The 100 Best Superhero Phrases

David Holt
The 100 Best Superhero Phrases

I leave you the best superhero phrases like Batman, Superman, Thor, Deadpool, Green Lantern, Wolverine, Ironman, Catwoman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman and many more.

You may also be interested in these Batman quotes or these from The Joker.

-You know, sometimes when you imprison the beast, the beast rages.-Wolverine.

-Give me a whiskey. I'm hungry.-Iron Man.

-Our ancestors called it magic, you call it science. I come from a land where both are the same.-Thor.

-You can have my soul, but there is something you will not have and it is my spirit.-Ghost Rider.

-Why do we fall? So that we can learn to recover.-Batman.

-Life does not give us a purpose. We give purpose to Life ... -Flash.

-Everybody looks at you. They listen to you. If you tell them to fight, they will fight. But they need to be inspired. And let's face it, 'Superman' ... the last time you inspired someone ... was when you were dead. -Batman.

-I am willing to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.-Diana Prince (Wonder Woman).

-It is our sacred duty to defend the world, and that is what I will do. " -Diana Prince (Wonder Woman).

-I have worked so hard to earn their respect, sometimes they forget that I am flesh and blood. -Batman.

-I can only tell you what I believe, Diana. Mankind must be allowed to ascend to its own destiny. We can't get them there. -Superman.

-Superman? You will never be Superman. Because you have no idea what it means to be Superman. It's not about where you were born. Or what powers do you have. Or what you wear on your chest. It's about what you do… it's action. -Superman.

-You cannot escape from me. Nothing hurts me. But I know the pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it, with someone like you. -Batman.

-There is good and evil in the universe and that distinction is not difficult to make. -Superman.

-You are not fighting with a woman now! -Superman.

-You are right! Taking lives is definitely something I find offensive! But discovering the terrorist criminals doesn't bother me at all! -Superman.

-They seem to have cultivated little respect for human life… And nothing is more sacred than that. -Superman.

-Dreams save us. Dreams help us to get up and transform ourselves. And in my soul, I swear ... until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice becomes the reality we all share: I will never stop fighting. Never. -Superman.

-Adults… they are a strange breed! Their brains weigh about three pounds, and that's not three pounds of joyous delight! -The Tick.

-In the brightest day, in the darkest night, no evil will escape my sight. May those who worship the power of evil beware of my power: Green lantern light! -Green Lantern.

-So from now on, as long as there are people who need my very special kind of help, it won't be an ordinary job for Clark Kent… It will be a job for Superman. -Superman.

-And I'm afraid that when I walk through the doors of the asylum… when I walk into Arkham and the doors close behind me… it will be like coming home. -Batman.

-With great power comes great responsibility! The narrator in the Amazing Spider-Man.

-We plan days and days and when the time comes, we proceed to improvise. -Quicksilver.

-The point is: what are you giving back to your community? Every culture that has come to this country has added something to it. -Superman.

-If I were a normal man, I would be dead. But neither am I. -Grifter from Wildcats.

-I cannot preach hatred and war when I am a disciple of peace and love! -Wonder Woman.

-It is time for me to face my responsibilities. I have to leave Smallville. I have to find people and places that need someone who can do the things that I do. -Superman.

-I should break your face for it, but that wouldn't teach you about love. -Slaughterman.

-Fate has smiled upon you, Loki… they have provided you with another opportunity to kill me. You wanted me so desperately… Now you have me. Do your worst. -Thor.

-In this world, there is good and there is evil ... And that distinction is not difficult to make. The powers we have… The things we do… Are to inspire ordinary citizens… Not to intimidate them… Not to terrorize them. -Superman.

-Patriotism does not automatically equal conservatism. -Tony Stark.

-Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon. -Rorschach.

-I'd rather not rule the earth. I just want to marry the girl next door and live in the suburbs. -Dynamo.

-In my attempts to see clearly in the deepest darkness, in my efforts to go to the motionless eye in the storm of madness, did I open myself to some pure source of evil? Did I finally reach the limits of reason, and find the devil waiting? And was that fear in his eyes? -Batman.

-Earth is a fabulous planet !! But he needs all the help he can get! Including mine! -Superman.

-Why does everyone say my name as if it means 'shut your mouth'? -Jubilee X-Men.

-We are forming a union, asshole, my foot and your face! -Skateman.

-And now I'm better at doing whatever Wolverine does! -Deadpool.

-Your language leaves something to be desired. -Thor.

-I believe in Jim Gordon. I believe in Harvey Dent. I believe in Gothic. -Batman.

-Sometimes it's just madness that makes us who we are. -Batman.

-Now the whole world is watching us. We must be nothing more and nothing less than fabulous. -Emma Frost.

-Whatever happens, remember to protect me. -Deadpool.

-It's in bitch mode! -Hank Pym.

-It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. So… he shoots fire from the skies, and it's hard not to think of him as a god, and how lucky we all are that he doesn't think of it. -Batman.

