The 100 Best Walt Disney Phrases

Robert Johnston

I leave you the best Walt Disney phrases, one of the most creative and inspiring entrepreneurs in history, for having founded The Walt Disney Company, a company that produces films so well known throughout the world as Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Tarzan, The Little Mermaid, Mary Poppins, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Bambi, Snow White and many more.

You may also be interestedthese phrases about the cinema or these of great entrepreneurs.

-When you believe in something, believe in it to the end, implicitly and unquestionably.

-Of all the things I have done, the most vital is to coordinate those who work with me and lead their efforts to a goal.

-When you are curious, you find many interesting things to do.

-Laughter is America's most important export.

-Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination in the world.

-If you can dream it you can do it.

-All dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.

-The way to start is to stop talking and start doing.

-The more you like yourself, the less you look like others, which makes you unique.

-Full classes and half-day sessions are a tragic expense of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children..

-It's a fun thing to do the impossible.

-We believed in our idea; a family park where children and parents could have fun together.

-You're dead if your goals are just for kids. Adults are just kids growing up.

-I love Mickey Mouse more than any woman I have ever met.

-There are more treasures in the books than in all the pirate loot on Treasure Island..

-Disneyland is a labor of love. We didn't go into Disneyland just with the idea of ​​making money.

-You reach a point where you don't work for the money.

-When I go on a trip, I always think about what is wrong with something and how it can be improved.

-I believe in being an innovator.

-When people laugh at Mickey Mouse it is because he is very human; and that is the secret of its popularity.

-All the adversities that I have had in my life, all the problems and obstacles, have strengthened me. You may not know when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing that happens to you..

-I always see the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complicated subject.

-Mickey Mouse came out of my mind in a notebook 20 years ago on a train from Manhattan to Hollywood, at a time when my fortune and that of my brother Roy were at an all-time low, and disaster was just around the corner. corner.

-We keep moving forward, opening new doors and doing new things, because we are curious and curiosity keeps us leading new paths..

-I don't like repeating hits, I like to go for other things.

-A man should never neglect his family for business.

-Times and conditions change so fast that we must continue to keep our goal focused on the future..

-After the rain, the sun reappears. This is life. After the pain, the joy will remain.

-All our dreams can come true.

-That is the real problem with the world; too many people grow up. 

-Happiness is a state of mind. 

-Progress is impossible without change. 

-I think more than anything I want Disneyland to be a happy place. 

-I just hope we don't lose sight of one thing: that it all started with a mouse. 

-If you can visualize it, if you can imagine it, is there a way to do it. 

-The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all. 

-The wonders of nature are endless ...

-That's what storytellers do. We restore order with imagination. We instill hope again and again and again.

-I work better when things go wrong than when they are as smooth as whipped cream.

-Mickey Mouse is, for me, a symbol of independence. It was a means to an end.

-Why be a governor or senator when you can be king of Disneyland?

-Do what you do so well and in such a unique way that people can't resist telling others about you.

-A dream is a wish that your heart creates when you are lightly asleep.

-Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever. 

-Disneyland will always be under construction, growing and adding new things, new ways to have fun, learn things, and share many exciting adventures that can be experienced in the company of friends and family..

-For the young people of today I say: believe in the future, the world is getting better, there are still a lot of opportunities.

-Once a man has tasted freedom, he will never settle for being a slave.

-Ideas come from curiosity.

-No matter how afflicted your heart is, if you keep believing, the dreams you wish for will come true..

-Disneyland is like a lump of clay: if there's something I don't like, I don't keep it. I can remodel and renovate.

-Everybody falls. Getting back up is how you learn to walk.

-I always look at the optimistic side of life.

-Disneyland is often called the 'magic kingdom' because it combines fantasy and history, adventure and learning..

-Have a good idea and stick with it. Work on it until you make it right.

-Laughter is not the enemy of learning.

-Part of Disney's success is our ability to create a believable dream world that appeals to all ages. The type of entertainment we create is meant to appeal to all members of the family.

-We don't make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies. 

-You will be a poorer person your whole life if you don't know some of the great poems and stories.

-People still think of me as a cartoonist, but the only thing I pick up a pen or pencil these days is to sign a contract, a check, or an autograph..

-For every laugh, there should be a tear.

-My business is to make people happy, especially children.

-Life is Beautiful. It is about giving. It's about family. 

-I am not influenced by the techniques or fashions of any other film company.

-Think, believe, dream and dare. 

-You don't build it for yourself. You know what people want and you build it for them. 

-We found that the public, especially children, liked animals that are cute and small. I think we are indebted to Charlie Chaplin for the idea. We wanted something attractive, and we thought of a little mouse that would have some of the melancholy of Chaplin.

-Dream, diversify and never miss the goal.

-You can design, create and build the most wonderful park in the world. But it takes people to make the dream come true. 

-I don't make movies for children. I make them for the child in all of us, be it 6 or 60 years old. 

-It is a mistake not to give people the opportunity to learn to depend on themselves while they are young..

-I can never be still. I must explore and experiment.

-Always, when you travel, assimilate the sounds and sights of the world.

-Animation can explain what the mind of man can conceive. 

-Every leader tells a story about what he or she values.

-All individuals are different and some of us would not be satisfied with just doing routine work and being happy..

-Sometimes I think of myself as a little bee. I go from one study area to another and collect pollen to stimulate everyone. I think that's the job that I do. 

-Films can and do have a great influence on shaping the lives of young people.

-Every child is born blessed with a vivid imagination.

-She believed in dreams, but she also believed in doing something about it. When Prince Charming did not appear, she went to the palace to find him.

-The past can hurt, but the way I see it, you can run from it or you can learn from it.

-At Disney you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy.

