The 20 most expensive cat breeds in the world

Sherman Hoover

I bring you a list of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. This popular pet stands out for its cleanliness, elegance and independence. Most people buy them from a pet store or adopt it, however, there are certain breeds where you need to pay a large amount of money.

Specifically, did you know that there is a breed that can cost $ 100,000? What breed is it? Why are people willing to pay that amount of money? We tell you the peculiarities of this and other breeds in this very feline article.

Two of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. Images via

List of the most expensive cat breeds

20- Scottish fold

This kitten has a very unusual pair of ears, as their tips fold completely forward. Even if you think of the Scottish Fold as a sad kitten because of its appearance, it has a cheerful and energetic personality. In fact, they enjoy social attention and petting.. 

This breed is medium in size and can weigh from 3 to 6 kilograms. His eyes are large, as is his head. Regarding its coat, it can be long or short. A kitten like this costs $ 800 to $ 1,500.

19- Siberian

Big and fluffy, these cats appeared in the 11th century. However, they were considered a formal breed in 1980. Since then, they have been loved for their affectionate personalities..

It has a medium-large size. Its coat has three layers, which have a wide variety of colors and patterns. These characteristics link it to the Norwegian Forest Cat. 

You will be surprised to know that they can reproduce from five months and that their litters can have up to six kittens. You can become the owner of a kitten like this by paying between 1,300 to 1,600 dollars.

18- British short hair

According to some surveys, these handsome kittens are the third most popular breed of cat in the world. This is because they are very affectionate and attached to their owners. They are generally relaxed and easy to breed.

In addition, being very sociable animals, they adapt easily to different members of the household, even with other pets. It has coppery eyes and bluish-gray fur, although you can find them in different colors. 

You can get one of these pussy worshipers by paying $ 1,300 to $ 1,700.

17- Elf

This cat does not have hair along its body as it happens with other breeds. The main difference is their pointed, long ears that are bent back. This trait has given it its name, since they bear an enormous resemblance to these mythological beings. 

The Elf cat adapts perfectly to any environment and its relationship with humans is fantastic. Although they are independent, they prefer to be accompanied. They are tremendously intelligent, as well as mischievous and playful. If you want to get a kitten of this breed you will have to pay around 2,000 dollars.

16- LaPerm

This kitten stands out for being loving, sociable, calm and very obedient to its owner. He will love to lie on your lap or follow you around the house. They love caresses, pampering and being the center of attention. If you are willing to spend hours playing with him, then he is the ideal kitten for you.. 

It has a rounded head and medium-large ears. His eyes are almond-shaped and very expressive. Their fur can be almost any color or pattern. You can buy a pussy like this for a price of $ 2,000 to $ 2,100.

15- Serengeti

This kitten is the product of the cross between a Bengal cat and an Oriental cat. The scientists who developed it, were looking for a kitten that had the appearance of a serval, without using any wild cat.

For this reason, the Serengeti have black spots with a gray or brown back. Also, unlike domestic cats, their legs are long and their ears are very large. Generally, males are larger and heavier than females. You can get a kitten like this for a price of $ 600 to $ 2,200..

14- Ocicat

Although this kitten looks like a beast of nature, it is actually a domestic cat. In fact, in its DNA there is no record of any wild cat, since it comes from the crossing of a Siamese cat with an Abyssinian. 

This animal has distinctive markings along its body, which stand out against its silver background. He also has a very strong bone structure and almond-shaped eyes. To be the owner of a breed like this you will have to pay between 800 to 2,500 dollars.

13- American short hair

This pussycat is very playful, affectionate, kind and even funny. In addition, it adapts easily to any home and is easy to care for, as it is resistant to many diseases. He is highly intelligent and easy to socialize with visitors and follows his family members everywhere.

As its name suggests, it has a short coat and a fibrous texture. For that reason, it doesn't need to be brushed, except in spring when it sheds its winter coat. A kitten like this costs between $ 900 to $ 3,000.

12- American Curl

These kittens have a very loving and playful personality. In fact, they like to socialize with humans and other cats. Although they do not usually make a lot of noise, they are an extremely intelligent breed.

They stand out for having curly ears, whose tips are backwards. Its body is medium and has a rectangular shape. They can weigh between 2 and 5 kilograms. You will love them because they have a soft and silky coat. In addition, his eyes are extremely expressive. If you want a kitten like this you will have to pay between 1,000 and 3,000 dollars.

11- Sphinx

If you are a lover of cats that lack fur, the sphinx cat is perfect for you. Of course, do not think that you will skip the day of the bath, since these kittens tend to get oily. Therefore, they require more showers than other breeds..

