The philosophical disciplines are each and every one of the branches of study that are in charge of analyzing a specific problem or a part of the whole studied in philosophy, which is nothing other than the search for answers to the main questions of the human being.
Some of these questions are as decisive as its existence, its reason for being, morality, knowledge and many other transcendental topics, always analyzed under a rational perspective..
This rational gaze distances philosophy from religion, mysticism or esotericism, where arguments of authority abound above reason. Also, and although philosophy is often spoken of as a science, it is not such, since its studies are not empirical (based on experience).
In this way, Bertrand Russell could be cited who affirms that “philosophy is something intermediate between theology and science.
Like theology, it consists of speculations on subjects in which until now the knowledge has not been able to reach; but like science, it appeals to human reason instead of authority ".
Logic, although it is a formal and non-empirical science, is also considered a fundamental discipline of Philosophy. The term comes from the Greek Lógos, which means thought, idea, argument, principle or reason..
Logic is, then, the science that studies ideas, therefore, it is based on inferences, which is nothing other than conclusions from certain premises. These inferences may or may not be valid, and it is logic that allows us to differentiate one from the other based on their structure..
Inferences can be divided into three groups: inductions, deductions, and abductions..
Starting in the 20th century, Logic has been associated almost exclusively with mathematics, giving rise to the so-called "Mathematical Logic" applied to solving problems and calculations and being of great application in the field of computer science..
Ontology is in charge of studying which entities exist (or not) beyond mere appearances. Ontology comes from the Greek "Onthos" which means to be, so Ontology analyzes being in itself, its principles and the different kinds of entities that can exist.
According to some scholars, Ontology is considered part of Metaphysics, which studies knowledge in its ontological sphere regarding the subject and the more general relationships between subjects..
Metaphysics studies the structure of nature to achieve a greater empirical understanding of the world. Try to answer questions like What is being? What is there? Why is there something and rather than nothing?
Maybe you might be interested in the 50 best books on metaphysics.
Ethics is the philosophical discipline that studies morality, the principles, foundations and elements of moral judgments. It is derived from the Greek "Ethikos" which means character.
Ethics, therefore, analyzes, defines and differentiates what is good and what is bad, what is mandatory or permitted regarding human action. Ultimately, it determines how the members of a society should act.
An ethical sentence is nothing other than a moral judgment. It does not impose penalties but it is a fundamental part in the drafting of legal regulations in a State of law. That is why Ethics is commonly understood as the set of norms that direct human behavior within a group, community or society..
About Ethics is, perhaps, what philosophers and various authors have written most over time, especially because the dilemma of what is good is posed, from the perspective of whom, in what situation and many others. questions.
In this sense, the German philosopher Immmanuel Kant was the one who wrote the most on the subject, trying to give sufficient explanation to issues such as moral limits and freedom..
Aesthetics is the philosophical discipline that studies beauty; the conditions that make someone or something look beautiful or not. It is also called Theory or Philosophy of Art, as it studies and reflects on art and its qualities.
The term comes from the Greek "Aisthetikê" which means perception or sensation. Already from this first approach, Aesthetics - like Ethics - falls into the field of subjectivity, because the study of beauty also implies the study of aesthetic experiences and judgments..
Is beauty objectively present in things or does it depend on the gaze of the individual who qualifies it? What is beautiful, from the perspective of whom, in what place or historical moment, are questions that mean that “what is beautiful” cannot be determined sharply.
Although the concept of beauty and harmony have been present throughout history and has been the subject of study of many philosophers from Plato onwards, the term "Aesthetics" was coined only in the middle of the 18th century, thanks to the German philosopher Alexander Gottlieb Baumgarten, who grouped together all the material on the subject.
The word Epistemology comes from the Greek "Episteme" which means knowledge. Therefore, Epistemology is the study of knowledge, dealing with the historical, psychological and sociological facts that lead to obtaining scientific knowledge, as well as the judgments by which they are validated or rejected. It is also known as the Philosophy of Science.
Epistemology studies the different types of possible knowledge, their degrees of veracity and the relationship between the subject who knows and the known object. It deals with the contents of thought, but also with its meaning.
Until the middle of the last century, Epistemology was considered a chapter of Gnoseology (also called Theory of Knowledge), since by then the ethical, semantic or axiological problems in scientific research had not yet come into conflict.
