The 100 Best Yoda Phrases

Basil Manning

I leave you the best Yoda quotes, one of the most outstanding Jedi Masters in the entire history of the Galaxy. His profound wisdom and great power allowed him to become the Grand Master of the Order during the clone wars..

After the Galactic Empire was founded, he was forced to escape to survive the Great Jedi Purge. This character is one of the most charismatic of the saga created by George Lucas, Star wars. 

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-Always pass on what you have learned.

-If you can't believe, that's why you fail.

-Patience you must have, my young Padawan.

-What you have learned you must unlearn.

-When you look on the dark side, you must be careful, because the dark side of the Force looks deep within you..

-Truly wonderful is the mind of a child.

-Less in number we are, but bigger in mind.

-May the Force be with you.

-Size does not matter. Look at me. Judge me by my size, can you do it?

-Hard to see. Always on the move is the future.

-A name must have your fear before you can banish it.

-Train yourself to let go of everything you fear losing.

-Fear is the way to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to suffering. I feel a lot of fear in you.

-You will distinguish good from evil when you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack..

-Yes, the power of a Jedi flows from the Force. But you must be careful with the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side of the Force is what they are.

-If you begin to walk the dark path of the Force, it will always dominate your destiny, it will consume you as it did with Obi-Wan's apprentice..

-In someone powerful you have become, the dark side I feel in you.

-If you finish your training now, if you choose the quick and easy way like Vader did, you will become an agent of evil.

-In a dark place we meet, and a little more knowledge lights our way.

-Many of the truths we cling to depend on our point of view.

-Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who are transformed into the Force. Tears do not give them. You shouldn't miss them. Attachment leads to envy. The shadow of greed, that is.

-Through the Force, you will be able to observe real things. Other places, the future, the past.

-Old friends are long gone.

-Fear of loss is a path to the dark side of the Force.

-A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.

-Do not try. Do it or do not. There are no attempts.

-You will only find what you have inside.

-My ally is the Force, and it is a powerful ally. Life creates it, makes it grow. His energy surrounds us and unites us. Luminous beings are us, not this raw matter. You must feel the Force around you.

-Oh. Great warrior. Wars don't make us better.

-There are always two, no more, no less. A teacher and an apprentice.

-If you check the security recordings, you will find only pain.

-Do you think Yoda stops teaching just because his student doesn't want to learn? A teacher is Yoda. Yoda teaches how drunkards drink, how murderers kill.

-The games, the caresses ... to a Jedi these things do not interest.

-The dark side clouds everything. Makes it impossible to scrutinize the future.

-Soon I will rest, yes, I will sleep forever. Won I have it. Twilight is upon me, soon the night must fall.

-Your term is coming to an end, and it hasn't been short enough.

-Don't assume anything, Obi-Wan. Your mind must be clear if you are to discover the real villains behind this plot..

-Swampy? Slug? My house this is.

-When you reach nine hundred, looking good, you will not achieve. Hey?

-Your weapons, you won't need them.

-Around the survivors, establish a perimeter.

-You still have much to learn, my old Padawan. This is just the beginning!

-I must get up early. Leave you must now.

-If you haven't made mistakes and you're still losing, you should play a different game..

-I was not strong enough to defeat him. As his master before him, to be destroyed, he must.

-Good relations with Wookiees, I have developed.

-Ah, Yoda's little friend you are looking for!

-Only the dark lord of the Sith knows of our weakness. If the Senate is informed, our adversaries will multiply.

-The boy you trained is gone. Has been consumed by Darth Vader.

-Not victory, Obi-Wan. The veil of mystery from the dark side has fallen. Began, this war of the clones

-I feel pain, suffering, death. Something terrible has happened. Young Skywalker is in severe pain. A terrible pain.

-Detained must be; it all depends on it. Only a fully trained Jedi Knight, with the Force as his ally, will conquer Vader and his Emperor..

55-Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, and you can find it.

-Save Luke and Leia, we must. They are our last hope.

-Uhmm, put a shield on my saber I must.

-Strong is Vader. Be careful what you have learned. Save you can achieve.

-Faith in your new apprentice may be wrong. As is your deep faith in the dark side of the Force.

-How best to serve them, you must decide. If you go now, you can help them. But you will destroy all that they have fought and suffered for.

-Respond to power with power, the form of the Jedi this is not. In this war, there is a danger of losing who we are.

-A secret, must I confess? Grand Master of the Jedi Order I am. I won this job in a raffle I did, do you think so? How do you know this, how do you know that, Master Yoda? Master Yoda knows these things. That's your job.

