The 13 Most Common Poor Diet Diseases

Sherman Hoover
The 13 Most Common Poor Diet Diseases

The illnesses due to poor diet most common are diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis, anemia, coronary heart disease, cancer, beriberi, high blood pressure, goiter and tooth decay.

You may have read on many occasions about the benefits of a good diet, but the risks that can be contracted are rarely mentioned. The effects and therefore the problems can be multiple.

Specialists advise a varied diet where the vitamins and nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body are acquired. Anemia or diabetes are just a couple of diseases of the many that we are going to mention that occur due to lack of an optimal diet.

Below we will analyze in list form the different nutritional diseases that exist, how to prevent them and above all how to treat them.

Article index

  • 1 Diseases caused by poor diet
    • 1.1 -Diabetes
    • 1.2 -Coronary disease
    • 1.3 -Osteoporosis
    • 1.4 -Anemia
    • 1.5 -Cancer
    • 1.6 -Beriberi
    • 1.7 -Hypercholesterolemia
    • 1.8 -Osteomalacia and rickets
    • 1.9 -Drop
    • 1.10 -Goiter
    • 1.11 -Caries
    • 1.12 -Hypertension
    • 1.13 -Obesity
  • 2 Problems related to weight loss
    • 2.1 -Anorexia
    • 2.2 -Bulimia
    • 2.3 -Depression

Diseases caused by poor diet


Scientifically known under the name of Diabetes Mellitus, it is a hormonal alteration in which a lesion of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas occurs, which causes problems in the secretion of insulin.

All this leads to hyperglycemia, our kidneys needing a greater amount of water to keep the sugar in solution..

When talking about this disease, we must emphasize two types:

  • Diabetes type 1: Common in children of adolescent age or young adults. There is a lack of insulin and glucose builds up in the bloodstream. In this way the body is unable to use it to obtain the energy it needs. This type of diabetes can occur due to a foodborne infection.
  • Type 2 diabetes: It is the most aggressive diabetes. It is a chronic disease that causes our blood glucose levels to always remain at high levels. This disease develops for years in our body.

How to prevent it?

Being overweight is one of the main causes of this disease, since fat makes it difficult for the body to use insulin. To do this, it is enough to make a healthy intake and combine with physical exercise to reduce the chances of suffering it by a high percentage.

-Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease consists of a narrowing of the blood vessels, making it difficult to transport oxygen and blood to the heart. This is due to the usual constant consumption of saturated fat. These are among the least beneficial for our body, and in this way obstructs the flow that runs through our blood vessels..

How to prevent it?

We must avoid eating food that contains abundant amounts of saturated fat. This is especially established in animals, which we should consume in a more moderate way and at lower levels..


Again, fats cause this disease to develop broadly in the human body. In addition to these, we also see how sugars and meats are consequences of osteoporosis.

How to prevent it?

If you want to minimize the risk of suffering from this type of disease, it is recommended that foods such as fish, grains or dairy products that provide calcium be added. All this avoiding processed foods.


This disease causes our blood to lose red blood cells in a way that does not have time to replace new ones. Occurs most commonly in women between puberty and menopause.

It is common because women lose blood during menstruation, and as a fact, almost 50% of pregnant women suffer from anemia. Its main cause is the lack of foods rich in iron.

How to prevent it?

There are several ways to prevent this disease, but the main one is the intake of foods that contain high amounts of iron, vitamins A (green vegetables) and C (among which we find citrus fruits and tomatoes), drink clean water or avoid drinking liquids such as coffee or black tea, as these drinks prevent the body from absorbing iron.


We all know about cancer and we know that different types can develop in our body. But those that are especially nutritionally related are colon and stomach.

How to prevent it?

Carrying out a correct healthy diet where excess fat does not come into play, and where, on the contrary, high fiber content is required.


Beriberi is produced due to a lack of vitamin B, one of the most important to help our body convert the food we eat into energy.

It appears mainly when there is a main food that is the grain from which the layer of force has been removed or, directly, a root that contains starch. This leads to noticeable weaknesses in the legs and swelling in different parts of the body..

It is more common in women who are between puberty and menopause (in the same way that anemia occurs), and can be transmitted hereditarily.

How to prevent it?

Eating foods rich in thiamine (they contain vitamin B), among which we can find meat, fish or cereals, as well as dairy products such as milk or eggs.


Hypercholesterolemia leads our body to show high levels of cholesterol, damaging the arteries and causing the appearance of atherosclerosis, a symptom that over time can cause our heart to suffer a heart attack. Eating an abundance of foods of animal origin (such as meat, eggs, milk, etc.) can lead us to such extremes.

How to prevent it?

It would be advisable to introduce high amounts of fiber into our diet, such as different types of fruits and vegetables, oily fish, nuts and whole grains..

