The 100 Best Phrases of William Blake

Charles McCarthy
The 100 Best Phrases of William Blake

I leave you the best William Blake quotes (1757-1827), English painter, poet and printmaker, considered an important figure in the history of poetry and Romanticism. His works include Urizen's Book, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (illuminated books),  The Ancient of Days, Elohim creating Adam (painting), among other.

Although his work went unnoticed for much of his life, today he is highly regarded, to the point of being considered one of the great artists in the history of Great Britain..

You may also be interested in these art quotes or these from great painters.

-Souls of sweet delight can never be defiled.

-What has now been tried was once imagined.

-He who wishes but does not act, breeds the plague.

-The true method of knowledge is experiment.

-The busy bee has no time for sadness.

-Think in the morning, act in the day, eat in the afternoon and sleep at night.

-He who receives with gratitude has an abundant harvest.

-No bird flies too high if it flies on its own wings.

-If the doors of perception were cleared, everything would appear to man as it is: infinite.

-You will never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough.

-Cholera tigers are wiser than horses of instruction.

-It is much easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.

-A truth that is told with a bad intention, beats all the lies that you can think of.

-If one thing loves, that thing is infinite.

-I love fun, but fun in excess is the most disgusting thing. Joy is better than fun, and happiness is better than joy.

-A fool does not see the same tree that a wise man sees.

-Prisons are built with stones of law, brothels are built with bricks of religion.

-Angels are not angels because they are more sacred than men or demons, they are more sacred because they do not expect holiness from anyone else, only from God..

-Art cannot exist without naked beauty displayed.

-The tree that provokes tears of happiness in someone, is in the eyes of others just a green thing that stands in their way. Some see nature as ridiculous and misshapen, while others hardly see nature. But in the eyes of a man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.

-The hours of madness are measured by the clock, but the hours of wisdom cannot be measured by any clock..

-Those who restrict a desire do so because it is weak enough to be restricted.

-The glory of Christianity is to conquer with forgiveness.

-The man who does not change his mind is like stagnant water, and breeds the reptiles of the mind.

-Imagination is not a state, it is human existence itself.

-I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's system. I will not reason and compare, my business is to create.

-The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.

-Within the universe there are things that are known and there are things that are unknown. In the middle of those things there are doors.

-Eternity is in love with the production of time.

-A starving dog at his owner's door predicts the ruin of the state.

-I see the past, present and future that have existed before me.

-Anything possible that can be believed is an image of the truth.

-Art is the tree of life, while science is the tree of death.

-Can I see someone's grief and not feel sad? Can I see someone else's pain and not seek kind relief?

-Exuberance is beauty.

-The man who in his mind and in his thoughts has never traveled to heaven, is not an artist.

-Without contradictions there is no progress. Attraction and repulsion, reasoning and energy, love and hate, are necessary for the existence of the human.

-Where mercy, love and pity dwell, God is also dwelling.

-Imagination is the real and eternal world, of which this world is but a slight shadow.

-Great things are made when man and mountains meet.

-In sowing time, you must learn. In harvest time, you must teach. And in winter time, you must enjoy.

-When I tell the truth, I do not tell it to try to convince those who do not know it. I do it to defend those who do know the truth.

-We both read the Bible day and night, but where they read white I read black.

-I was upset with my friend, I expressed my anger and my anger ended. I was upset with my enemy, I did not express my anger and my anger grew.

-Just one thought can fill all the vastness.

-Excessive pain laughs. Excessive enjoyment cries.

-Every prostitute was once a virgin.

-The alteration of the eye, alters everything.

-Do what you want, the world is a fiction and is made of contradiction.

-Opposition is true friendship.

-If the fool persists in his folly, he will become wise.

-The difference between a bad artist and a good artist is this. A bad artist seems to copy a great thing, while a good artist actually does..

-The crucifixion of Christ must be an excuse for the execution of criminals.

-Active evil is better than passive goodness.

-Man has no body other than his soul. That called body is a portion discerned by the five senses. The boss gives entrance to the soul at this stage.

-Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for your life.

-Heaven is in a grain of sand.

-Celebrate your existence!

-Woman's nudity is God's work.

-A good local tavern has a lot in common with a church, except the tavern is much warmer, and has more conversation..

-He who forgives more, should be more forgiven.

-Without an opposite there is no progress.

-When a nation grows old, art grows cold and commerce settles in every tree.

-He who is weak in character is strong in cunning.

-Coloring does not depend on where the colors are placed, if not where the lights and shadows are placed.

-He whose face does not give any light, must never become a star.

-Use numbers, weigh and measure in a lean year.

-Submerge the one who loves water in a river.

-If other people weren't foolish, we would be

-What is essential to happiness is something to love, something to do, and something to hope for..

-I in you and you in me, mutual in divine love.