-If you want to find the villains behind this plot, you must clear your mind.

-Many long journeys I have traveled. And I have waited, too, for many others to return from their own travels. Some return, some are broken. Some come back so different that only their names remain.

-I can't teach you. The boy has no patience.

-Control, control, you must learn to have control!

-Save the lives of the Jedi Knights, we must.

-We are blind, if the creation of this army of clones we could not see.

-You already know everything you need to know.

-Hmm. In the end, the cowards are the ones who follow the dark side.

-That place has a strong link to the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil is. There you must go.

-Dangerous and disturbing is this puzzle. Only a Jedi could have deleted those files. But who, and why, is the most difficult to answer. Meditate on this, I must work.

-To a dark place this line of thought will lead us. We have to be very careful.

-Destroy the Sith, we must.

-I must go into exile. I have failed, I was wrong.

-You must be careful when trying to feel Anakin's future.

-Burdened by the dark side of the Force, young Skywalker has turned. The boy you trained is missing, completely consumed by Darth Vader.

-Endangered, the senator must not be.

-A prophecy that may have been misunderstood, this is.

-I have heard that a new apprentice is in your care, Emperor. Or should I call him Darth Sidious?

-See through you, we can.

-No more training, you require. What you need, you already know.

-You must face Vader. Then, only then, will you be a Jedi Knight. Confront him, you will have to.

-Why do you want to become a Jedi Knight?

-Sick I have become, old and weak.

-Left behind, no one will be.

-We must find a suitable ally to help us with this mission.

-It has brought you here, the galaxy has led you. Your path is clear.

-An illusion. Real you are not.

-Nothing to show me, the Sith have.

-I'm afraid there's not much to say about my trip.

-I no longer have certainty about the possible victory of any of the sides fighting this war. Because in the fight of the battles, the bloodshed, is already something that we have lost.

-An apprentice? And now you are a Master, right? From this decision, honest you must be.

-Losing it? Lost, yes, but what is it that is lost? The question, that is.

-Through this path, victory we can still find. Not the victory in the clone wars, but the victory of all time.

-How big did you get, eating this kind of food, Luke?

-When you get to my age, you won't see yourself as good as me.

-I am proud to help Wookiees in their time of need.

-Yoda I am, a great fight I will give.

-Choose, you must, how to respond to your visions. But remember, the future is always on the move and many possible futures can happen..

-The ability to speak, intelligent does not make you.

-We will take a slight detour. Putting the mission in jeopardy is something I'm not willing to do.

-However, I just have to be, for the rescue to be successful. I will call you if I need it.

-Darker is the storm that is on its way. I'm afraid the dark cloud of the Sith envelops us all.

-I understand your feelings, Obi-Wan. But to take action, the support of the Senate of the Republic we will need.

-Right now, nothing else can we do.

-However, the future of all Jedi is uncertain. Advance cautiously we must.

-Ready it is, to teach an apprentice. Letting go of your student, a greater challenge will be.

-A better way to say this, there must be.

-Maybe we should look to other armies, other than the clones, to help our cause.

-A success my mission was. The Jedi are safe. But the pain in my heart is.

-Yoda, I am. In your boat, someone loyal to our cause you carry.

-The enemy's strategy is strange.

-Agree with you, the advice is. Your apprentice, Skywalker will be.

-Do you want to know the difference between a teacher and an apprentice? The teacher has failed more times than the beginner has tried.

-If you are foolish, you shouldn't speak.

-You are ready, do you want to know how I know you are ready? For eight hundred years I have trained Jedi Knights.

-I have watched him for a long time. All his life, looking to the future, to the horizon, he has been. Your mind has never been in the same place as your body. What was he doing? I was looking for adventure, excitement. A Jedi knight does not yearn for these things. You reckless.

-There is very little time, senator. Our only hope to save the Jedi. To Ilum we must go.

-Weapons don't win battles. Your mind, powerful she is.

-If you honor what Han and Leia fight for, patience you must have.

-Friends, in the clouds you have.

-Is the future what you see.

- I wonder, what are you doing around here? Are you looking for someone? You've already found it, I'd say. Hey?

-Help you, i can.

-Put your gun away, I pose no threat to you.

-Always remember, your focus determines your reality.

-Ah, your father. Yes, a powerful Jedi he was. Mighty jedi.

-The dark side is not stronger, it is the fast, easy and seductive way.

-If you are not afraid, you will already be.

-This is a dangerous time for your apprentice, and for you.

-Unexpected this is. And unfortunate.

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