The 100 Best Phrases of Umberto Eco

Robert Johnston
The 100 Best Phrases of Umberto Eco

I leave you the best phrases by Umberto Eco (1932-2016), philosopher, university professor and one of the best writers of the last century, being The Name of the Rose, Foucault's Pendulum Y The island of the day before his best known works.

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-To survive, stories must be told.

-People are tired of the simple things, they want to be challenged.

-Love is wiser than wisdom.

-Dreaming during the day is like the sin of the flesh; the more you have, the more you want.

-We have a limit, a very discouraging one, a humiliating limit: death.

-There are books that are for the public and books that make their own public.

-True love wants the good of the loved one.

-Creativity means knowing who we are. It is jazz without music, it is a flow of energy. To be creative is to be brave.

-There are more books in the world than hours to read them. We are therefore deeply influenced by the books that we have not read, that we have not had the time to read..

-The task of a novel is to teach by delighting, and what it teaches is to recognize the tricks of the world.

-I love the smell of ink on a book in the morning.

-Our life is full of empty spaces.

-Because of the lies, we can produce and invent a possible world.

-When men stop believing in God, it is not that later they do not believe in anything, they believe in everything.

-The true hero is always a hero by mistake; dreams of being an honest coward like everyone else.

-We live for books.

-Nothing is more harmful to creativity than the fury of inspiration.

-A secret is powerful when it's empty.

-What is life but the shadow of a fleeting dream?

-Translation is the art of failure.

-Not all truths are for all ears.

-There is nothing better than imagining other worlds to forget how painful the world we live in is.

-Love is wiser than wisdom.

-I believe in myself as a serious teacher who writes novels on the weekend.

-We live for the books, a sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay.

-Nothing gives a fearful man more value than the fear of another.

-A dream is a scripture and many scriptures are nothing but a dream.

-Better reality than a dream: if something is real, then it is real and you are not to blame.

-Maybe I'm not as wise as I like to think I am.

-If you want to use television to teach someone, you must first teach how to use television.

-I think a book should be judged 10 years later, after reading it and rereading it.

-Wisdom is not destroying idols, but never creating them.

-Today political events are canceled unless they are on television.

-The Enlightenment, the age of reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity.

-Beauty is boring because it is predictable.

-If people buy my books for vanity, I consider it a tax on idiocy.

-If a shepherd fails, he must be separated from the other shepherds, but, alas if the sheep began to mistrust the shepherds!

-I like nicotine as it excites my brain and helps me work.

-How not to fall on your knees before the altar of certainty?

-Followers of the occult believe only in what they already know, and in those things that confirm what they have already learned..

-Books often talk about books.

-It's a publisher myth that people want to read easy stuff.

-I've lost the freedom of not having an opinion.

-There is nothing more difficult to define than an aphorism.

-One can be a great poet and be politically stupid.

-We like lists because we don't want to die.

-Memory is a temporary resource for human beings, for whom time flies and what is past is past.

-Sometimes it is difficult to understand the difference between identifying with one's own roots, understanding people with other roots, and judging what is good or bad.

-There is nothing that occupies and ties the heart more than love. Therefore, when it does not have weapons to govern itself, the soul sinks, for love, in the deepest of ruins.

-I would define the poetic effect as the ability that a text teaches to continue generating different readings, without being completely consumed.

-It is impossible to change the people of God without reincorporating the marginalized.

-All ideals and no ideas.

-Nothing gives more value to fear than the fear of others.

-Poetry is not a matter of feelings, it is a matter of language. It is a language that creates feelings.

-Love blooms in expectation. Expectation takes a stroll through the wide fields of time to opportunity.

-If someone writes a book and doesn't care about the survival of that book, they are an asshole..

-I lacked the courage to investigate the weaknesses of the wicked, because I have discovered that they are the same as the weaknesses of the saints.

-Humans are religious animals.

-Art only offers alternatives to those who are not a prisoner of the mass media.

-The Internet is like a large inventory, but it does not constitute memory in itself.

-It is psychologically very difficult to go through life without the justification and hope provided by religion..

-In a story there is always a reader, and that reader is a fundamental ingredient for success in the storytelling process..

-Laughter is the weakness, the corruption, the insipidity of our flesh.

-Superstition brings bad luck.

-I have come to believe that the world is an enigma, but an innocent enigma made terrible by our mad attempt to interpret everything as if there was an underlying truth..

-The poets did not win; the philosophers surrendered.

-Art is serious business.

-By reading the narrative, we escape the anxiety that attacks us when we try to say something about the world.

-A scoundrel is a heliotrope always turning in the direction of the mightiest.

-When you live cultivating impossible hopes, you are already a loser. And when you realize it, you sink.

-The library is a testimony to truth and error.

-The devil is not the prince of matter, the devil is the arrogance of the spirit, faith without a smile, the truth never touched by doubt.

-Without eyes to read it, a book contains signs that do not produce concepts. And therefore it is mute.

-We are cowards when we feel cowards.

-You are always born under the wrong sign and living with dignity means correcting your horoscope day by day.

-Simple mechanisms do not love.

-The wise man is not the one who discriminates, he is the one who combines the shreds of light regardless of their origin.

-I believe that who we are depends on the teachings of our parents at certain times. We are made up of little pieces of wisdom.

-Absence is to love as the wind is to fire: the small flame is extinguished, it gives life in a big way.

-All poets write bad poetry. Bad poets publish them, good poets burn them.

-When you're on the dance floor, there's nothing else to do but dance.

-Books are not made to be believed, but to be investigated. When we consider a book, we should not ask ourselves what it says, but what it means.

-We are smart enough to turn a laundry list into poetry.

-Learning does not consist only in knowing what we should do, but also in knowing what we could do and perhaps not do..

-Sometimes I see the moon and imagine that those dark spots are caverns, cities, islands and the places that shine are those where the sea catches the sunlight like the glass in a mirror.

-For every complex problem there is a simple solution.

-I belong to a lost generation and I am only comfortable in the company of other people who are lost and lonely.

 -One can become a painter without ever having seen a single work by Raphael or a writer without having read the classics..

-The 'primitive' artist, condemned to ignorance of the past, is always recognizable as such and rightly labeled naive.

-Any fact becomes important when it is connected to another.

-The author must die once he has finished writing, so as not to disturb the path of the text.

-They seem to know all the cliches, but not how to put them together in a credible way..

-These stories are terrifying and great precisely because all the cliches are realistically intertwined and cannot be separated from them..

-The first quality of an honest man is contempt for religion.

-The most beautiful thing that destiny has given us is life.

-There are four types of people in this world: cretins, fools, morons and crazy.

-It felt like the poisoning of a monk.

-He did not have the courage to investigate the weaknesses of the wicked, because he discovered that they are the same as the weaknesses of holiness.

-The conquest of learning is achieved through the knowledge of languages.

-Perhaps the mission of those who love humanity is to make real people laugh, make the truth laugh, because the only truth is to learn to free ourselves from the crazy passion for the truth..

-Memory is a substitute for human beings, for whom time flies and what is past is past.

-If you want to become a man of letters and maybe write some stories one day, you must also lie and make up stories, otherwise your story will become monotonous..

-The purpose of a story is to teach and please at the same time, and what is taught is how to recognize the pitfalls of the world.

-Monsters exist because they are part of the divine plan, and in the characteristics of those horrible monsters the power of the creator is revealed..

-The first duty of a cultivated person is to always be prepared to rewrite the encyclopedia.

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