Some alkaline fruits They are avocado, coconut, grapefruit, lemon, lime, pomegranate, apples, apricots, tomato, raisins, tangerine, watermelon, berries, apples and others that I will explain below.
Certain components of food that can cause heartburn in the body include protein, phosphate, and sulfur. The alkaline components, on the other hand, include calcium, potassium and magnesium.
Acidic foods include meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, alcohol, and most grains, while alkaline foods include certain fruits, nuts, legumes, and vegetables. There are also foods that are considered neutral, including natural fats, starches, and natural sugars..
The alkaline diet can bring different health benefits and helps fight serious diseases like cancer. Although the diet is actually quite healthy in essence, there is no evidence of evidence to show some of the many healthy properties.
The reason this diet is healthy is because it encourages the consumption of plant-based, unprocessed and natural foods such as fruits and vegetables. However, acidic foods are actually a very important part of any diet in people who do not have an intolerance to them, and should not be cut out..
Many people are surprised to learn that fruits are actually very alkalizing to the human body because many of them are quite acidic in their natural state..
However, when they are digested and broken down through the body's metabolic processes, the opposite happens and increases the alkaline pH of the body..
It's no wonder avocado is on our list of alkaline foods. This creamy green fruit manages to be included on any superfood list, thanks to its nutrient density..
Avocados are rich in potassium, as well as healthy fats, and, in addition to helping you alkalize your body, you are going to get other benefits as well. You can also use avocado oil to replace other oils that do not provide any alkalizing benefits, or worse, are acid-generating in the body..
100 grams of avocado provide 17% of the RDA for vitamin C, 3% of the RDA for vitamin A and 27% of the RDA for fiber.
Coconut is a very natural and alkalizing food. The health benefits of coconut milk, water, and pulp are well documented, and now you can add alkalinity to your list of benefits..
Sometimes it is difficult to think of ways to add more coconut in the kitchen, since it is advisable to avoid the dehydrated and grated coconut that comes packaged to be used in cooking..
It is preferable to use other more natural sources that preserve all the nutrients and properties such as coconut oil, coconut water and fresh coconut pulp in order to obtain the alkalizing benefits. 100 grams of coconut provide us with 11% of the recommendations for iron, 4% vitamin C and 1% calcium.
This is a food with many benefits that go beyond its alkaline content. It can help you lose weight, increase your metabolism, help prevent infections and it is also alkaline.
Its low sugar count makes this fruit almost limitless enjoyed, even though it may have a sour and sour taste, which has an alkalizing effect on the body once consumed. A half of a medium grapefruit provides us with 73% of vitamin C, 2% of calcium and 1% of the RDA of iron.
It is a fruit so bitter and with such an acid taste that many believe that its effect on the body must be acidic. On the contrary, it produces an alkalinizing response in the body, and it is very low in sugar so it will not generate the same glycemic response as sweet fruits..
It also has a cleansing and detoxifying effect on the digestive system, as well as a good dose of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system. 100 grams of lemon provide us with 51% of vitamin C, 2% of calcium and 2% of the RDA of iron.
Like their counterparts, lemons, limes are often considered to be acid-generating, due to their flavor that is caused by the citric acid they possess..
However, they do produce a pH-level boosting effect when consumed, so it's a good idea to start using more limes to combine with your food, or add a slice to your water glasses..
It can be difficult to eat limes the way you eat an orange, so it is best to use them as an ingredient in other dishes, or to replace lemon juice or its peel in your kitchen. 100
The amount of potassium in this fruit is quite high, and it is also a good source of vitamin C. It can be consumed in a smoothie, or as a snack.
If you drink the juice just make sure not to add sugar, and not to mix with other fruits rich in sugar (banana, fig, grapes) or the alkalinity can be lost. Each serving of pomegranate provides us with 16% of vitamin C, 3% of the RDA of iron and 400 mg of potassium.
Tomatoes are high in lycopene, as well as antioxidants, compounds that help prevent aging and the development of chronic diseases associated with it. In addition to constituting a food with greater alkalinity power.
Tomato is another case of fruit with an acid taste but with an alkaline residue. It is preferable to consume tomato before meals or in salads, as well as with low-carbohydrate foods. 100 grams of tomato provide us with 26% of vitamin C, 1% of calcium and 2% of the RDA of iron.
