The 115 best phrases about fire

Egbert Haynes

I leave you the best phrases about fire, one of the most useful elements of nature. This has allowed humanity to survive and lead a civilized life. However, it can also represent a serious danger if it gets out of control, being inclement and destroying everything in its path..

Also known as fire or candle, it is a material from nature that has awakened certain emotions and sensibilities in humanity due to its importance. Songs, works, poems or sayings have had fire as their protagonist or inspiration. You may also be interested in these phrases about the rain.

-If you see the smoke, the fire is close. -Plauto.

-A single spark can set a forest on fire. -Charles Bukowski.

-When the water has started to boil, turning off the fire is useless. -Nelson Mandela.

-Keep a little fire going; however small it may be, however hidden it may be. -Cormac McCarthy.

-Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire. -Gustav Mahler.

-Don't let your fire go out. Don't let the hero in your soul perish. -Ayn Rand.

-The difference between a good life and a bad life is how well you walk through fire. -Carl Jung.

-Fire, water and governments do not know mercy. -Proverb.

-The fire smells good, the one whose garments burn. -George Herbert.

-Fire will attract more attention than any other cry for help. -Jean-Michel Basquiat.

-The child who has been burned is afraid of fire. -Aleister Crowley.

-The fire eater must eat fire, even if it has to set itself on fire. -Isaac Asimov.

-Heat cannot be separated from fire, nor beauty from the eternal. -Dante Alighieri.

-When the heart is on fire, the smoke rises towards the head. -Proverb.

-The most tangible of all visible mysteries is fire. -Leigh Hunt.

-A thought can often give us more warmth than fire. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

-Love, like fire, goes out when its fuel runs out. -Mikhail Lermontov.

-Words permeated with heavenly fire. -William Cowper.

-Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun moves, doubt that the truth is a lie, but never doubt that I love you. -William Shakespeare.

-The mind is not a container that must be filled, but a fire that must be kindled. -Plutarch.

-Walking through life is actually like walking through fire. -Chaka Khan.

-Fire is the most tolerable of all third parties. -Henry David Thoreau.

-The finest steel has to withstand the hottest fire. -Richard Nixon.

-Life is a flame that is always burning, but that is rekindled every time a child is born. -George Bernard Shaw.

-Passions are like fire, useful in a thousand ways and dangerous in only one way, through their excess. -Christian Nestell Bovee.

-Knowing the love of those we love is the fire that fuels life. -Pablo Neruda.

-One can enjoy fire with dignity only when he warms his thoughts in conjunction with his hands and feet. -Odell Shepherd.

-The fires of suffering become the light of consciousness. -Eckhart Tolle.

-The best fire is not the one that ignites quickly. -Mary Anne Evans.

-Just as fire needs air, I won't burn unless you're here. -Maze and Frankie Beverly.

-If you ever catch yourself on fire, avoid looking in the mirror, because I think that's what really creates panic. -Jack Handey.

-Each individual dying ember forged its ghost on the ground. -Edgar Allan Poe.

-Love is a fire that burns without being seen. -Luis Camões.

-Absence is to love as air is to fire: it extinguishes the small flame and enlivens the big one. -Umberto Eco.

-The nature of man is such that when something ignites his soul, the impossibilities disappear. -Jean de La Fontaine.

-With fire we are embraced to the end. It is the purification to arrive at death. -Gloria Elena Espinoza.

-How is it possible that a single match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box of matches to start a fire? -Christy Whitehead.

-Fire loves those who are not afraid of it. -Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio

-Set your life on fire. Look for those who fan your flame. -Rumi.

-Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones, just as the wind extinguishes sails and fuels fires. -François de la Rochefoucauld.

-Love is when friendship flares up. -Jeremy Taylor.

-He stared into the fire as he pondered his answer. Silence answered for him. -Ransom Riggs.

-There is no fire like passion, nor a shark like hatred; there is no trap like stupidity, nor a torrent like greed. -Gutama Buddha.

-Love is the only fire hot enough to melt the iron stubbornness of a creature's will. -Alexander MacLaren.

-This world […] always was, is and will be eternally living fire. -Herraclitus.

-Weak desires generate weak results, just as a small amount of fire generates a small amount of heat. -Napoleon Hill.

-Large flames are rekindled by the wind, but small flames are extinguished, unless they are sheltered. -San Francisco de Sales.

-If you keep working hard, let this fuel your fire. -Pitbull.

-Fire is a natural symbol of life and passion, even though it is the only element in which nothing can truly live. -Suzanne K. Langer.

-Controlling fires is quite a difficult task. Our research has shown that by applying large electric fields, we can extinguish flames quickly. -Ludovico Cademartiri.

-The human being is the only animal capable of making fire. This has given him his dominion over the Earth. -Count of Rivarol.

-It takes two flints to light a fire. -Louisa May Alcott.

-The fire that is closest is the fire that burns the most. -William Shakespeare.

-Distant water is of little help to nearby fire. -Han Fei Tzu.

-The firelight does not allow you to read good stories, but it is warm and you will not see the dust on the floor. -Irish proverb.

-Fire has always been and, it seems, will always remain, the most terrible of the elements. -Harry Houdini.

-When a stone is subjected to fire, it cracks. -Anonymous.