-Did you kill your imaginary friend? With what? With an imaginary weapon, of course. -Doom Patrol.

-Deadpool, isn't it? Some kind of rhyme with Dead Fool? (fool). Wolverine.

-Yeah right ... how Wolverine rhymes with ... Louver Screen? Hoover Spleen? Hey, what the hell rhymes with Wolverine? -Deadpool.

-Take it easy. You get so tense about your bodily fluids ... -Black Cat.

-I'm talking. Get out of my cave. -Batman.

-Believe me when I say that my wish is that violence is not necessary. But violence is the price we pay to achieve a greater good. As heroes, we choose to protect that good with our lives. -Superman.

-In my opinion, the existence of life is a highly overrated phenomenon. -Dr Manhattan.

-The last time you inspired someone, you were dead. -Batman.

-That would be a certain God of Thunder. Oh… you better run. -Hombre de Hierro.

-You asked for my help. That's all that matters. -Superman.

-Having met the Lord God, I can honestly say that he is a bit of a jerk. -Jesse Custer.

-I always think that I have it all figured out, and then I live another day, and everything becomes more complicated. -Scud.

-You do not understand. I'm not stuck here with you You are trapped here with me. -Rorscach.

-What do you think the A represents? France? -Captain America.

5-Duh! Paper or plastic? Hello! Do you have any idea what plastic bags do to the environment? I'm Al Gore's death message, kid! -Deadpool.

-Speak fast! I'm looking forward to destroying you! -Hellboy.

-Criminals are a bunch of superstitious cowards. So my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible ... -Batman.

-That vase was from the Ming dynasty. Alfred will forgive me… eventually. -Batman.

-I made a promise at my parents' grave that I would rid this city of the evil that took their lives. By day, I'm Bruce Wayne, a billionaire philanthropist. At night, criminals, many cowards and superstitious people call me ... Batman. -Batman.

-From here, the clean concrete ducts, covered in a lot of snow. The work of men who died generations ago. From here, everything looks like an achievement. I should have taken the train. It should be closer. You should see the enemy. -Bruce Wayne.

-Learn again the difference between a god of thunder ... and a mortal man in a metal suit. -Hombre de Hierro.

-If any mortal comes uninvited to Asgard on behalf of those who believe themselves to be powerful, within the hour they will learn what TRUE power is. -Thor.

-At heart, Clark is essentially a good person ... and at heart, I'm not. -Batman.

-They say that when you kill a man you not only take all that he was, but all that he will be. -Batman.

-I've been to too many funerals. -Batman.

-Take it, Blob. I've been kicking your fat ass since I was thirteen. -Iceman.

-Next time, guys, we should rebuild this place out of Lego. -Wolverine.

-Not! Not all swords in Asgard, not all power in the universe will be able to contain me now! -Thor.

-Great talk from a guy who has no pants. -Hellboy.

-SIGHT! Naked Belgians! -Spiderman.

-And like the sun, which had been too afraid to show its face in this city, began to turn black into gray, I smiled, not with happiness, but because I knew ... that one day, I would no longer have to do this. One day, he might stop fighting. Because one day ... I would win. Someday, there will be no pain, no loss, no crime. For my cause, because I fight, for you. One day, I will win. -Batman.

-All men have limits. They learn what they are and learn not to overcome them. I ignore mine. -Batman.

-There is a difference between you and me. We both looked into the abyss, but when he looked at us… you blinked. -Batman.

-And all the whores and politicians will look up and cry 'save us!', And I will whisper… No. -Rorschach.

-I want you to remember, Clark… in all the years to come… in your most private moments… I want you to remember my hand on your throat… I want you to remember the man who beat you… -Batman.

-Bruce… do us all a favor and BUY a sense of humor. -Superman.

-The waves are just water. The wind, only air. And yet, even if the lightning is fire ... it must answer the call of thunder. -Thor Odinson.

-On this day, we have declared war… and we will avenge the evils perpetrated by those who oppose us. We're going to… avenge them all. -Thor Odinson.

-I wear a mask, and that mask is not to hide who I am, but to create what I am. -Batman.

-Really, that's what America is all about. That's the American way. Life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness, and second chances. None of us are forced to be something we don't want to be. -Superman.

-When I was young, I knew I would be someone different when I grew up. I would like to get out of the house and make a new life for myself. A new beginning, a second chance. -Superman.

-The waves are just water. The wind, only air. And yet, even if the lightning is fire ... it must answer the call of thunder. -Thor Odinson.

-When I first went to Metropolis, it was full of people who had done the same. People from all over America, from all over the world, who came to the city to live the lives they wanted, to be the people they wanted to be. That's the idea America was founded with, but not just for people born here. It's for everyone. -Superman.

-Fate dressed you this morning, my friend, and now fear is trying to take your pants off. If you give up, if you give in, you're going to end up naked with Fear who just stood there laughing at your precious earrings! -The Tick.