Now Epistemology has gained importance not only within philosophy itself, but also in the conceptual and professional area within the sciences..
The term comes from "Gnosis", which in Greek means knowledge, that is why it is also defined as Theory of Knowledge. Gnoseology studies the origin of knowledge in general, as well as its nature, foundations, scope and limitations.
Basically, the difference between Gnoseology and Epistemology is based on the fact that the latter is specifically dedicated to the study of scientific knowledge, while Gnoseology is a broader term. In part, the confusion of terms may be due to the fact that, in the English language, the word “Epistemology” is used to define Gnoseology.
Gnoseology also studies phenomena, experience and their different types (perception, memory, thought, imagination, etc.). This is why it can also be said that Phenomenology is a philosophical branch derived from Gnoseology.
Gnoseology basically raises three premises: "know what", "know how" and properly "know".
On the subject of knowledge, most of the philosophical thought surrounds and they do it from different conceptions or angles, depending on the historical moment and the predominant philosophers in each one, so it is worth briefly describing each of these doctrines or positions:
Axiology is the philosophical discipline that studies values. Although the concept of value was the subject of deep reflections by ancient philosophers, the term as such was used for the first time in 1902 and it was from the second half of the 19th century when Axiology as a discipline began to be formally studied..
Axiology tries to distinguish "being" from "being worth". Commonly value in being was included and both were measured by the same yardstick. Axiology began to study the values in isolation, both positive and negative (antivalues).
Now, the study of values presupposes evaluative judgments, with which, again, subjectivity is presented, the personal appreciation of the subject who studies the value of the object and that is given by its moral, ethical and aesthetic concepts, its experience, your religious beliefs, etc..
Values can be divided into objective or subjective, permanent or dynamic, they can also be categorized according to their importance or hierarchy (which is called a "value scale"). As a philosophical discipline, Axiology is closely linked to ethics and aesthetics.
Philosophical Anthropology focuses on the study of man in himself as an object and at the same time as a subject of philosophical knowledge.
Kant, in his "logic", is credited with the conception of anthropology as a primary philosophy, when his questions "What can I know?" (epistemology), "what should I do?" (ethics) and "what can I expect?" (religion) all refer to a great question: "what is man?".
Philosophical anthropology differs from Ontology in that it studies "being" in its essence of being, while anthropology analyzes the most differential and personal of being, which determines the rational and spiritual condition of man..
The philosophical discipline of politics is in charge of answering the fundamental questions about governments and their derived concepts such as laws, power, justice, property, types of governments, etc..
It is closely linked to philosophical sub-disciplines such as Law and Economics and has a strong link with ethics.
Some of the philosophers who developed this discipline were John Locke, Karl Marx, Jacques Rousseau or John Stuart Mill.
The philosophy of science is the discipline that focuses on scientific knowledge and how it is developed, applied or evaluated in society. It is an empirical discipline, but with a strong ethical load when formulating and using science.
Some of the most prominent figures in this discipline are Plato, Galilei, Tomás de Aquino, Averroes and Nicolás de Oresme.
Discipline in charge of moderating the discussions about the concepts that concern religion, spirituality and their traditions. An exercise in reflection on man and his existence, the afterlife, God or good and evil.
Some of its main representatives are Jesus Christ, Confucius, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Vasubandhu or Friedrich Nietzsche.
This discipline focuses on natural phenomena and is currently what is known as physics. Movement, density, the cosmos or compositions are some of the fronts covered by what is also known as natural philosophy..
Plato, Socrates, Aristotle or Thales of Miletus were the pioneers in this ancient philosophical discipline.
Also known as philosophy of the spirit, this discipline focuses on perceptions, fantasies, feelings, beliefs, dreams and other mental functions and their relationship with the body..
There are many sciences that go hand in hand with this philosophical trend, such as neurobiology, psychology, computer science or linguistics. Among the references of the philosophy of mind we can highlight John Searle, René Descartes or Immanuel Kant.
The philosophy of language focuses on the analysis of meaning, language reference, and possible conclusions. It differs from linguistics in that this discipline uses non-empirical methods.
Some of his main references are Mikhail Bakhtin, Gottlob Frege, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Bertrand Russell or John Langshaw Austin.
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