-Fire contains in itself something of men themselves, insofar as man is less without it and departs from his origins and is like an exile. -Cormac McCarthy.

-Getting rid of the pain without addressing the underlying cause would be like turning off the fire alarm while the fire is still burning. -David Foster Wallace.

-Fire tests gold, while suffering tests mighty men. -Séneca.

-Love is like fire But whether it's going to warm your heart or burn down your house, you never know. -Joan Crawford.

-If you play with fire enough, you're going to get burned. -Ravi Moss.

-The fire is bright and clean. -Ray Bradbury.

-The weakest of all weak things is a virtue that has not been tested in the fire. -Mark Twain.

-Time [….] Is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire. -Jorge Luis Borges.

-After the fire came a period of mourning, and then incredible lightness, freedom, and mobility. -Martin Puryear.

-If you play with fire, you will end up burning. -Anonymous.

-People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes. -Abigail Van Buren.

-Set yourself on fire, and people will travel miles to watch you burn. -John Wesley.

-Your property is also at stake when your neighbor's house is on fire. -Horacio.

-The hearth fire lasts only up to the threshold. -Anonymous.

-Time is the fire in which we burn. -Delmore Schwartz.

-Never let the fire of your soul go out, but rather enliven it. -Vincent van Gogh.

-Our passions, as with fire and water, are good servants but bad teachers. -Roger L'Estrange.

-Fire is never a gentle teacher. -Proverb.

-In what distant depths, in what skies did the fire in your eyes burn? -William Blake.

-Set your broken pieces on fire; start from scratch. -Lauren DeStefano.

-Light a dream and let it burn in you. -William Shakespeare.

-Lighting a fire with wood is a more reliable pleasure than anything else in the world. -Charles Dudley Warner.

-Bitterness is like cancer, it eats its host. But anger is like fire, it burns everything until there is nothing left. -Maya Angelou.

-Bonfires do not light up the darkness. -Stanislaw Jerzy Lec.

-Fire and gunpowder do not sleep together. -Proverb.

-What matters most is how well you walk through fire. -Charles Bukowski.

-Fire is the best of servants, but what a master! -Thomas Carlyle.

-The fire you light for your enemies often ends up burning you more than them. -Chinese proverb.

-Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must light the fire within you. -Arnold Glascow.

-When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, without leaving a trace of you. -Shunryu Suzuki.

-The flint does not show signs of the fire it contains until it is struck. -William Shakespeare.

-Man is the only creature who dares to light a fire and live with it, because he is the only one who has learned to put it out. -Henry Jackson Vandyke, Jr.

-All fires eventually go out. -Anonymous.

-What fire does not destroy, it hardens. -Oscar Wilde.

-Is not light more splendid than fire? It is the same element in the state of purity. -Thomas Carlyle.

-Just as a candle cannot be lit without fire, man cannot live without a spiritual life. -Gutama Buddha.

-Desire is like a bonfire that burns with great anger, asking for more fuel. -Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

-Sometimes God will help you into the fire, and other times He will make you fireproof. -Joel Osteen.

-Words are like painted fire; a glance is the fire itself. -Mark Twain.

-The great ones are like fire, to which it is advisable not to get too close or far from it. -Diogenes of Sinope.

-Cold is fought with ice; and fire with fire. -Hans Ruesch.

-Crooked trunk makes straight fire. -George Herbert.

-To call the fire, little wood and a lot of wind. -Anonymous.

-Neither fire nor wind, neither birth nor death, can erase our good deeds. -Gutama Buddha.

-A careless spark turns into a mighty fire. -Robert Herrick.

-Playing with fire is bad for those who burn themselves. For the rest of us, it is a great pleasure. -Jerry Smith.

-Fire and water never mix. -Teognis of Megara.

-Most people are reluctant to enter the fire, and consequently end up inside it. -Rumi.

-Give man fire, and he will not be cold that day. But light the fire in him and he won't be cold for the rest of his life. -Terry Pratchett.

-Where there is smoke there is fire. -Proverb.

-Knowledge always wants to increase; it is like a fire that must first be kindled by an external agent, but will later spread on its own. -Samuel Johnson.

-When your enemies challenge you, you must serve them steel and fire. But when they kneel, you must help them get back on their feet. Otherwise no one will kneel before you. -George R. R. Martin.

-He who sits by the fire, ungrateful towards him, is as if he had no fire. Nothing is possessed except appreciation, of which appreciation is an indispensable ingredient. -W. J. Cameron.

-Fire can be represented as the destroyer of all sophistry, and as the image and the demonstration of the truth; because it is light and expels the darkness that hides all essences. -Leonardo da Vinci.

-The fire grew and left nothing in its wake. When he had burned everything in his path, there was only one thing left for him to do. In time, he would end up consuming himself. -Ian Caldwell.

-Flattery and hypocrisy are a sweet snack - eat them less, because they are full of fire. Its fire is hidden while it manifests its flavor, but its smoke becomes visible at the end. -Rumi.

-Fire is the main comfort of the camp, both in summer or winter, and it is abundant in both seasons. It's as good for playfulness as it is for warmth and dryness. -Anonymous.

-Something remarkable about fire is that it requires oxygen to burn, just like its enemy, life. Therefore, life and fire are frequently compared. -Otto Weininger.

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