-Goddess Fortune is the servant of the devil, ready to kiss anyone's butt.

-That friendship that has made my heart ache must be my enemy for the sake of friendship.

-Nothing can be more despicable than assuming that Public Records are true.

-Christianity is an art and not money. Money is your curse.

-To see the world in a grain of sand, and see paradise in a wild flower, hold infinity within the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour.

-Creating a small flower is a work of centuries,

-Those who see an eagle, see a portion of a genie. Lift your head!

-Prudence is a rich, ugly, old muse wooed by disability.

-The same law for the lion and for the ox means oppression.

-Poetry shackles the human race. Nations are destroyed or flourish in proportion to how their poetry, painting and music are destroyed or flourish.

-Man has become over the years a more closed and selfish being.

-In this life, the windows of the soul are capable of distorting the heavens from one pole to the other allowing you to believe a lie when you cannot see through your eyes..

-To avoid night fears and mornings with tears, I faced fear with smiles, with will and with great hope..

-Never seek or try to express the love you feel. The love that was never said, can remain because like love, the gentle wind moves silently, in most cases invisibly.

-If the Moon and the Sun ever hesitated, they would rise immediately.

-When the lamb is misused, it is capable of generating a public fight. Yet the lamb always forgives the butcher's knife.

-If there are no reverse opinions, it is impossible to achieve progression in the world. We have the example of black and white, of cold and heat, of sweet and sour; all of these are indispensable for the existence of humanity.

-The garments of a prince and the mended garments of a beggar, are waste in the bags of the misers.

-Make your own rules or you'll become another man's slave.

-He was marching through the fires of hell, content with the pleasures of that particular place, thinking of the torment it was causing the angels at that time..

-Excuse me for my enthusiasm or rather for the madness, because I am really drunk with intellectual vision every time I take a pencil or a book in my hand.

-A fool can never see the same tree as a wise man.

-The figure of a naked woman represents a fragment of eternity too large for the eye of man.

-He who caresses and kisses joy while flying, will always live in the dawn of eternity.

-Love is not for the purpose of self-indulgence, not even for itself it cares.

-Love gives tranquility and allows building a Heaven despite being aware of the despair of hell.

-He who is able to chain himself to pleasure, gradually destroys his life.

-One of the noblest events of humanity is to establish others, before yourself.

-The bird in a nest, the spider in a web and friendship tied to man.

-Some people are born with the purpose of having an endless night.

-Because everything that lives on earth is holy.

-The feeling of pride is a personal responsibility. At the end of the day, it is an attitude capable of separating excellence from mediocrity..

-Our goal is not to be destined to resolve all objections, but to learn to live with them and try to overcome them..

-A person is honest when trying to reassure his temper or conscience just for the sake of the present or for gratification..

-According to the accounts, the strongest poison comes from Caesar's laurel wreath.

-A person is sinister when: first he becomes your friend to obtain a benefit and after that, he becomes your enemy.

-I dance, drink and sing until a blind hand touches my wing.

-If life is thought and strength is breath, lack of thought becomes death.

-Man was created to experience joy and pain.

-Joy and misfortune intertwine perfectly, that is why in the world there is no safe route.

-He who questions what he sees will never be able to believe. If you keep doubting, you will never believe, do what you want.

-Death is dreadful, although it always manages to be borne on the wings of angels!!

-Abstinence is capable of sowing sand everywhere.

-When the green forests laugh with a voice of great joy and the current of dimples passes laughing, we learn once again that with a good attitude towards life, impressive things are capable of being achieved..

-There needs to be a world where people are interested in ascending to Heaven, through learning.

-Everything that lives does not live alone, nor by itself.

-Every future seems to be filled with endless destruction that will never be abolished and is accompanied by remorse..

-Everything that is born, must be consumed with the earth.

-Winter has that characteristic of being asleep outdoors, but it is able to show off its smiling face in the spring time.

-Anguish is only capable of dividing and dividing.

-Life in waterfalls is characterized by its great cliffs.

-The beasts of the deepest and darkest caves, always look at the beautiful princesses.

-Every individual on the planet is spellbound until their humanity is ready to awaken..

-If any person can desire anything that he is incapable of possessing, despair will become his eternal destiny..

-The wolf condemns his trap, never himself.

-Everyone should love the human form regardless of whether they are sinners, Turkish or Jewish. Where peace, mercy, mercy and love dwell, God will always be walking.

-Do not murder the moth or the butterfly, always remember the final judgment.

-What is the cost of the experience? Do men buy it for a song or for a dance in the street? No. It is bought with the price of everything a man has: his wife, children and home..

-Wisdom is offered in the most desolate market, because no one dares to buy.

-All deities, live in the human chest.

-It is useless to mock. Remember that when you blow the sand, it is very likely that the wind will cause it to return.

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