They are rich in water, fiber and antioxidants. They have diuretic action, low glycemic index and high satiety power. For this reason, they are ideal not only in cases of constipation, overweight, but also to alkalize the body and prevent diseases.
To preserve their alkalizing power, it is better to consume them in the morning and away from meals..
They contain around 126 calories and provide significant dietary fiber and small amounts of vitamin C. They also contain phytochemicals, plant compounds with anticancer activity, and antioxidants.
Apples are a very versatile food and can even be used in sweet and sour dishes. They have high satiety power due to their pectin content. For this same reason, they help reduce cholesterol and regulate intestinal function..
Apples have a low glycemic index, which helps not to increase insulin after being consumed.
Their high fiber content makes them an excellent source for treating constipation. They are rich in beta carotenes that help prevent eye problems and improve the health of the mucous membranes..
This fruit is very alkaline thanks to its potassium content, and for the same reason it helps reduce blood pressure levels.
Apricots are rich in soluble fiber and iron.
They are an edible fruit, but are botanically considered a berry. They are an excellent source of vitamins B6 and C.
Bananas are an abundant source of potassium, which is why they provide a great alkalizing power to the body. In order to take better advantage of these properties it is better not to consume this fruit with foods rich in protein or sweets.
Bananas help fight constipation and diarrhea.
This fruit not only reduces acid in the body, but is also a rich source of vitamin A. For this reason, it helps prevent infections by strengthening the immune system..
Melons also provide more beta-carotene than fresh oranges. These compounds are antioxidants and have pro-vitamin activity.
They provide a large amount of nutritional value, mainly thanks to their anthocyanin content, pigments with antioxidant properties..
This fruit is highly alkalizing and has a low caloric intake so it is also suitable for people who want to lose weight.
The root and seeds contain gamma-linolenic (GLA). Black currants are especially alkalizing, have a high proportion of antioxidants, help fight urinary infections, reduce inflammatory processes, have diuretic properties and are an abundant source of potassium.
They are an excellent source of potassium, protein, and fiber. However, dates provide a high percentage of calories per 100 grams. For what it is recommended, consume them as a snack and in small quantities.
The alkalizing effects of grapes are considered helpful in dissolving uric acid crystals. In the same way, alkalizing fruits can be useful in treating diseases such as gout or high blood levels of uric acid..
In the same way as dates, grapes are high in simple carbohydrates, so they should be eaten in moderation.
They contain more vitamin C, and twice the amount of vitamin A, and it is a richer source of potassium than peaches. They have a high alkalizing power and can be consumed as a snack or after meals.
Although orange juice is acidic, it becomes alkaline when it is metabolized in the body after being digested. Oranges are a well known source of vitamin C and also of potassium. For these reasons, it is a fruit with alkalizing properties..
One peach can provide up to 8% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C and contains a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals. You can add them to your alkaline diet in the form of smoothies or in fruit salads.
Most of the high amount of dietary fiber and vitamin C found in pears is contained in the skin. They are an easily digestible food, so it is convenient to consume it as a dessert or in the form of smoothies. Pears are delicious when eaten with green smoothies.
It contains a high amount of vitamin C and is very abundant in manganese. It also contains a proteolytic enzyme known as bromelain that aids in the digestion of proteins. Due to these characteristics, in addition to its high water content, pineapple is a very alkaline fruit..
Raisins of any type of grape have low levels of oxalate, and a high amount of antioxidants and vitamins B1 and B6. Because they constitute a dehydrated fruit, it is convenient to hydrate them previously and take advantage of their laxative properties.
Raisins contain a high content of sugars, so it is better to consume them as a snack and in a limited way.
Mandarin is a good source of vitamin C, folic acid, and beta-carotene. Current research suggests that this fruit has effective properties in fighting type 2 diabetes..
Considered one of the fruits with the highest lycopene content. It also has diuretic properties due to its high water content.
Much of the fruits are alkaline, however, due to their fructose content it is necessary to consume them in moderation..
The current recommendation for the general population is to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. In this way, we ensure the adequate supply of substances with an alkaline effect in our body, as well as phytochemicals that can only be provided through these fresh foods..
Finally, packaged fruits do not have the same nutritional value, much less, the alkalizing power that their fresh equivalents.
And what other alkaline foods do you know??
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