The 100 Best Star Wars Phrases

Robert Johnston

I leave you the best Star Wars phrases and its main characters; Darth Vader, Han Solo, Yoda, Leia Organa, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Anakin and others.

You may also be interested in these famous movie quotes.

-Fear is the way to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to suffering.-Yoda.

-If you define yourself by your power to take life, by your desire to dominate, to possess, then you are nobody.-Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-The force is powerful in my family, my father had it, my sister has it, I have it.-Luke Skywalker.

-Let the past die, kill it if necessary.-Kylo Ren.

-Sometimes you have to put pride aside and do what is asked of us.-Anakin Skywalker.

-This is how freedom dies ... with applause.-Padmé Amidala.

-It is against my programming to pose as a deity.-C-3PO.

-Your eyes can deceive you. Do not trust them.-Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-It's true. All of it. The dark side, the Jedi. They are real.-Han Solo.

-I am your father.-Darth Vader.

-Greed can be a very powerful ally.-Qui-Gon Jinn.

-Show me again the power of darkness ... And nothing will stand in your way.-Kylo Ren.

-Your focus determines your reality.-Qui-Gon Jinn.

-You were like my brother, Anakin. I loved you.-Obi-wan Kenobi.

-In a dark place we find ourselves, and knowledge illuminates our path.-Yoda.

-The fear of loss is a path to the dark side.-Yoda.

-To defeat your enemy, you first have to understand him.-Ahsoka Tano.

-I am not a committee.-Princess Leia.

-I find your lack of faith disturbing.-Darth Vader.

-Can! Unlimited power! - Darth Sidious.

-I am one with the force, the force is with me.- Chirrut Imwe.

-I have lived long enough to see the same eyes in different people.-Maz Kanata.

-Among the children of the Jedi, there are no innocents.-Darth Sidious.

-If you decide to finish your training now, go the quick and easy way like Vader did, you will become a bad person.-Yoda.

-I have a bad feeling.-K-2SO droid.

-Luke, you don't know how important you are. You only begin to discover your power.-Darth Vader.

-A natural part of life is death. Rejoice for those who will become the force.-Yoda.

-It seems that we are made to suffer. This is our luck.-C3PO.

-You cannot stop the change, just as you cannot stop the sunset.-Shmi Skywalker.

-Dying for someone is a great sacrifice. But living for someone is an even greater one, I chose to live for my people.-Riyo Chuchi.

-If you defeat me, I will become more powerful than you can imagine.-Obi-wan Kenobi.

-A tyrant has to make everything look like the will of the people.-Leia Organa.

-Protect the rebellion, save the dream.-Garrera.

-I have been in this war since I was 6 years old, you are not the only one who has lost everything. Only some of us decided to do something.-Cassian Andor.

-Force is neither light nor darkness, but a balance between extremes.-Lanoree Brock.

-Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.-Drew Karpyshyn.

-It is better to die in pursuit of your dreams than to live a life without hope.-Terry Brooks

-You know what I always say ... speak softly, and drive a large tank.- Hondo Ohnaka.

-All mentors tend to see our mistakes more than we would like. It is the only way to grow.-Padme.

-You still have a lot to learn.-Yoda.

-There is always a bigger fish.-Qui-Gon Jinn.

-Someone has to save our skins.-Leia Organa.

-Religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side, boy.-Han Solo.

-Senators, I presume you are familiar with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi.-Duchess Satine.

-Who is dumber, the fool or the fool who follows him? - Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-When we look at the dark side, we must be careful ... the dark side looks back.-Yoda.

-In my experience, there is no such thing as luck.-Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-It is truly wonderful what the mind of a child is capable of doing and believing.-Yoda.

-It's a trap! -Admiral Ackbar.

-Size does not matter. Look at me. They judge me by my size. Do you do it? -Yoda.

-Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice in those around you, who transform into the Force.-Yoda.

-Never tell me the odds.-Han Solo.

-Mind tricks do not work on me.-Watto.

-A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind… All his life he has to look away towards the future, towards the horizon. His mind should never stay where he was or what he was doing.-Yoda.

- Women always find out the truth. Always.-Han Solo.

-This is a new day, a new beginning.-Ahsoka Tano.

-I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a large dark patch, I see a large patch of light.-Han Solo.

-May the force be with you ... always.-Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-Patience you must have, my young Padawan.-Yoda.

-Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper? -Princess Leia.

-Always in motion the future is.-Yoda.

-I have a bad feeling about this.-Han Solo.

