On our list of best movies based on real events you can find everything. Gripping, terrifying, romantic and funny stories that show the most diverse nuances of life.
A plus of movies based on real events is that even though they are mediated by fiction, they tell us that at any moment that could happen to us. Perhaps that is why we enjoy them doubly because we enjoy more what we feel identified with.
Here you will find a wide selection to choose the one that best suits your tastes. We hope you enjoy our list of the best movies based on real events. You can find many of them in our selection of websites to watch movies online.
This biographical drama film tells the story of the mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr, a man out of the ordinary in every sense of the word. Despite suffering from schizophrenia, the professor manages to overcome his condition until he gets a Nobel Prize. The film in turn is based on the novel that bears the same name, by the writer Sylvia Nasar.
This film has been totally famed by the critics, although also as it happens in most films based on real events, it has enough detractors for some inconsistencies in relation to the life of Forbes Nash, which are worked from fiction in the film.
This moving piece of film is a historical film, considered one of the most famous cult films of all time. It is based on the novel Schindler's Ark, and tells the story of Oskar Schindler, an ethnic German businessman who saves more than 1200 Jews from the Holocaust, employing them inside his factories.
Taking into account the context of the time, Schindler is seen as a hero and an example of humanity in the framework of one of the most painful processes in history. The funny thing is that he also belonged to the Nazi Party. For this and other reasons, it is a good idea to watch this movie from start to finish..
This is one of the crudest films in Latin American cinema, it is set in the Brazilian favelas and tells a story of delinquency, vandalism and youthful excesses based on real events. The film is based on a true story, initially narrated by Paulo Lins in his book City of God, and exposes in an almost heartbreaking way the problems of the lower classes of Brazil. A history in which corruption, violence and inequality are evident, processes protected by the governments of the day that are emerging as the direct culprits of the decline of its population.
This film is a piece full of emotion and mixed emotions. The story is based on a real police case that took place in New Zealand in 1954. The plot is about an intense friendship that is woven between two teenagers who interpenetrate in such a way that they create a fantasy world in which many things can happen. One of the important features of the film is the difference in social class between the two girls, and a love relationship that was considered sinful for the time..
It is undoubtedly a story that surprises and shows the dangerous caves of love and prohibition.
This film, considered one of the jewels of cinema of all time, is based on the story of William Randolph Hearts, a journalist, businessman and media mogul in the United States. The story revolves around a journalist's search for the last word the tycoon said before he died. In the midst of this, an endless number of topics are woven that address the relationships between truth, power, journalism and social manipulation..
This funny movie has a unique cast in which we find Tom Hanks and Leonardo Di Caprio. This comedy-drama tells the story of a teenage con man posing as an aviator. This film that immerses us in a lot of adventures, is based on the true story of Frank Abagnale Jr., a young American who at only 19 years old had already made millions of dollars by posing as a doctor, lawyer and pilot of a major airline. , among other charges. However, it was not as simple as it seems, he forged checks in such a masterful way that the FBI recruited him as an advisor to analyze this type of fraud.
Detroit is one of those films that makes us suffer from beginning to end, thanks to its harshness and the way it addresses police abuses, making us feel unprotected against the arbitrariness of power. This story is based on the riots that happened in Detroit in 1967, it was published in 2017, and even with so much time apart, it manages to shake the cruel and ruthless panorama of the police of the time. If you like police dramas, this movie will enchant you.
This film belonging to the war genre, is based on Operation Dynamo, designed by the military forces of the United Kingdom, in order to help more than 400 thousand soldiers leave France, at the time it was being invaded by Nazi Germany.
This movie will keep you on your nerves from start to finish, and is considered one of the most shocking historical films. This jewel directed by Christopher Nolan seduces by its way of creating suspense from the details.
This is one of the highest grossing horror movies of recent years. The reasons are multiple, on the one hand it talks about the fearsome spirits that they have always told us about since we were children, about the magic we fear to face and about a story based on real life, to make everything more creepy..
This film has a sequel, but it is supposed to be the first part that is born from a story that happened last century and that continues to chill thanks to the power and a rather terrifying message that is reduced to the fact that magic is always, there, it is enough just to believe in it for it to manifest.