-Osteomalacia and rickets

Osteomalacia and rickets occur in adults and children respectively and are caused by deficiencies of vitamin D, calcium and phosphate, contributing to the non-regulation of calcium and phosphate levels in our body..

These two diseases lead to a weakness in the bones, softening them and transporting this deficiency to the muscles..

How to prevent it?

Vitamin D is essential to help prevent these diseases. To introduce it into our diet it is essential that we take dairy products, fortified foods and vegetables.


Gout occurs when red meat, sugary drinks (such as commercial juices or energy drinks) or alcoholic beverages are ingested in excess.

This occurs in such a way that the amount of uric acid in the blood rises from these foods. Its signs are severe pain in the joints such as knees and feet..

How to avoid it?

The well-known Napoleon Bonaparte disease could be avoided with an adequate intake of meat, legumes, vegetables and of course, fruit.


Goiter causes the gland belonging to the thyroid to swell in the neck. This is due to the lack of iodine in our body. According to The New York Times, it can produce a mental retardation in the IQ of 10 to 15 points.

How to prevent it?

Eat seafood, such as fish and shellfish, also others such as seaweed.


Cavities are the terror of the little ones, and especially of parents. The cause of tooth decay is closely related to the consumption of sugar, although carbohydrates and fats help this. Likewise, oral hygiene plays a transcendental role..

How to prevent it?

The vast majority of control over the amounts of sugar ingested is sufficient. After this, dental cleaning will also help reduce the probability of developing different cavities..

-Arterial hypertension

Similar to hypercholesterolemia. Hypertension is the elevation of our blood pressure, thus creating an incorrect blood circulation. As a consequence, heart attacks or embolisms can occur. This is due to the excesses of different types of fats and salts in our daily diet.

How to prevent it?

Different types of diets have been created, such as the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, which is based on the reduction of sodium and the provision of nutrients and fiber with foods rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium..


Without a doubt, obesity is one of the main diseases caused by poor diet. Abundant food intake leads us to disproportionately increase our body mass to high levels.

This is especially due to foods high in fat, sugar, and different types of yeast. In addition to being a disease stemming from poor nutrition, it is one of the main problems of Western culture that it seeks to eradicate and that is growing by leaps and bounds..

How to prevent it?

Prevention of this disease is simple. It is enough to eat a complete and varied diet and combine it with physical exercise so as not to pale problems related to overweight and obesity.

Problems related to weight loss

This section is intended to talk about problems related to weight loss, but that still are still a consequence of poor nutrition.

Such as bulimia or anorexia take our body to extremes near death due to the lack of a good routine or a diet that keeps us healthy.


Anorexia is an eating disorder that causes our weight to decrease until it reaches a sickly state. It is a progressive reduction of kilos where the patient thinks that he will easily gain weight, seeing himself with overweight problems when he really is not..

This, in addition to a mental and social process, is a process of eliminating carbohydrates, later fats, proteins, and later reaching the denial of liquids.

How to treat it?

In the first place, by going to a psychologist to carry out the disorder from a psychic point of view in this way. After solving this first obstacle, the problem should be addressed from a nutritional point of view.

This process is called refeeding, and in it we must try to integrate the different nutrients necessary for our body in a gradual and progressive way, so that the patient can adapt the intake routine little by little..


Bulimia is another psychological and nutritional disorder related to the obsession with being overweight and with the consequent search for its loss. In this regard, people who suffer from this disease, unlike anorexics, feel a continuous desire to eat continuously.

The solution they seek to face the contradictory feeling of wanting to eat and not wanting to gain weight is self-induced vomiting as a way to punish themselves for eating. Also the use of laxatives is usually used although to a lesser extent. There are also cases of patients who perform physical exercise until exhaustion.

How to treat it?

Treatment is based mainly on psychotherapy (as in anorexia) treated by experts and on the use of different types of drugs in order to avoid the different vomiting and to try to normalize your internal metabolic process so that it is carried out. adequate calorie intake per day.


As we've been seeing before, poor nutrition can lead to multiple illnesses, but there is one that deserves special mention: depression..

Believe it or not, a poor intake of food can lead to the fall of different depressions. This is due to the great multitude of imbalances that occur in our body and that make the lack of nutrients not allow us to fuel physically and psychologically in the desired way.

We know in advance that foods such as those already prepared, and especially fast food, are the main causes of an intake low in vitamins, minerals and full of fats that are harmful to our body..

This can be combated with the correct use of the necessary nutrients for our organism. To do this, food must be based on different pillars that will give balance to our diet.

Among them we see fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates in their due quantity. This will make us follow a diet that increases our mood and put aside depressive symptoms.

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