The 37 Best Phrases of Neil Strauss

Robert Johnston

Here are more than 30 quotes of Neil strauss, journalist, writer and expert in seduction, launched to fame by the publication of his first book The method.

You may also be interested in these confidence phrases.

1-To excel at something, there are always obstacles and challenges that one must go through. This is what bodybuilders call the "pain period." Those who strive, are willing to face pain, tire, humble themselves, be rejected, are the ones who become champions. The rest stay on the sidelines.

2-Attraction is not an option.

3-It is not enough to be yourself. You have to be your best self. And that's a tall order if you haven't found your best self yet.

4-Without commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether in a relationship, in a business or in a hobby.

5-If you have the ability to learn from your mistakes, then failure is literally impossible, because each rejection brings you closer to perfection.

6-If there was something that I learned, it is that the man never chooses the woman. All he can do is give her a chance to choose him..

7-We are only fragile machines programmed with a false sense of our own importance. And every now and then the universe sends us a reminder that it doesn't really care about us..

8-After all, everyone's favorite subject is themselves.

9-To get a woman, you have to be willing to risk losing her.

10-One of the reasons I became a writer is that, unlike starting a band, directing movies or acting in theater, you can do it alone. Your success or failure is entirely up to you.

11-One of the things I have learned is how to receive a compliment. Simply saying "thank you" is the answers that a person with confidence can say..

12-There are only a few ways to be rejected or ignored. Why does a completely strange person have control over your self-esteem?

13-I have never trusted collaborations because most people in this world do not finish things. They don't finish what they start; they do not live what they dream of, they sabotage their own progress because they are afraid that they will not find what they are looking for.

14-Winning the game was leaving it.

15-A man has two primary impulses in his early adulthood: one towards power, success and achievement; the other towards love, companionship and love. Half of life then was out of commission. To go after it was to stand up as a man and admit that I was only half a man..

16-In life, people expect good things to happen to them. And waiting, they lose them. Normally, what you want doesn't fall into your lap; It falls somewhere nearby and you have to recognize it, get up and put the time and work to achieve it. This is not because the universe is cruel. It's because he's smart. Knows that we don't appreciate the things that fall into our laps.

17-In fact, every woman I met seemed disposable and replaceable. He was experiencing the paradox of the seducer. The better a seducer he was, the less he loved women. Success was no longer defined by flirting or finding a girlfriend, but by how well you performed.

18-What most of us present to the world is not necessarily our true self; it's a combination of years of bad habits and fear-based behaviors. Our real life is buried under all insecurities and inhibitions. So instead of just being yourself, focus on discovering and permanently bringing your best self to the outside..

20-God is next to the winner.

21-Women like nice men. They just don't like weak men. So you can be nice, but you must be confident and mentally strong. For a woman to be with you, she needs to feel safe with you.

22-The good thing is that women have such high expectations of men that it inspires us to live according to them. That's what I've learned about male-female relationships.

23-Never ask a woman if you should kiss her. Instead, learn to read body language.

24-Most guys who define themselves as "very nice" only behave like that because they want everyone to like them and they don't want anyone to think badly of them. Don't confuse being fearful and weak-minded with being nice.

25-A lot of women - not all of them, many of them - feel insecure about men being men.

26-Your appearance does not matter, but how you present yourself.

27-Many people make the mistake of trying to defend the principles in relationships. My goal is long-term happiness. And I make decisions that will not undermine that goal.

28-The great thing about the heart is that it has no master, despite what reason may think.

29-The trick, when you are flirting, is to figure out how to maintain a balance between being attractive enough to retain someone's attention and not seem excessively available.

30-We have the idea that love is supposed to last forever. But love is not like that. It is a free-flowing energy that comes and goes as it pleases. Sometimes it stays for a lifetime; other times it stays for a second, a day, a month or a year. So don't fear love when it comes, simply because it makes you vulnerable. But don't be surprised when it goes away either. Just be content to experience it.

31-Just because you are interacting does not mean that you are attracting. Learn to recognize the difference between courtesy and interest.

32-The ignorant are not happy; they are the butt of a joke they are not even aware of.

33-It is not lying, it is flirting.

34-We make fun of the people we most fear to become.

35-Love is a velvet prison.

36-The natural instincts of men seem to alternate between periods of love relationships and periods of hedonistic singleness.

37-Fame will not make you feel better about yourself.

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