-Stars are not measured by how long they burn ... but by how they shine. -Superman.

-People think it is an obsession. A compulsion, as if there was an irresistible urge to act. It has never been like this. I chose this life. I know what I'm doing and any day, I could stop doing it. Today, however, is not that day. And tomorrow it won't be either. -Batman.

-List of duties on the refrigerator door: Meeting adjourned. -Superman.

-What do you see when you look at me? The boy with the shoes you used to tie every morning, the teenager you drove on his first date? I am the reason criminals breathe easier when the sun rises. Tonight won't be my end, but it will be theirs! -Batman.

-Ladies. Gentlemen. They have eaten well. They have eaten the wealth of Gotham. His spirit. Your party is almost over. As of this moment, none of you are safe. -Batman.

-I hope justice is found today ... before justice finds you.-Daredevil.

-No matter how many times you protect the world, it always manages to get back into danger.-Mr. Amazing.

-How am I supposed to tell crime to shut up if I have to shut up? - The Crimson Bolt.

-I'm going to break my foot in your ass, woman ... -Hancock.

-I stayed, and studied like a good nerd. And fifteen years later, I am one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st century. Fantastic.

-I hit Adolf Hitler about 200 times.-Captain America.

-This is my gift, my curse. Who I am? I'm Spider-Man-Spider-Man.

-Can't catch justice! It's an idea, a belief! .- Metro Man.

-Hulk, CRUSH! .- Hulk.

-Sometimes the truth is not good enough, sometimes people deserve more. Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.-Batman.

-Some bastards are always trying to ice skate uphill.-Blade.

-It is not dying that you should fear, to begin with you have to live.-The green hornet.

-Haven't I killed you already? -Hellboy.

-I have something to give you. I do not want it anymore. Thirty hours of pain at a time, all for you.-The Raven.

-Because there must always be, eternally, a Fox. And someday, when he is needed, we will see him again.-El Zorro.

-Listen to me very carefully, my friend: killing you will not bring you peace.-Professor X.

-The wise man says forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for pizza that is late.-Michelangelo (Ninja Turtles).

-Power is produced in response to a need, not a desire. You have to create that need.-Goku.

-I am the answer to all living beings that cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the dark. I am true. Ally to the good guys. Nightmare for you.-Goku.

-I'd rather be a brainless monkey than a soulless monster.-Goku.

-You must be Freeza, the one responsible for the horrible chain of events that have taken place on this planet. Any problems you have with Vegeta, you can solve them with me now.-Goku.

-Sorry, I saw an opening that yelled 'ATTACK', and I did, ha! .- Goku.

-I think I know how to get that smile out of your ugly mug. I'm going to renew his face.- Goku.

-What you don't understand is that I'm only looking for the jewel! -InuYasha.

-I'm not done yet! .- InuYasha.

-Suffers. Your suffering is my only joy. There is no defense, I have no need for defense! You've already stolen the one thing I ever wanted to protect. Enishi Yukishiro.

-I have spent months preparing for the day when I would face you in your final form. I've come a long way, Cell.-Goku.

-Cell is out of stock. It just wouldn't be fair if Gohan hits him now when he's not at his best. -Goku.

-These guys are ruthless. What happened again in the city is going to happen everywhere. They are going to start setting fire to the whole planet if we leave.-Gohan.

-You killed my father, Krillin too, and the others… For you, they are gone! I'm going to make you pay for everything you did to them! -Gohan.

-I know your type. Do you think you can come and take our planet? But you forgot one thing ... I am my father's son! .- Gohan.

-You don't flirt with the enemy. You destroy them.-Raphael (The Ninja Turtles).

-I can't keep fighting this alien technology with a six foot crew.-Donatello (The Ninja Turtles).

-What kind of idiot puts his name on a death machine? - Donatello (Ninja Turtles).

-I'm so hungry, that I can't even move.-Goku.

-You can take off my suits, you can take away my house, but there is one thing you can never take away from me, I am the iron man.-Iron Man.

-Listen, smile, agree, and then do what you were going to do anyway.-Iron Man.

-No matter how bad things are, something good is out there, beyond the horizon.-Green Lantern.

-I had opened my eyes. I realized that I had more to offer this world than just doing things that explode.-Iron Man.

-You are much stronger than you think you are. Trust me.-Spiderman.

-There is good and evil in this universe, and differentiating them is not a difficult thing to do.-Superman.

-The answers you seek will be yours, once I claim what is mine.-Thor.

-This is not freedom. We are keeping a gun to the head of all citizens and calling it security direction.-Captain America.

-It is not who I am in my cave, but what I do that defines me.-Batman.

-I'm the Great Saiyaman! -Gohan.

-The most important thing in this world is strength. Everything else is just a hoax for the weak.-Vegeta.

-There is only one certainty in life. A strong man stands on top and conquers everything! .- Vegueta.

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