-Well, he relies on a robot to get to the bottom of things.-Han Solo.

-Someday you're going to be bad, I just hope I'll be there to see it.-Princess Leia.

-There is no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.-Han Solo.

-Impossible nothing is. Difficult, many things are.-Yoda.

-I don't know where you get your delusions from, laser brain.-Princess Leia.

-Take care of yourself, Han. I guess that's for the best isn't it? -Luke Skywalker.

-When the unsafe path is, we better wait we must.-Yoda.

-Would it be helpful if I go out and push? -Leia.

-Train yourself to put aside everything you fear losing.-Yoda.

-You must forget what you have learned.-Yoda.

-Remember, you must focus on the moment. Feel, do not think, use your instincts.-Qui-Gon Jinn.

-If at the end of your training, you choose the quick and easy path like Vader did, you will become an agent of evil.-Yoda.

-Wars do not make anyone great.-Yoda.

-The ability to speak does not make you intelligent.-Qui-Gon Jinn.

-Use the force, Luke.-Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-Many of the truths cling to depend on our point of view.-Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-I can feel your anger. Makes you focus. It makes you stronger.-Chancellor Palpatine.

-Be aware of your thoughts, Anakin. They will betray you.-Obi-Wan.

-Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is essential to the life of a Jedi. So you could say that we are encouraged to love.-Anakin.

-When I left you, I was just the apprentice. Now I am the master.-Darth Vader.

-I would not approve of a course of action that would lead us to war.-Queen Amidala.

-Now, to be brave and not look back.-Shmi Skywalker.

-I was not chosen to watch my people suffer and die while we chatted about this invasion in a committee.-Queen Amidala.

-You have your moments. Not many of them, but she does.-Princess Leia.

-Why do I have the feeling that you are going to be death to me? -Obi-Wan Kenobi.

-You are the closest I have to a father… I love you. I do not want to cause you pain.-Anakin.

-I want to go home and rethink my life.-Elan Sleazebaggano.

-There's no escape. Do not make me destroy you.-Darth Vader.

-I do not like this idea of ​​his hiding place.-Padmé.

-I was starting to wonder if you got my message.-Obi-Wan.

-You don't need guidance, Anakin. Over time, you will learn to trust your feelings. Then, you will be invincible.-Palpatine.

-When I am near you, my mind is no longer mine.-Anakin.

-Just relax, focus.-Obi-Wan.

-It wasn't strong enough to save you mother. It was not strong enough, but I promise you that I will not fail again.-Anakin.

-Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.-Darth Vader.

-I have said it many times, that they are the most gifted Jedi I have ever met.-Palpatine.

-I'm sorry Mr. I forgot that he does not like to fly.-Anakin.

-That was brave, boy, but dumb. I would have thought you would have learned your lesson.-Count Dooku.

-You are going to pay for all the Jedi you killed today, Dooku.-Anakin.

-Do you love me? I thought you had decided not to fall in love.-Anakin.

-I'm not fear to die. I've been dying a little bit every day since you came back into my life.-Padmé.

-You are asking me to be rational. I know it's something I can't do.-Anakin.

-Anakin. Don't let your personal feelings get in the way.-Obi-Wan.

-There is a great disturbance in the Force.-Emperor Palpatine.

-What if it doesn't survive? He is worth a lot to me.-Fett Boba.

-Are you ready? What do you know about being prepared? For eight hundred years I have trained the Jedi. I will decide who should be trained.-Yoda.

-Do you think Yoda stops teaching, just because his student doesn't want to listen? A master Yoda is. Yoda teaches how drunkards drink, how murderers kill.-Yoda.

-It may not seem like much, but he has it in the important moments.-Han Solo.

-If there is a bright center of the universe, it is on the planet that is furthest from it.- Luke Skywalker.

-Traveling through hyperspace is not like dusting crops, farm boy.-Han Solo.

-The belonging you are looking for is not behind you ... it is ahead.-Maz Kanata.

-A very wise Jedi once said that nothing happens by accident.-Anakin.

-No team is blameless. It takes two to fight.-Tee Watt Kaa.

-Dying for a people is a great sacrifice. But living for a people, an even greater sacrifice.-Riyo Chuchi.

-If we sacrifice our code, even for victory, we can lose what is most important, our honor.-Obi-Wan.

-But isn't freedom worth fighting for? -Aayla Secura.

-He must have hidden the plans in the escape pod. Send a detachment down to retrieve them. There will be no one to stop us this moment.-Darth Vader.