-All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggerations, caricatures. It's the very nature of fantasy and fable.

-I'd rather entertain and hope people learn something, than educate people and hope they are entertained.

-Promise me that you will not forget me, because if I thought you would I would never leave.

-I try to create a complete personality for each of our cartoon characters.

-Keep moving forward.

-I would say that money has been my biggest problem. It takes a lot of money to make these dreams come true.

-I love nostalgia. I hope we never lose some of the things of the past.

-Let your heart guide you ... it speaks to you in whispers, you must listen carefully.

-Nothing is impossible.

-Why bother? If you've done your best, worrying won't make it that much better..

-A good story can take you on a fantastic journey.

-We are not trying to entertain the critics. I play it for the public.

-The difference between winning and losing is never giving up.

-Don't be fooled by the common appearance. As in many things, it is not the outside, but the inside that counts.

-Animation is a medium for storytelling and entertainment that can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages anywhere in the world..

-Of all our inventions for mass communication, movies still speak the most universal language.

-I have faced stiff competition all my life. I wouldn't know how I would do well without it.

-Disneyland is a show.

-All you have to do is honestly acknowledge your ignorance, you will find people eager to fill your head with information..

-Direct and simple communication - freedom of expression in all its forms and in the broadest sense - has become vital to the survival of human civilization..

-It is curious that the more the world shrinks because of electronic communications, the more limitless the land of the storyteller becomes..

-Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.

-Some dream, others do, others both.

-If you dream, you believe, if you believe, you can create.

-A new world is a dazzling place.

-In this land of timeless enchantment, the age of chivalry, magic and fiction is reborn and fairy tales come true..

-If you believe in something, believe in it to its ultimate consequences.

-I'm doing this because I want to do it better.

-I believe in being an innovator.

-Think first. Second, believe. Third, dream. Finally dare.

-The things that make me different are the things that make me me.

-I never called my work "art". The business of building entertainment is part of the entertainment business..

-That's the real problem with the world, too many people grow up.

-The best way to start is to stop talking and start acting..

-Born of necessity, the little mouse literally freed us from immediate worries. Provided the means for the expansion of our organization.

-The life and adventures of Mickey Mouse have been closely linked to my personal and professional life.

-I don't want the public to see the world they live in when they are at Disneyland. I want them to feel that they are in another world.

-I just hope we don't lose sight of one thing: that it all started with a mouse..

-One thing it takes to achieve something is courage.

-I don't like formal gardens. I like wild nature. 

-I can't believe there are peaks that can't be climbed by a man who knows the secret to making dreams come true..

-The secret of making dreams come true can be summed up with four c's: curiosity, confidence, courage and perseverance..

-The inspiration for what we produce comes from reading, from observing the world of humans around us and also from the animal kingdom.

-Think first. Second, believe. Third, dream. Finally dare.

-The era we live in is a dream coming true.

-I don't believe in speaking to a certain segment of the population. I like to speak in a general way to the audience.

-When we consider a project, we really study not just the surface but everything about it..

-A "goodbye" may feel like it's forever. A farewell is like an end, but in my heart is the memory and there you will always be.

-You think that the only people who are "people" are those who look like you and think like you. But if you put yourself in the shoes of a stranger, you will learn things you did not know.

-When fantasy is compelling, it does not age simply because it represents a journey into a dimension that is beyond the reach of time..

-Children are people and as such, they should learn certain things, understand certain things, just as adults must internalize certain matters if they want to grow mentally..

-Life is made up of lights and shadows, and we would be liars, dishonest and cloying if we pretended there aren't any.

-You are not doing a child a favor if you try to protect him from reality. The important thing is that you teach them that good can always triumph over evil.

-They say that if you have a dream more than once, it is sure to come true.

-"Forever" is a long time and time has a curious way of changing things.

-Those who are clever, those who have brains, never understand anything.

-To all those who visit Disneyland, welcome. Disneyland is yours. Here adults relive memories of the past while young people can savor the challenges and promises of the future..

-How is it that our planet Earth, which is only a reflection of what is in the heavens, can have such a variety of life, so many curious and exciting creatures??

-Disneyland is like Alice through the mirror. Going through the gates of Disneyland will be like entering another world.

-When I started Disneyland, my wife used to say to me “But why do you want to build an amusement park? They are very dirty ”. I told him that was the thing, that mine would not be dirty.

-Here is the world of imagination, hopes and dreams.

-This fantastic land is dedicated to the young at heart, to those who wish the stars to make their dreams come true.

-I'm not interested in people who call themselves celebrities or those who flatter you just because you're famous..

-Whatever we have achieved is due to teamwork.

-Here we are sure of only one thing: everyone was a child in his life. So we do not think of "adults" or "children", but we focus on that immaculate point that is in each one of us and that perhaps the world has forced us to forget..

-The lies grow and grow until they are as flat as the nose on your face.

-Our legacy and our ideals, our codes and our standards, that which governs our lives and that we teach our children, are preserved or lost taking into account how quickly we change our minds or our feelings.

-Animation is the most versatile and explicit means of communication ever created to reach the masses quickly..

-For some people, I am like Merlin, who does a lot of crazy things but hardly ever makes mistakes. I have made mistakes but, fortunately, the success has come so fast that it allows to cover them.

-We have created characters and we have animated them, revealing through them that the things we have in common are greater than the things that differentiate us.

-Why do we have to grow? I know adults who see the world through the eyes of a child. They are people who do not care what others think. You will see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to enjoy simple pleasures and to some degree are happy with what life has given them..

-I think it is important to be wrong when you are young. I learned a lot from it, because it teaches you to be aware of the things that can happen. Thanks to that, I have never feared when we have been about to collapse. I have never been afraid. I never had the feeling that we couldn't get out of that situation.

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