The 100 Best Phrases of William Shakespeare

David Holt

I leave you the best phrases from William Shakespeare, English poet, playwright and actor, author of some of the most important works of the 16th and 17th centuries, such as Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and a large number of sonnets. Shakespeare was known as "The Bard" and is considered one of the most historically relevant authors in the world..

You may also be interested in these phrases of great writers.

-The wounds that cannot be seen are the deepest.

-An excess of good usually turns into something bad.

-The path of true love was never without its problems.

-Even if you are as chaste as ice and as pure as snow, you will not escape slander.

-Time will always discover what cunning hides. Those who hide their mistakes, in the end are ashamed of them.

-Sincerity is better demonstrated by actions than by words.

-It is better to be a king of your silence than a slave of your words.

-The one who goes too fast arrives as late as the one who goes too slow.

-A man who does not feed on his dreams grows old soon.

-Fate is the one that shuffles the cards, but we are the ones who play.

-It is not in the stars to determine our destiny, but in ourselves.

-It is not enough to lift the weak, they must be sustained later.

-He who has nothing, has nothing to lose.

-He laughs at the wounds who have not suffered them.

-God has given you one face and you make yourself another.

-Things done well and with care are fearless.

-Better to be three hours early than one minute late.

-Have more than you show; speak less than you know.

-If music is the food of love, let it keep playing.

-The friends you have and whose friendship you have already put to the test, keep them close to your soul with hooks of steel.

-If you want to walk up steep slopes, it is necessary at first to walk slowly.

-The satisfied poor man is rich, rich enough. Whoever swims in riches and fears losing them is poorer than winter.

-Cowards die hundreds of times before they die. The brave man does not taste death but only once in his life.

-It is easier to get what you want with a smile than with the tip of a sword.

-The wise man does not sit down to mourn, but cheerfully sets about his task of repairing the damage done.

-Above all, your own being must be authentic.

-True hope is swift, and flies on swallow wings.

-The hidden sorrow, as well as the closed furnace, reduces the heart to mere ashes.

-Consciousness makes us all cowards.

-Love is a vapor composed of sighs.

-I'm someone who didn't love wisely, but loved well.

-I would be very unhappy if I could tell to what extent I am.

-One can smile and smile, being an infamous.

-I am a man who has sinned more than he has sinned.

-Brevity is the essence of ingenuity.

-There's no legacy richer than honesty.

-The wretched have no other medicine but hope.

-Youth, even when no one fights it, finds in itself its own enemy.

-Speak softly, if you speak the language of love.

-He is not jealous for a reason: he is because he is. Jealousy is a self-begotten and self-born monster.

-Even on the stormiest day, hours and time pass.

-Restless lies the mind that wears a crown.

-Virtue is bold, and kindness is never fearful.

-Wisely and slowly. Those who run, stumble.

-No man can be trusted.

-Allow everyone to negotiate on their own and do not trust any representative.

-Some cupids kill with arrows, others with traps.

-Isn't it strange that desire exceeds performance by so many years?

-Modest doubt is the inspiration of the wise.

-My crown is called satisfaction, a crown few kings enjoy.

-The lunatic, the lover and the poet, are compact of imagination.

-Should I compare you to a summer day?

-Fragility, your name is a woman.

-What is past is the beginning of something else.

-The fool thinks the world is spinning.

-Better to be a clever fool than a clever fool.

-If it is a sin to long for honor, I am the most offensive soul living.

-He thinks a lot. Men like that are dangerous.

-There are smiles that wound like daggers.

-When we are born, we cry for having come to this vast world of madmen.

-As we are made, we are.

-Now is the winter of our discontent.

-If you have tears, now prepare to shed them.

-Hell is empty and demons are here.

-The intention, and not the act, confuses us.

-Forgiveness falls like soft rain from heaven to earth. It is twice blessed; bless the one who gives it and the one who receives it.

-We know what we are, but we don't know what we can be.

-Life is a paradise for what we fear of death.

-Listen to many, but speak to few. Hear what others have to say, but reserve your own opinion.

-Love comforts like the warmth of the sun after the rain.

-Self-love, my lord, is not as vile a sin as self-neglect.

-Madness sometimes hits the mark when judgment and sanity don't bear fruit.

-Love, being blind, prevents lovers from seeing the funny nonsense they commit.

-Look how far the candlelight reaches! This is how a good act shines in a world full of evil.

-In a minute there are many days.

-The worst sin towards our fellow men is not to hate them, but to treat them with indifference. This is the essence of humanity.

-The fool thinks he is wise, but a wise man knows he is a fool.

-Anyone can master suffering, except the one who feels it.

-Fortune brings some boats that can't be steered.

-Grief, more than cordial, is corrosive to ills that have no cure.

-Give me my garments, put my crown on, I have immortal desires within me.

-Desire is to possess the sin of greed.

-Do not pollute the fountain with which you have quenched your thirst.

-The very essence of ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.

-No, I will follow the pattern of patience. I will not say anything.

-Sometimes the devil deceives us with the truth, and brings us doom cloaked in innocence.

-There is no real bravery in non-existent disputes.