-This will be a day long remembered. The end of Kenobi has been seen and very soon the end of the Rebellion will be seen.-Darth Vader.

-Help me, Obi-wan, you are my only hope.-Leia Organa.

-Do it or not. There is no attempt.-Yoda.

-When I leave, of the Jedi, you will be the last.-Yoda.

-I will never turn to the dark side. You have failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father.-Luke Skywalker.

-Just this time, let me look at you with my own eyes.-Anakin Skywalker.

-Well, if the droids could think, none of us would be here, right? - Obi-wan Kenobi.

-We must leave our faith in the Republic. The day we think democracy does not work, that day will fail.-Queen Jamillia.

-The dark side of the force is a path to many abilities, some considered unnatural.-Chancellor Palpanite.

-Alright boy, just don't get cocky.-Han Solo.

-I've been waiting for you, Obi-wan. At last we meet again. The cycle is over. When we parted, I was just an apprentice, now I am the master.-Darth Vader.

-I will not fail you. I'm not afraid.-Luke Skywalker.

-Someday, I will be the most powerful Jedi of all time.-Anakin Skywalker.

-Once you begin to follow the dark side, your destiny will dominate this forever.-Yoda.

-Let go of your hatred.-Luke Skywalker.

-Compassion, that which I will define as unconditional love, is essential in the life of a Jedi. So you can say that we are encouraged by love.-Anakin Skywalker.

-I was not chosen to see the suffering and death of my people while you discuss an invasion in committee.-Queen Amidala.

-You were the chosen one. It was said that you were going to destroy the Sith, not join them. That you would bring balance by force, not that you would get lost in the dark.-Obi-wan Kenobi.

-Your son is gone, he was weak and foolish like his father. And I destroyed it.-Kylo Ren.

-You are being rescued. Congratulations. Do not resist.-K-2SO Droid.

-Something has awakened. Have you noticed? .- Snoke.

-Aren't you a little small for a Stormtrooper? -Leia Organa.

-Chewie, we're home.-Han solo.

-These are not the droids you are looking for.-Obi-wan Kenobi.

-Your weapon ... You will not need it.-Yoda.

-Don't call me a stupid philosopher, overweight fat balloon.-C3PO.

-Shut him up or knock him down, anyone.-Han Solo.

-You look really beautiful, you really belong here with us among the clouds.-Lando.

-I think I just blew it.-Luke Skywalker.

-I never doubted you, not for a second. Wonderful.-C3PO.

-Oh no, young Jedi. You will discover that you have been wrong about so many things.-The emperor.

-I can fix it.-Poe Dameron.

-I won't be nice to you. It's not worth it.-Han Solo.

-We should double our efforts.-Maff Jerjerrod.

-I'm not afraid of anything. Everything is as the force wants.-Chirrut Imwa.

-I will stay with you as requested, but there is a problem on the horizon. There is no horizon.-K-2SO.

-You will know it when you are at peace and calm. A Jedi uses the force, for knowledge and defense. Never to attack.-Yoda.

-In time, the suffering of your people will persuade you to see it as we do.-Nute Gunray.

-Sorry for the mess.-Han Solo.

-You are reckless to lower your defenses! .- Dath Vader.

-I'll go with you Alderaan. There is nothing here for me. I want to learn the ways of the force and be a Jedi, like my father.-Luke Skywalker.

-It might not sound like much, but you have it where you need it, boy.-Han Solo.

-I suggest a new strategy, R2 lets the Wookie win.-C3PO.

-The Sith took everything from me, they took me out of my mother's arms, they murdered my brother, they used me as a weapon. Then they pushed me away, they abandoned me. I had power, now, I have nothing.-Maul.

-Everything is happening as planned.-The Emperor.

-That is not a moon. It is a space base.-Obi-wan Kenobi.

-You know? No matter how many times we have been separated, I have always hated when you leave.-Leia Organa.

-Oh dear friend. How I missed you.-C3PO.

-No, I don't think he likes you. I don't like you either.-C3PO.

-You probably don't recognize me by my red arm.-C3PO.

-Obi-wan, that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.-Ben.

-Then, I'll see you in hell.-Han Solo.

-Every time I have walked away from something, I have told myself that it was for a cause. A cause that was worth it.-Cassian Andor.

-I feel a disturbance in the force, as if the thousands of voices were screaming in terror, they were brutally silenced.-Obi-wan Kenobi.

-This is not how the force works.-Han Solo.

-Traitor! .- Stormtrooper FN-3181.

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