The 100 Best Sherlock Holmes Phrases

Egbert Haynes

I leave you the best Sherlock Holmes quotes, the fictional character protagonist of four novels and fifty-six short stories created by the Scottish writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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-There is nothing like first-hand evidence.-Sherlock Holmes

-The main test of the true greatness of man lies in the perception of his own smallness.-Sherlock Holmes

-I fear that if the matter is beyond humanity, it is certainly beyond me.-Sherlock Holmes

-I am a brain. The rest of my body is a mere appendix.-Sherlock Holmes

-The world is full of obvious things, which no one by chance ever observes.-Sherlock Holmes

-There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.-Sherlock Holmes

-I wanted to end the world, but I am content to end his.-Sherlock Holmes

-Eliminate all other factors, and the one that remains must be the truth.-Sherlock Holmes

-I never make exceptions. An exception disproves the rule.-Sherlock Holmes

-I believe that there are certain crimes that the law cannot touch, and that therefore, to some extent, justify a private revenge.-Sherlock Holmes

-My mind is like a racing engine, breaking to pieces, as it is not connected to the job it was built for.-Sherlock Holmes

-I confess that I have been blind as a mole, but it is better to learn late than never.-Sherlock Holmes

-Mediocrity knows nothing superior to itself; but talent instantly recognizes a genius.-Sherlock Holmes

-My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people do not know.-Sherlock Holmes

-The game is on.-Sherlock Holmes

-For a great mind, nothing is small.-Sherlock Holmes

-No man burdens his mind with small matters unless he has some very good reason to do so.-Sherlock Holmes

-You know what my method is. Apply it.-Sherlock Holmes

-There is no combination of events that a man's intelligence is not capable of explaining.- Sherlock Holmes

-My business is that of any other good citizen, enforce the law.-Sherlock Holmes

-His kitchen is limited but he has as good a breakfast idea as a Scottish woman.-Sherlock Holmes

-They say that genius has an infinite capacity to take appropriate action. It is a very bad definition, but it does apply to a detective job.-Sherlock Holmes

-It is a capital mistake to theorize before having data. Insensibly, one begins to warp the facts to make them fit the theories instead of the theories fit the facts..

-The stranger and grotesque an incident, the more carefully it deserves to be examined .-- Sherlock Holmes

-My horror for his crimes was lost in my admiration for his skill.-Sherlock Holmes

-And he was never so formidable as after spending whole days in his chair, immersed in his improvisations and in his old books.-Sherlock Holmes

-It is all very well to say that a man is intelligent, but the reader wants to see examples of it.-Sherlock Holmes

-Everything comes in a circle. The old wheel turns, and the same speech is repeated. Everything has already been done before, and will be done again.-Sherlock Holmes

-All problems seem childish after they have been explained.-Sherlock Holmes

-You always have to look for a possible alternative and be prepared for it.-Sherlock Holmes

-My mind rebels in stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstract cryptogram or the most complex analysis.-Sherlock Holmes

-What is out of the ordinary is usually a guide rather than a hindrance.-Sherlock Holmes

-Never trust general impressions, focus on details.-Sherlock Holmes

-Education never ends, it is a series of lessons with the majors for the latest.-Sherlock Holmes

-Where there is no imagination there is no terror.-Sherlock Holmes

-There is nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you.-Sherlock Holmes

-Come at once, if it is convenient, if it is inconvenient come anyway.-Sherlock Holmes

-The press is a very valuable institution, if you know how to use it.-Sherlock Holmes

-You have a great gift, silence. It makes you very valuable as a companion.-Sherlock Holmes

-You know that my method is based on the observation of nonsense.-Sherlock Holmes

-I am not a psychopath. I am a high functioning sociopath. Do your research.-Sherlock Holmes

-Trust is a chemical flaw found on the losing side.-Sherlock Holmes

-You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear.-Sherlock Holmes

-I never guess. It is a bad habit, destructive to the logical faculty.-Sherlock Holmes

-I listen to their story, they listen to my comments, and then they stay with my words.-Sherlock Holmes

-What one man can invent another can discover.-Sherlock Holmes

-Nothing clears up a case as much as claiming that someone else committed it.-Sherlock Holmes

-Only the truth sets us free.-Sherlock Holmes

-It may be that you are not a light, but you are a conductor of light. Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power to stimulate light.-Sherlock Holmes

-It is always difficult for a man to realize that he may have finally lost the love of a woman, no matter how badly he has treated her.-Sherlock Holmes

-I am not the law, but I represent justice when it comes to my weak powers.-Sherlock Holmes

-When you eliminate all logical solutions to a problem, the illogical, though impossible, is invariably the true.-Sherlock Holmes

-Our powers, our desires, our food, all are really necessary in the first instance for our existence.-Sherlock Holmes

-The truth, whatever it may be, is preferable to an indefinite doubt.-Sherlock Holmes

-He detested and distrusted them, but was always a chivalrous adversary.-Sherlock Holmes

-There is a red criminal thread in the colorless skein of life, and our mission is to untangle it, isolate it and expose its most insignificant sinuosities..