-I am not obliged to please you with my answer..

-They are the stars. The stars above us rule our destiny.

-To do great good, do a little evil.

-Even virtue itself becomes a vice when it is misapplied.

-I think there is no darkness, but ignorance.

-What is done cannot be undone.

-Some are born great, others achieve greatness, and still others have greatness imposed on them..

-There are more men with more hair than wit.

-I burn, I long, I perish.

-Sweet piety is the true standard of nobility.

-The outer aspect often proclaims the inner condition of man.

-Conscience is the voice of the soul, and passions, the voices of the body.

-I must be cruel just so I can be nice.

-We are the same material that dreams are made of, our short life is surrounded by dreams.

-Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind.

-I never see your face but I think of hell fire.

-With jubilation and joy the old wrinkles are allowed to reach.

-There is nothing good or bad, but the thought that makes it so.

-Do your worst damage though, old time. Despite your evil, my love in my verse will live forever young.

-The cautious man never deplores present evil; use the present to prevent future afflictions.

-Some rise to the top with sin, and some fall from virtue.

-Courage, be my friend.

-Love is too young to know what consciousness is.

-I wasted my time, now time wears me out.

-And although she is small, she is fierce.

-There is nothing that can come from nowhere.

-Virtue alone does not escape slander.

-Curses never go beyond the lips that emit them.

-The blow of death is like the prick of the lover, which hurts and is desired.

-Alcohol provokes desire but frustrates execution.

-Even the sweetest honey is detestable in its own goodness. And when tasting it destroys the appetite. Therefore, moderately love.

-Love observes not with the eyes, but with the soul. This is why Cupid is painted blind.

-If money goes ahead, all roads open.

-Being one way or another is up to us. Our body is a garden and our will, the gardener.

-Do not sigh more ladies, do not sigh more. Men have always been deceitful, with one foot in the sea, with one foot on the shore.

-I'd rather have a fool that makes me happy than experience that makes me sad and travel for it.

-Our peace must remain as firm as the mountains.

-The evil that humans do lives on even after their deaths, and the good is buried along with their bones..

-The devil is able to quote the sacred scriptures to favor purposes.

-Love everyone, trust a few, and do no harm to anyone.

-The acts are eloquence.

-A man can only die once.

-The ruined man perceives his condition in the eyes of others so quickly that he himself feels his fall.

-They say miracles are a thing of the past.

-But men are men, and even the best forget.

-May your actions measure up to the words, and your words measure up to your actions.

-Before touching your lips I want to touch your heart, and before conquering your body I want to conquer your love.

-I'd give all my fame for a mug of beer, and security.

-Reputation is a most insensitive and false imposition. It is usually obtained without merit and is lost without merit..

-The guilt, dear Brutus, does not lie in the stars, but in ourselves who are subordinate.

-Ignorance is the curse of God, knowledge is the wing with which you fly to heaven

-Let's see gentlemen, I hope we swallow all our unkindness.

-I cannot collect money by vile means.

-A wise father is one who knows his own son.

-It is as impossible to fan the fire with snow, as to put out the fire of love with words.

-He who takes twenty years off his life, takes away as many from fear of death.

-Memory is the sentinel of the brain.

-In our mad attempts we give up what we hope to be.

-These violent delights have violent ends. And in their triumph they die, like fire and gunpowder, which when kissing are consumed.

-I hate fair terms and the mind of a villain.

-To be or not to be, that is the question.

-Who could refrain from having a heart to love, and in that heart have the courage to make their love known?

-Give everyone your listening, but do not share your voice with everyone.

-Have faith, there have been many great men who have praised people who have never loved them..

-Pleasure and action make time seem short.

-Men's vows are women's traitors!!

- Life is like a story told by an idiot. Full of verbiage and frenzy, it doesn't make any sense.

-All the world is a stage and men and women are merely its actors. They have their exits and their entrances, and a man in his time plays many roles, his acts being seven eras..

-The one who is robbed and smiles, has stolen something from the thief.

-He does it more gracefully, but I do it more naturally.

-The best men are those with few words.

-First of all, be genuine with yourself. And so, as true as night follows day, you will realize that you cannot lie to anyone.

-Long-awaited love is good, but when you receive it without expecting it, it is even better..

-Improvisations are better when they are prepared.

-It's amazing how an ungrateful child can be sharper than the serpent's fangs.

-Trying the best, we often ruin what is right.

-Nothing embolds a sinner as much as forgiveness.

-Talking is not doing. It is a kind of good deed to preach good, but words are not deeds..

-A touch of nature makes everyone close.

-Whatever you think, I think it's best to put it in good words.

-For that sin the angels fell.

-It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

-When words are rare, they are seldom used in vain.

-Love is such a loyal madman, that everything you do, whatever it is, does not find any wrong.

-If they prick us, won't we bleed? If they tickle us, don't we laugh? If they poison us, don't we die? And if they hurt us, don't we get revenge?

-Not all that glitters is gold.

-If love is blind, it gets along better with the night.

-The empty bowl makes the loudest sound.

-Why ask heaven for what is in our own hands?

-Don't lend your tongue to your thoughts.

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