The 100 Best Ethics Phrases

David Holt
The 100 Best Ethics Phrases

I leave you the best ethics phrases from excellent authors such as Cicero, Fernando Savater, Albert Schweitzer, Confucius, Kant, Khalil Gibran, David Hume, Albert Einstein, Albert Camus and many more.

Some of the topics touched on in these phrases are related to morality, good and evil, integrity and some values ​​such as honesty and respect. You may also be interested in these phrases of philosophy or these of values.

Representative image of a decision-making, an ethical dilemma. Source:

-Ethics is nothing more than the rational attempt to figure out how to live better. -Fernando Savater.

-Ethics is the activity of man aimed at ensuring the internal perfection of his own personality. -Albert Schweitzer.

-Ethics is a code of values ​​that guides our decisions and actions, and determines the purpose and direction of our lives. -Ayn Rand.

-Ethics is not a description of what people do; it is a prescription for what we all must do. -Michael Josephson.

-Ethics or morals must be understood not only as the performance of a few good actions, but as the formation of a sensitive soul. -Victoria Camps.

-Live one day at a time, emphasizing ethics over rules. -Wayne Dyer.

-Ethics is nothing but the veneration of life. -Albert Schweitzer.

-In civilized life, the law floats in a sea of ​​ethics. -Earl Warren.

-Nonviolence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. It is not until we stop harming all other living things that we will still be wild. -Thomas A. Edison.

-My conscience weighs more heavily on me than everyone's opinion. -Cicero.

-Actions are certainly the only way to express ethics. -Jane Addams

-Great people have great values ​​and great ethics. -Jeffrey Gitomer.

-It is generally easier to strive for principles than to live up to them. -Adlai Stevenson.

-Your values ​​are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same, but you leave them above everything you do. -Elvis Presley.

-With morality we correct the errors of our instincts, and with love the errors of our morals. -José Ortega y Gasset.

-Until man extends his circle of compassion to all living things, man cannot find peace on his own. -Albert Schweitzer.

-Calamity is the test of integrity. -Samuel Richardson.

-Ethical decisions make sure to achieve the best benefit for all. When in doubt, avoid it. -Harvey Mackay.

-Morality rests naturally on feeling. -Anatole France.

-Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have the right to do and what is right. -Potter Stewart.

-Don't assume, ask. Be nice. Tell the truth. Don't say anything that you can't fully endorse. Have integrity. Tell people how you feel. -Warsan Shire.

-A morality based on relative emotional values ​​is a mere illusion, a totally vulgar conception that has no coherence or truth. -Socrates.

-There are two types of people in this world, the good and the bad. The good ones sleep better, but the bad ones seem to enjoy being awake. -Woody Allen.

-In any ethical situation, the thing you least want to do is probably the right action. -Jerry Pournelle.

-Relativity applies to physics, not to ethics. -Albert Einstein.

-Compassion is the foundation of morality. -Arthur Schopenhauer.

-The most important human endeavor is to fight for morality in our actions. Our internal balance, and even our existence depends on it. Only morality in our actions can give our lives beauty and dignity. -Albert Einstein.

-Never let your morals get in the way of doing the right thing. -Isaac Asimov.

-Morality, like language, is a structure designed to preserve and communicate order. And morality is learned, as well as language, through imitation and memory. -Jane Rule.

-Ethics, equality and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar. -D. H. Lawrence.

-The strength of a nation depends on the integrity of its homes. -Confucius.

-Freedom cannot be established without morality, and morality cannot be established without faith. -Alexis de Tocqueville.

-A man is ethical only when life as such is sacred to him. -Albert Schweitzer.

-In the eyes of the law, a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In the eyes of ethics, he is guilty for simply thinking about it. -Immanuel Kant.

-Morality is a private and expensive luxury. -Henry Adams.

-Our lives improve only when we take risks, and the first and most difficult risk we take is being honest with ourselves. -Walter Anderson.

-Even the most rational approach to ethics is helpless without the will to do the right thing. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

-Integrity is telling the truth to myself. And honesty is telling the truth to others. -Spencer Johnson.

-The ethics of science considers the search for truth as one of the greatest duties of man. -Edwin Grant Conklin.

-Have the courage to say "no." Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing just because it's right. These are the keys to living your life with integrity. -W. Clement stone.

-Peace of mind produces correct values; correct values ​​produce correct thoughts; and correct thoughts produce correct actions. -Mark Richardson.

-Nothing is more sacred than the integrity of your own mind. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

-He who does not wear his morality as his best outfit would be better off naked. -Khalil Gibran.

-Honesty is the cornerstone of all success. Without honesty, confidence and the ability to perform will cease to exist. -Mary Kay Ash.

-A man without ethics is a wild beast roaming free in this world. -Albert Camus.

-Preaching morals is an easy thing; much easier than adjusting life to the morality that is preached. -Arthur Schopenhauer.

-Acting out of simple sympathy, compassion or charity, has absolutely nothing moral. -Immanuel Kant.

-Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. -Thomas Jefferson.

-We do not act in the correct way because we have virtue or excellence, but we have these by having acted correctly. -Aristotle.

-He who conquers his desires is more courageous than he who defeats his enemies. -Aristotle.

-A truth told with a bad intention, defeats all the lies you can invent. -William Blake.

-All that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke.

-The spirit has to progress to the consciousness of what it is in an immediate way, it has to overcome the beautiful ethical life and reach, through a series of figures, the knowledge of itself. -Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.

-It is not logic that makes men reasonable, it is the science of ethics that makes men good. -Oscar Wilde.

-If ethics are deficient in managers, that behavior will be reflected at other business levels. -Robert Noyce.

-You can't put someone in charge of your morale. Ethics is a personal discipline. -Pritchett price.

-The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. -Mahatma Gandhi.

-A life built with integrity, even if it lacks fame and fortune, is a star whose light will be followed by others for years to come. -Denis Waitley.

-People who try so hard to do the right thing always seem crazy. -Stephen King.

-Ethics is not about how things are, but about the way they should be. -Michael Josephson.

-We cannot escape ethics. -Peter Singer.

-Losers make promises that they often break. Winners commit to things that they always deliver. -Denis Waitley.

-The ethical behavior of a man must be based on sympathy, education and social ties and needs. -Albert Einstein.

-The most important persuasion tool you have in your entire arsenal is your integrity. -Zig Ziglar.

-Living in contradiction with one's own reason is the most unbearable moral state. -Lion Tolstoy.

-That knowing how to live, or art of living, if you prefer, is what they call ethics. -Fernando Savater.

-Be impeccable with your words and speak with integrity. Say only what you feel and use the power of your words in pursuit of truth and love. -Don Miguel Ruiz.

-In the end, you should always do the right thing, even if it is difficult. -Nicholas Sparks.

-An education without values, while useful, seems rather to make man a more intelligent devil. -C. S. Lewis.

-There is no such thing as a small stumble in integrity. -Tom Peters.

-Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and terrible. -Samuel Johnson.

-The qualities of an excellent man are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, power of articulation, and depth of character. -Dwight D. Eisenhower.

-There may be situations where we cannot do anything to prevent injustice, but there should never be a time when we fail to protest. -Elie Wiesel.

-When morality faces profit, it rarely loses profit. -Shirley Chisholm.

-Ethics is about meeting the challenge of doing the right thing when it means that we will pay more than we are willing to. -Josephson Institute of Ethics.

-Culture cannot be outside of ethics. -Elena Poniatowska.

-True integrity is doing the right thing, even knowing that no one will know if you have done it or not. -Oprah Winfrey.

-The gods and politics are the tools by which the atheists and the unprincipled manipulate the naive. -Janet Morris.

-Integrity does not need rules. -Albert Camus.

-The rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason. -David Hume.

-If you don't stick to your values ​​when they are put to the test, they are not values, they are hobbies. -Job Stewart.

-A man does what he must do, despite its personal consequences, and despite obstacles, dangers and pressures, and this is the basis of all human morality. -John F. Kennedy.

-Ethics is, in origin, the art of recommending to others the sacrifices necessary to cooperate with oneself. -Bertrand Russell.

-Act as if the maxim of your action is going to become, through your will, a natural law. -Immanuel Kant.

-When your values ​​are clear, making decisions becomes easier. -Roy E. Disney.

-Subtlety can fool you, but integrity can never. -Oliver Goldsmith.

-Ethics is the practice of reflecting on what we are going to do and the reasons why we are going to do it. -Fernando Savater.

-Few people are capable of demonstrating a common ethical principle when their deliberation is poisoned with emotion. -Truman Capote.

-Without ethics, everything would happen as if we were all five billion passengers in a large machine that no one is driving. And it goes faster and faster, but we don't know where. -Jacques-Yves Costeau.

-Don't worry so much about your self-esteem. Worry more about your character. Integrity is your reward.

-Your ethical muscle grows stronger each time you choose good over evil. -Pritchett price.

-All ethical people strive to do the "right" over the "easy" when faced with situations that force them to choose between one or the other. -Derrick Bell.

-Live in such a way that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you. -H. Jackson brown.

-Our lives depend on the ethics of strangers, and most of us are always strangers to other people. -Bill Moyers.

-Find men and women whose integrity and values ​​you respect; get their agreement on your course of action; and give them your utmost confidence. -John Akers.

-Without ethics, man has no future. In other words, without ethics humanity cannot be itself. Ethics allow decisions and actions to be taken, and suggests priorities in difficult situations. -John Berger.

-Nothing that is morally wrong can be politically correct. -William Ewart Gladstone.

-The mind of a superior man is about virtue; the evil man's mind is on profit. -Confucius.

-Morality is what makes one feel good and immoral is what makes one feel bad. -Ernest Hemingway.

-Competition, transparency, ethics and efficiency break down any wall. -Elke Batista.

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