-Underestimating yourself is something as far from the truth as exaggerating your own faculties.-Sherlock Holmes

-I was forced to agree.-Sherlock Holmes

-I am horrified by the boring routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.-Sherlock Holmes

-Perhaps when a man has special knowledge and special powers like mine, he is rather encouraged to seek a complex explanation when a simpler one is at hand.-Sherlock Holmes

-A wise man does not always admit everything he knows. And sometimes an overly gullible friend can be a source of mild amusement.-Sherlock Holmes

-I cannot recall at the moment any mistakes that you have omitted.-Sherlock Holmes

-The papers are sterile; Audacity and romance seem to have passed into the criminal world forever. Can you ask me, then, if I am ready to examine any new problem, however insignificant it may be? - Sherlock Holmes

-It was in those moments that for an instant he ceased to be a reasoning machine and betrayed his human love for admiration and applause.-Sherlock Holmes

-Devious readers are seldom noticed for the accuracy of their learning.-Sherlock Holmes

-A strange enigma is man.-Sherlock Holmes

-Our ideas must be as broad as nature if they aspire to interpret it.

-That man intrigues me, Watson; knows how to hide his emotions very well.

-Deep in my heart I believed that I could succeed where others failed, and now I had the opportunity to prove myself.-Sherlock Holmes

-It is fortunate for this community that I am not a criminal.-Sherlock Holmes

-The best way to act successfully is to be so.-Sherlock Holmes

-Letting the brain run without enough material is like racing an engine. It falls apart in pieces.-Sherlock Holmes

-The world is big enough for us. There is no need for ghosts.-Sherlock Holmes

-I would prefer that you not mention my name at all in connection with this case, since I choose to be only associated with those crimes that present some difficulty in their solution.-Sherlock Holmes

-All my instincts are one way, and all facts are others, and I am very afraid that British juries have not yet reached that tone of intelligence when they are going to give preference to my theories.-Sherlock Holmes

-When one tries to rise above nature, one is likely to fall below her.-Sherlock Holmes

-I take care of never having prejudices and of meekly following the fact that leads me.-Sherlock Holmes

-You had better not leave the country, you feel lonely without me, and cause an unhealthy upheaval among the criminal classes.-Sherlock Holmes

-Each job has its own reward.-Sherlock Holmes

-You say we go around the sun. If we circled the moon, it would not make a penny of difference to me or my work.-Sherlock Holmes

-His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge.-Sherlock Holmes

-It was easier to know him than to explain why I know.-Sherlock Holmes

-Before moving on to the moral and mental aspects of the subject that present the greatest difficulties, let the researcher begin by mastering more elementary problems.-Sherlock Holmes

-You know that one does not get credit when he has already explained his trick.-Sherlock Holmes

-He possesses two of the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective. It has the power of observation and that of deduction. He just wants to know.-Sherlock Holmes

-As a general rule, the stranger a thing is, the less mysterious it turns out to be.-Sherlock Holmes

-Life is infinitely stranger than anything the mind of man would invent.-Sherlock Holmes

-Out of my last 53 cases 49 have been given credit to the police and the rest to me.-Sherlock Holmes

-We balance the possibilities and choose the most probable ones. It is the scientific use of imagination.-Sherlock Holmes

-Work is the best antidote to sadness.-Sherlock Holmes

-There is so much bureaucracy in these matters.-Sherlock Holmes

-We must seek consistency. When there is lack of it, we must be suspicious.-Sherlock Holmes

-Things must be done decently and in order.-Sherlock Holmes

-Your ideas should be as broad as nature.-Sherlock Holmes

-There is no branch of detective science so important and so neglected as the art of tracing steps.-Sherlock Holmes

-However you must contradict my point of view, because otherwise I will continue to accumulate facts about you, until your reason decomposes under them and you recognize that I am right.-Sherlock Holmes

-There is nothing as unnatural as a commonplace.-Sherlock Holmes

-The singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more characteristic and superficial a crime is, the more difficult it is to bring it home.-Sherlock Holmes

-Circumstantial evidence is a very difficult thing. It may seem like you are aiming very directly at one thing, but if you change your point of view a bit, you may find it aiming in an equally uncompromising way at something entirely different.-Sherlock Holmes

-However, it is not so impossible for a man to possess all the knowledge that can be useful to him in his work, that is why I have made an effort in my case.-Sherlock Holmes

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