The 101 Best Phrases of Walter Riso [with Images]

Sherman Hoover

I leave you the best Walter Riso quotes, a Doctor of Psychology, specialist in Cognitive Therapy and known for books such as Fall in love with yourself: The essential value of self-esteem, Manual for not dying of love: Ten principles of affective survival, Love and do not suffer: How to fully enjoy life as a couple or Highly dangerous loves.

You may also be interested in these psychology phrases or these philosophical love phrases.

-The important thing is to understand that life does not wait for us, it will not stop and therefore neither we.

-Small changes in self-esteem will lead to big changes in our daily life.

-It is in silence when we make contact with what we truly are.

-Love has two main enemies: indifference that kills it slowly, and disappointment that eliminates it at once..

-The words never, always, all or nothing are dangerous because they leave no options.

-Being emotionally autonomous is not to stop loving, but to govern yourself.

-That the love of a couple does not expect anything in return is an invention of the submissive; If you give, you want to receive. It is normal, reciprocal.

-The balance is in being able to respect yourself and others.

-Dress up, paint yourself, lose weight, but to flatter you, not to flatter.

-The best things in life usually happen when we don't expect anything.

-Happiness does not come to the door, you have to look for it and fight for it.

-You can't go through life asking for permission to live or feel.

-Love is for the brave, it is a flower to be caught on the edge of a cliff.

-What worries me is the other abuse, the one that does not leave marks on the skin.

-Coinciding with a person, mentally and emotionally, is fortunate, an amazing attunement and almost always inexplicable.

-If you are not able to love me as I deserve, better go, there will be someone who is capable of enjoying what I am.

-If you are wrong, you grow; if you are not wrong, you stagnate.

-Refuse to suffer for love, find your place in solitude and do not allow the desire to love to be above all.

-At this hour, somewhere in the world, there is someone who would be happy to have you.

-Some separations are instructive, they teach you what you don't want to know about love.

-Loving oneself, despising or ignoring others, is presumption and exclusion; loving others, despising oneself, is a lack of self-love.

-Forgiveness takes time, easy forgiveness is suspect.

-You will know that they really love you when you can show yourself as you are and without fear of being hurt.

-Do not waste time with who: is not interested; does not take you seriously; he does not say what he thinks and feels; hides some bad intention; does not listen to you with the necessary interest or all of the above.

-Sometimes exes become a kind of appendix: they do not fulfill any function, they are uncomfortable and they would have to be extracted from the roots if you want to have a healthy and peaceful life.

-You should not make the same mistake twice, the second time you do it, it is no longer your mistake, it is your option.

-When love knocks at the door, it will rush in like a storm: you will not be able to leave out the bad and receive only the good. If you think that love equals happiness, you were wrong on the way.

-Giving power to someone or something to dominate you and take over your mind is a subtle form of psychological suicide..

-There are two ways you can control your life. You can have an external focus of control by leaving things to chance or you can have an internal focus allowing you to define your own behavior. Write your own destiny, build the path you travel and be your own judge.

-The important thing, then, is not to be beautiful, but to like yourself.

-There are times when fear opens your eyes, but almost always closes them.

-The human mind has the curious ability to turn any pleasant and relaxed desire into a psychological problem..

-Don't idealize being loved; see it as it is, raw and without anesthesia.

-Transitory sadness is useful because it accommodates our humanity to the facts; helps us save energy. A pinch of sadness from time to time helps us think. Don't become addicted to happiness.

-For me it is clear that if someone hesitates or doubts that they love me, they do not love me.

-Does it make sense to pursue something or someone that has already escaped your control? He's gone, he's gone, he doesn't want to be.

-Love without giving up your identity. I do not exist for you, but with you. Unlike a love that merges, I propose a healthy love with a personal identity.

-Being kind and conciliatory by vocation is respectable, but being submissive by necessity is regrettable..

-If love is neither seen nor felt, it does not exist or does not serve you.

-The problem is in the attitude, not in what you are.

-In my opinion the mere fact that they have to lose me to value me is offensive and annoying.

-Patience, waiting calmly for things to happen, implies a certain kind of healthy resignation: accepting that if things do not depend strictly on oneself, one has to let things happen and not waste time on them.

-Affective addiction is a disease that has a cure and, most importantly, it can be prevented.

-The best age is what we are now. Not a second more, not a second less.

-Good love, the one that is worthwhile, is built through the effective management of two narcissisms that love each other and not on the basis of a totally attached and depersonalized love.

-Always opt for freedom of conscience: think, feel and think about what means something to you.

-What good is it that they sweeten your ears, if they make your life bitter?

-Be proud and happy of your physical attributes. It does not matter if there are many or few, you are lucky because you have them.

