The 13 best Christian movies for kids (with their trailers)

Sherman Hoover
The 13 best Christian movies for kids (with their trailers)

This list of the best christian movies for kids will help you share the history and Christian tradition from incredible stories taken from the Bible and the story of Jesus and other famous people for Christianity.

This selection presents animated films that will tell the best of Christian history, it is an excellent tool if you want the little ones in the house to learn while having fun.

We hope you enjoy the best christian movies for kids in Spanish.

The best Christian movies for kids 

Next, you will have a wide range to choose from some of the best Christian films. In fact, if you want your children to strengthen this spiritual knowledge, you can see them all and tell us what you think of them..

1. The Lion of Judah

Within the best christian movies for kids, This is ideal for them to understand the reasons and meanings of the death and resurrection of Jesus. If you want to explain everything related to the gospel in a fun way, this option is ideal for you.

2. Joseph the king of dreams

If we talk about the importance of dreams in the Bible, this movie is the one. José is the example that dreams can take us further than we think, and that if we follow divine inspiration we will always be on the right path.

3. The Star

This is one of the best Christian movies for children, ideal to watch at Christmas because it tells us a funny version about the birth of the baby Jesus. Some famous personalities such as Gina Rodríguez, Mariah Carey and Oprah participate in this successful children's production.

4. Heaven is real

This beautiful film tells the story of a boy who was able to return from death and begins to narrate to his parents what life is like in heaven. This is one of the movies that every Christian child should see as it connects them to a beautiful part of spirituality and innocence as the perfect way to feel the magic of life..

5. Jonah

This funny film tells the story of a revolutionary asparagus who has to go on an adventure blazing new trails through deserts and seas, in order to bring the word of God to a place possessed by sin. This is without a doubt one of the best Christian movies for children of all time.

6. The pilgrim's progress

This movie is ideal to share with children of different ages. Here we will find an exciting narrative about what it means to travel the paths of life in pursuit of a heavenly life. This beautiful film is full of beautiful metaphors ideal for understanding what it means to be a Christian and to live for and for love..

7. Harriet Tubman

This beautiful film explores the world of faith and its wonders. It is also great because it puts us in front of the history of slavery and racism in which a violated family finds in prayer the means to conjure freedom, what this oppressed family does not know is that the incessant faith of a woman would be the tool to free yourself and your family.

8. Theo

The O He is a passionate student of the word of God who shares with children the ways and the clues to live in the light of God in the most harmonious way possible. This is not exactly a movie but a series of several chapters in which we can learn from the best teachings contained in the word of God.

9. The great miracle

As you must have experienced firsthand, crises are those opportunities for our spiritual essence to emerge. That is why this beautiful animation, considered one of the best Christian films for children, shows us that miraculous side of the crisis as it can between our spirit and the presence of God. This series undoubtedly helps us to explain to the little ones the strength that faith gives in the most painful moments of life..

10. The prince of Egypt

This is a lovely movie in which we see how God chooses one of his children for a heavenly mission with an impact on earth. Here we see how God himself entrusts the prince of Egypt with a task of liberation for his people. This plot shows us how God and his army of beings of light are always there to help those who surrender to his will..

11. Ben-Hur

Ben-Hur is one of the most representative stories in the Bible. In this animation they tell the central story that revolves around a wealthy man who is betrayed by his best friend and thus led into slavery. From there, a lot of interesting experiences happen that can help children understand that forgiveness and faith can be the freedom that we all seek to live fully and freely..

12. The man who performed miracles

Can you imagine being able to see how Jesus acted? Well, this story puts us in front of a child who has the pleasure of learning directly about the most representative events in the life of Jesus. This is undoubtedly one of the best Christian movies for children, in which you can watch with your children because after so many years the figure of Jesus is still a central element in the lives of all believers..

13. Flo, the lying fly

Flo, the lying fly is one of those movies that should be seen as a family so that children learn about the importance of always being transparent. The plot revolves around the theme of lies and how by resorting to deception we are sowing multiple pains in our lives and those of others.

We hope this list of the best christian movies for kids give you the tools you need so that the little ones in the house learn about Christianity and the life of Jesus. As always, we recommend that any type of entertainment for minors is supervised by adults who can help them solve their doubts..

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