will love you forever.
-When cousins love each other as sisters, no distance separates that connection.
-Without your love, support, and friendship, my life would be boring. Thank you for always being by my side no matter what it was. I love you so much cousin.
-There are many cousins and best friends there are much less. What a strange delight it is to find both in you.
-They can call us crazy or even crazy, but we know that our madness has a name: cousin love.
-Friends are forever, premiums are for life.
-A cousin is a small part of childhood that you can never miss. -Marion C. Garretty.
-No one will understand your family's madness better than your cousins.
-Dear cousin, you are my inspiration and motivation. I wish that love and success accompany you today and always.
-You are a fantastic cousin, a perfect friend and a wonderful life partner.
-Our roots say that we are cousins. Our hearts say that we are friends.
-Next to certain people I feel that I am next to the right people. A hug, cousin!
-My craziest cousin is the one I love from the heart.
-Cousins are united from heart to heart, and neither distance nor time can separate us.
-Cousin, remember when you fall, I'll be there to pick you up. After laughing, of course.
-Win, lose or draw, you are all my cousins and I love you. -Chill Wills.
-My dear cousin, we have been together since childhood and I do not know a more wonderful, kind and compassionate person. You are a miracle.
-Cousins are more than cousins, they are the best friends who were always present. -Heather Mills.
-With my cousin by my side, there is no day that is bad.
-The bond between cousins cannot be broken. -Lydia Howe.
-There are special people in the world and then there is my cousin, who is the rarest of all.
-Cousins are our first friends, those who leave a deep mark on life.
-Dear cousin, please don't forget me, nor the things we did together.
-Never underestimate the power of a cousin.
-Cousins are those playmates who grow up to always be your friends.
-Time passes and we may be far away, but the cousins always remain close to the heart.
-Cousins are those friends who will love you forever. -Constance Richards.
-Cousins, being part of the family, we are different branches of the same tree. And although we grow in different directions, our roots converge towards a single place.
-The love of a cousin is not the love of a sister, but it is something strong and without explanation.
-How lucky for me to grow up with a cousin that I could admire and imitate. I adore you, my almost sister!
-She achieves everything she sets out to do, while still being who she is. What an example of a woman who is my cousin!
-The cousins are great to look at, impossible to forget, and sincere at heart. -Leo Farno.
-Blessed be the day you came to Earth, cousin. You made this world a better place to live.
-We are premiums by blood, but friends by choice. -Darlene Shaw.
-I smile because you are my family. And I laugh because there's nothing you can do about it.
-You don't choose your family. They are gifts from God to you, as you are to them. -Desmond Tutu.
-Our favorite place to be is together.
-Having a true friend, with whom I can share her joys and sorrows, is a true blessing in my life. Cousin, I am proud that you are part of my family and my life.
-A round of applause for those cousins whom you consider to be sisters and whom you miss a lot.
-Cousins? No, we are best friends.
-Cousin who is also a sister, remains forever in the heart.
-The love of the cousins is similar to that of the sisters, and it also lasts forever.
-We are cousins by chance of fate, but friends by choice.
-A cousin is like a warm blanket that wraps our heart.
-Almost all of us had that boring cousin who made us desperate, but over time she became a good friend.
-In my cousin I have a great example of willpower and determination. What a joy that you are from my family!
-You are the closest friend I have ever had. I wish you happiness and that you are always surrounded by friends.
-We will be remembered for what we love and live, and together we will have great stories to remember cousin.
-You are not only my cousin, you are my best friend. Thank you for helping me have such wonderful memories..
-Cousin, when I look at you, I think: What would I do without this woman?
-Cousins are the people who have known us since childhood, become great friends and accompany you throughout your life.
-Cousins are people who were born to be our friends. We laughed with them, and we remembered the good old days when we were young and fought with them, but we always knew that we loved each other. -Courtney Cox.
-We started as cousins, we lived together as sisters, and today we are the best friends in the world.
-The love between cousins knows no distance.
-When the cousins become friends, a love like that of the sisters is born.
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