-To find yourself you have to take risks. If you are fearful and conservative in your experiences, the routine will squeeze your life.

-Building high self-esteem avoids the influence of others.

-How do I know when this wonderful love turns pathological? Good love can degenerate into pathological dependence with a dynamic similar to any addiction. Like a healthy glass of wine can turn into a drinking problem that destroys you if you are not able to control it.

-Attachment is almost always the ground where fear and insecurity thrive.

-Letting go of a source of attachment hurts because the body is habituated and has created a conditioning, but it is a healing pain.

-When you respect yourself as a person, you respect the human being and your relationship is better with others.

-We praise someone's furniture and clothes more easily than their intelligence or kindness..

-Sitting down to cry at the first stumble and wanting life to be rewarding twenty-four hours is definitely childish..

-No matter what the poets say, we do not love with the heart, but with the brain.

-In impossible loves, hope is the first thing to lose.

-Humans show the conservative tendency to confirm beliefs.

-It doesn't matter how much they love you, but how they do it.

-The way is to quiet the mind and induce it to look at itself realistically. A mature, balanced mind that learns to lose. A humble mind, but not dazed.

-Submitting yourself to "what will they say" is a form of socially accepted slavery.

-The soulmate is an invention of astrologers.

-You must be able to develop your own personality, despite love and above love.

-Love sometimes seems like a public health problem. 40% of the consultations to psychologists are related to problems with love. Something bad is happening.

-When we are in love, our body only generates drugs that make us feel good. If a dependency on these drugs is created, then you want to repeat that, you are not looking for true love.

-I am against the sick infatuation, that infatuation that has an active phase of ten months to thirty months, that is not love.

-Do not drive me crazy, I am passionate about you. I don't need you, but I choose you.

-The moment you begin to negotiate your principles and your beliefs, that is when that love no longer serves you.

-I love you and I love myself.

-Loving being free is a dangerous game, but it doesn't make sense for your partner to be faithful to you just because you have them tied to your bed.

-The Latino culture establishes a pact of affective / sexual exclusivity. That is the only reason why the concept of infidelity exists within the couple..

-Love is more than feelings.

-Love has no age, but lovers do.

-Emotional ignorance is known by the name of alexithymia, and it means emotional reading disability.

-Is there greater folly than to love what I am not and to miss what I have never been?

-The future is stored in the past.

-When we are in situations that push us to the limit, we are neither from Mars nor from Venus; we are earthlings. Women and men suffer equally, especially when it comes to love.

-Softness and flexibility are closely related to life, while hardness and stiffness are associated with death..

-The value of perseverance requires a limit so that it does not become fanaticism: "learn to lose".

-Pessimistic people are surrounded by a halo of bitterness. His life oscillates between disappointment and sadness.

-Surround yourself with people who love you.

-The stone mind does not allow itself to doubt and abhors self-criticism. Its foundations are unchangeable and indisputable.

-Love is the main antidote to resentment and hatred.

-Marrying the lover is the same as adding salt to the well.

-Lover relationships are Spa relationships. Relationships once a week for which you perfume, you get ready and everything to take off those clothes for a few hours of pleasure.

-The lover is made to enjoy, the true partner is made to live life and enjoy.

-Infidelity is not a decision that is made, but if you want to be unfaithful, you decide to face the costs of the consequences..

-Based on the current knowledge we have about the mind, it is possible to affirm that there are two ways to open the doors of the good life: philosophy and psychology.

-Irrational love is the one that is stubbornly maintained when we are not reciprocated, when we see personal self-realization blocked and / or when our moral codes are violated.

-If he says "Neither with you nor without you?" run away.

-Seeing the world in black and white takes us away from moderation and inner peace because life, wherever you look at it, is made up of nuances. 

-Patience is not always a virtue, sometimes it is meekness and humiliation.

-One nail does not always pull out another nail, sometimes they both stay inside.

-There are two types of suffering in love: the useful and the useless. The useless is to keep waiting. The useful thing is to elaborate the duel, to lay down arms.

-Attachment is not desire, it is the inability to renounce desire when it must be done.

-Wonderfully flawed, outrageously happy.

-What is really corrupted when we seek to imitate someone? Our own identity. The examples to follow should not be confused with patterns to follow.

-If you spend the day comparing yourself, you will end up depending on what people think of you..

-To grow you have to unlearn; take off those things that are useless, dangerous, or inconsistent with our ultimate goal of accomplishment.

-You have the right to change your mind.

-You have the right not to take sides.

-You have the right to say: I don't know.

-Wisdom is not in the titles you have.

-People are not worth what they have or what they know, they are worth what they are. And people are when they are coherent and authentic with themselves and with the world..

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