This film is undoubtedly pure gold for lovers of conspiracies, as the director combines several of the most popular stories regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The film amazes for the sharpness of its plot and because thanks to the development of the plot it has us in constant expectation.
This film provides an interesting plus and it is the ability to delve into all the theories surrounding this murder, to find the one that most closely matches our logic. It also has a unique cast.
Zodiac is one of those movies that has it all, suspense, mystery, astrology, and a serial killer. All this without counting that it is one of the best films based on real events.
Zodiac is an investigation trailer in which it is sought to unmask the popular psychopath recognized as "the murderer of the zodiac." This cinematographic piece, in addition to being inspired by a murderer who had a similar modus operandi, has a plus and is the fact of portraying a masterful way the matter of serial killers.
This film is based on the story of the Duke of York George VI, who suffered from a speech disorder, which manifested as stuttering and became more acute when he had to face the public. However, this character is forced to overcome his fears and self-discipline himself in order to face the masses, taking into account his social rank..
The King's Speech is a gripping movie worth every second. If you want, emotions, reflection and a good plot, this cinematographic piece is waiting for you.
This cinematographic piece could not be missing in a top of the best movies based on real events. Titanic, in addition to being one of the highest grossing films in history, tells the story of the last hours aboard the impressive Titanic, the British ocean liner that sinks between the early hours of April 14 and 15, 1912, when it he was taking his maiden voyage.
By now you have probably seen it, because they show it on TV from time to time and because it can be found on any free movie page. However, it was important to review it because it is a classic of classics.
Untouchable is a 2011 film based on a true story. Here we are faced with the story of Count Philippe Pozzo di Borgo who after a paragliding accident becomes paraplegic. By chance of fate, the person in charge of taking care of him is an immigrant with a criminal record. However, and despite their notable differences, a unique friendship grows between them, which leads us to reflect on the absurdity of the mental boundaries imposed by social protocols..
Men of Honor is a 2000 film based on the story of Carl Brashear, an African American who fought unspeakably to become the first black diving captain in the United States Navy..
This passionate story is an example of struggle, perseverance and drive that shows us how the love of our dreams can take us to places that we never suspected..
The Wolf of Wall Street is undoubtedly one of the best movies based on real events of all times. It catches from start to finish, after starting to see it one does not want to stop and all thanks to an excellent cast that personifies the story of Jordan belfort a former stockbroker accused of not acting legally, but who managed to build an emporium and then told his story in two books, of which the director of this film uses to create a great story full of drama and highly comical situations.
The Butler is a super moving movie that seems suspended in time. Since its launch, this film has had a lot of criticism around it because it tells the story of Eugene alle an African-American butler who served 34 years in the White House. Although in the film the name is fictionalized, there are many sources that claim that they talk about it, in addition this film bears an enormous similarity to the article "A Butler Well Served", published in the Washington Post in 2008 and where said character is discussed.
After seeing the exorcist, nobody would believe that it is a story based on real life, mainly because nobody, absolutely nobody! I wish such a thing would happen to him. However it happened, and the exorcist tells a story based on real events, and as if that were not enough, several of the people who worked during the filming of it, assure that quite strange things happened during the filming.
The Exorcist is not only one of the most important films in the horror genre, but it is one of the best movies based on real events of history.
This is one of those movies that move all the fibers of our emotions. This moving story is framed within the Spanish Civil War and is handled from a female perspective. The movie is a roller coaster of emotions. One of the main characters is Pepita who is personified by María León who at the time of claiming her Goya Prize, thanks the real Pepita who was still alive and was 88 years old.
There is no person in the world who has not cried dearly watching this movie. The protagonist of this film is nothing more and less than a puppy who steals anyone's heart thanks to his love and loyalty. The most moving thing about it is that this film is based on a true story that happened in a Tokyo neighborhood and that won the hearts of residents and tourists. If you haven't seen it, what are you waiting for?
We hope you have enjoyed our top of the best movies based on real events. You already have enough material to spend an excellent movie night.
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