In terms of personality, they are loyal, playful and adore human attention. Also, they find it easy to socialize with other cats or dogs. They can even be nice to strangers. 

They are a very resistant breed and do not usually suffer from serious health problems. The price of a kitten like this can range from $ 1,500 to $ 3,000.

10- Peterbald

These kitties are elegant, intelligent, affectionate, and charming. They are usually sociable with children and can live happily with other pets. Unfortunately, their skin is very sensitive to the sun, so they cannot spend much time outdoors. This is because they lose their hair.

It is an unusual-looking pussycat, since its head is small, narrow and elongated. Also, their ears are large and pointed. A kitten like this costs $ 1,700 to $ 3,000.

9- Persian

These kittens possess a gentle and sweet personality. In fact, they can easily adapt to a noisy home. Also, they are playful by nature and their expressive eyes make them look charming.. 

They have a short snout and a round face, yet they stand out for their long, fluffy fur. This can be found in multiple colors and variations. Unfortunately, their 'coat' is very complex and requires a lot of care, because it tends to tangle or create hairballs.. 

You can become the owner of a species like this by paying between 1,800 and 3,000 dollars.

8- Russian blue

This feline attracts cat lovers thanks to its playful and intelligent personality. It is faithful to its masters and adapts quickly to their moods. They like to socialize with their owners, but are shy around strangers and in those cases prefer to stay alone. 

As you can see, their eyes are green and their fur is grayish blue, although it can also be silver or slate gray. They are medium in size and weigh between 2 and 7 kilograms. You can join the worshipers of these kittens by paying $ 2,000 to $ 3,000.

7- Toyger

It is characterized by its homey and playful behavior, in fact, it loves to play in the water and take a bath. They are robust and healthy creatures. Their life expectancy is between 10 and 15 years.

Its coat is short, thick and with a bright orange background, however, its striking pattern of curved lines makes it stand out from other breeds. After all, from its origins, it has presented a brindle appearance. 

If you want to get a pussycat of this breed, you will have to pay between 1,000 to 4,000 dollars.

6- Bengal

These cats are smart, active and energetic, in fact raising them can be challenging as they are very inquisitive and mischievous. However, they are affectionate, playful, sociable and friendly with children and dogs..

They have a white belly and large marches and their body shape resembles an Asian leopard, although it is smaller. After all, it is the result of the crossing of a wild cat and a domestic one. You can buy a kitten like this for a price of $ 1,000 to $ 4,000..

5- Caracal 

This kitten is the product of the crossing of a wild cat and a domestic one. For this reason it has very exotic features. They have a medium size and their fur is orange with dark ears..

Although he looks very cute when he is a puppy, as an adult he is quite a beast. In fact, his demeanor is very wild and lonely. He is not good at socializing with humans and other animals. It is only seen in company during the mating season. If after reading this you want to have one, you can get it for a price of 7,000 to 10,000 dollars.

4- Chausie

Continuing with the hybrid felines, the chausie cat is characterized by being very active. Due to its wild ancestry, it is not suitable for anyone, nor for any home. In fact, if he gets bored, he can be very destructive to the point of appearing evil, but it is his way of entertaining himself and channeling his excess energy..

It has a strong, compact and muscular body, they also have long legs and are quite stylized. Their eyes are oval and have greenish or yellowish tones. Also, their ears are big and hairy. To be the owner of a kitten like this you will have to pay between 8,000 to 10,000 dollars.

3- Khao Manee

These kittens are extremely loving and friendly. They love to meow and do it mainly to ask for affection or food. A kitten like this costs between $ 9,000 to $ 11,000.

It has a medium size, compact, muscular and agile body. In addition, its head stands out for its prominent cheekbones and its nose is straight, its fur is short, smooth and absolutely white. However, it is his eyes with heterochromia that help him to stand out from other races..

2- Savannah

These kitties are extremely loyal and are open to socializing with other pets. Also, if they are trained at a young age, they can empathize with strangers. Otherwise, they will start to growl at you being quite nasty..

They are characterized by being strong and agile and can easily jump to tall cabinets, refrigerators or doors. They are also intelligent, curious, playful and active, which is why they need a lot of exercise.

It has a brindle coat with brown or silver spots, possessing many characteristics in common with its ancestors: the Serval. If you want a kitten like this you will have to pay around 4,000 to 22,000 dollars.

1- Ashera

These felines are characterized by being loyal, affectionate and very intelligent. They look like a snow leopard, yet their behavior and temperament are similar to Savannah cats. They have spots and stripes and their ears are pointed and very elegant.

A Los Angeles-based company produces only 5 such kittens each year. For that reason, the price of a kitten like this can range from $ 22,000 to $ 100,000. So if you buy one, you will be among the few owners of this incredible breed..

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