In our top of the best movie lines, We will include some of what we were able to rescue from the most outstanding films in history. Needless to say, a single article is not enough to cover the masterful thoughts that have been born of the seventh art, however we made our effort.
These movie lines They are used for everything, to make you reflect, to make you see life with different eyes, to give your head a turn, to share them on Facebook and Instagram or simply to share them with your favorite person.
No matter what you decide to do with them. Here we leave you a compilation of the best movie lines.
At the time of talk about movie lines, As you should know, there are all kinds of movies and even in the most unlikely movies you can find true pearls of wisdom that you will love. So we try to divide this top so that you go straight to what interests you. Although the idea is that you read all the sentences and take their message in your heart.
1. They can take our lives, but they can never take away our freedom. (Brave Heart)
2. We think too much and feel too little (The great Dictator)
3. All men die, but not all men have lived. (Brave Heart)
4. There are no unanswered questions, only poorly formulated questions. (Matrix)
5. Even the smallest person can change the course of destiny. (The Lord of the rings)
6. "It's quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it? That's what it means to be a slave.". (Blade Runer)
7. "The devil's best move was to convince everyone that he didn't exist." (Usual suspects)
8. "You have to lose yourself before you find yourself". (Paper cities)
9. "Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me. If you have a dream, you have to protect it. People who aren't capable of doing something for themselves will tell you that you can't do it either. Do you want something? Go for it, period ". (The Pursuit of Happyness)
18. "Life is not a sport for peepers. If you spend time observing, you will see your life go by and you will be left behind". (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
19. I have climbed on my table to remind myself that you always have to look at things in a different way. (Dead poets society)
20. "There is only one person who can decide what I am going to do, and that is myself". (Citizen Kane)
21. "The real loser is the one who is so afraid of winning that he doesn't even try". (Little Miss Sunshine)
22. "It is not a serious problem if you don't turn it into a serious problem". (Open until dawn)
23. "- Why do we fall, Bruce?
- To learn to get up ". (Batman Begins)
24. "They say that the best shine brightest in the most difficult situations" (Howl's Moving Castle)
25. "All opportunities mark the course of our life, even those we let go". (The curious Case of Benjamin Button)
26. "Oh yeah ... The past can hurt, but the way I see it you can run away from it or learn". (The Lion King)
27. "The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all". (Mulan)
28. "I'm not crazy, my reality is different from yours". (Alice in Wonderland)
29. "You are braver than you think, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think". (Winnie The Pooh)
30. "After a while, you learn to ignore what others tell you and to believe in yourself" (Shrek)
31. "If you focus on what you leave behind, you will not be able to see what you have in front of you". (Ratatouille)
32. "A true hero is not one because of the size of his muscles, but because of the size of his heart" (Hercules)
33. "He who never risks, usually loses the best" (Cinderella)
34. "When you love someone, it remains inside your heart forever". (Bear's land)
35. "There are people worth melting for" (Frozen)
I hope you enjoyed these movie lines that are actually from a movie. Now is the time to share what you have learned with everyone you love..
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