I leave you the best phrases by Viejas Locas, Rock band of Argentine origin, whose period of greatest activity was in the 90's. Some of his most important works are Forgive me my love, Nena I like you like this, Dancing in hell, Against the wall, and Artisan.
You may also be interested in these phrases of rock songs.
-After a great night one does not want more, with cane and olives I had a great time. Now I'm sitting alone on the platform, I don't know how I got there if I fell in a bar. -Lost at the station.
-And if I have you by my side, everything will continue better. You are my only love, you are my bottle of alcohol. -Bottle.
-Don't take it out of my hands, I don't want any more bare bones. Like an enraged dog, I want to plastic. -Gaucho Caracú.
-I'm looking for heaven, I'm dancing in hell I'm looking for heaven, I'm dancing in hell to the end. -Dancing in hell.
-You left me in ruin, not in material ruin. Now I have a problem, a mental problem. You are a bitch. -Female dog.
-I thought we were fine, but one day he decided to return. And she told me that she left, that she had been "tricked", but now she decided to return. And I told him that I was busy, that I was with another woman. -Bald for another woman.
-The children play in the square, the grown-ups play in the bar. They do not realize that life is waiting for them. -Kids.
-Nobody cares if I take care of my flower, I protect it against the wind, water it a little and take it to the sun. And with its fruit… I am intoxicated, and I go through the streets! -Intoxicated.
-Always together in the show, I will never forget you, blood brothers, you are the best there is. They are rock and roll. -Blood brothers.
-Forgive me my love, I can not be without you, you are like a vice to me. Forgive me my love, I do not want to make you suffer, I am torture for you. -Forgive me my love.
-Eve, don't go with Adam. Eva, my snake is worth more. Eva, there are more apples around here. Eva, I'm going to make you happy. -Eve.
-Listen to me sweet, I don't want you to make fun of me. If they put their finger in you, and when you touch you start to squirt. -You start to squirt.
-The sentence lasted for ten months, I was released, I do not regret what happened. Next time, no one will see it. -In trouble.
-And I thought that one day I will find you and surely we will want to talk, because we will not doubt that there was a great love, as you told me in a heart. Call me at 638. -638 ...
-When I am near you, I will be the one to tear you away. Do not come with my intention not looking for it baby, if the heat rises, take it out, please. Now it is not like before it is better. -Take it off.
-A thousand times I ask myself again, and with the same stone I stumble again. -One more time.
-Baby I don't want to screw you, I just want to be with you a little longer. I swear I don't want to compromise you, nor do I want your boyfriend to know what we did today. -What are you going to do so alone today?
-It's six in the morning, your doorbell is ringing, and it's the Pity that wants to tell you that baby, baby I like you like that. -Baby I like you like that.
-To lie down and cushion his heart, through the streets of Ciudad Oculta, he walks today. -Hidden boy.
-His life is a great race, in which he is not going to win, because in his state he is finished, he will not be able to continue anymore, he is lost. And she doesn't want to believe me. -She doesn't want to believe me.
-I no longer lie, no matter who likes it. I'm going from bad to worse. I no longer lie, I choose my destiny, I know very well where I am going. -I don't lie anymore.
-Change did not change anything, reaching where I reached today. Everything is as it was, everything is just as good. -Everything remains the same.
-If my cigars have another filling, why do you look at me badly. If holy grass grows out of the ground, why can't I smoke it. -Legalize it.
-And if one day I could not laugh, with your drawings you would be here, and the nice demon would be with me again. (…) And the nice demon, everything she wants will do to me. -The nice demon.
-Here I am again, like a watchdog. I'm going to eat you, I'm going to attack you. They get ready, wow. -Guard dog.
-I slept with a queen when the king left, it left my mouth dry and the stinger red. But it was that moment so hot that my body burned. -Threw and rolled.
-I like how you dress and how you walk, I like your hair, your body, I would like to be able to bathe you, also dry yourself and rinse again. -I like you so much.
-Just one turn of the eternal screw, it was a short time, much longer perhaps, it is a long train and I jump a seat, change shape and start again. -Eternal screw.
-Move baby and awaken your senses that are asleep. Move baby, you're like a hardened nerve and you're shaking. -Move baby.
-And those parties were sent that are all rats drinking champagne. They pay dearly for a woman, and then they laugh at society, and they laugh at artisanal. -Handcrafted.
-And when it is eight thirty, the boys go to school, the girls look like skirts, and I imagine them, against the wall, against the wall. -Against the wall.
-How good it is to be with a girl like you, because after so much violence, we all need a little love. -A girl like you.
-It is not a drug, do not think badly, that all together are going to try it, and to end this bad mood, what I tell you, is only this rock and roll. -Rock and twist.
-And it is like that, the life of a worker is like that, life in the neighborhood is like that. And few are those who are going to get away. -Homer.
-If it's already past six, and you don't know where to go. Rock'n'roll is over, and you can't sleep. And you don't know what to do, and you don't know where to go, and you don't know what to do, if you're still there. -You are still there.
-The hours go by, and I keep dreaming, I haven't been able to react for about two days. After so many nights of staying up late, I am going to take Monday to rest. -I'm not going to get up.
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