The 37 Best Phrases of Walt Whitman

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you the best Walt Whitman quotes (1819 -1892), American essayist, journalist and humanist. One of his most outstanding works is Leaves of Grass, book of poems among which stand out I sing of myself, I sing to the electric body or From the cradle that rocks eternally.

You may also be interested in these poems of happiness or these quotes from famous writers.

-Keep your face always towards the Sun - and the shadows will fall behind you.

-Resists a lot, obeys little.

-I'm as bad as the worst, but thank God I'm as good as the best.

-Every moment of light and dark is a miracle.

-We convince by our presence.

-The infinite unknown heroes are worth as much as the greatest heroes in history.

-I exist as I am, that's enough.

-Simplicity is the glory of expression.

-The future is no more uncertain than the present.

-To have great poets, there must be large audiences.

-Reexamine everything you've been told ... discard what insults your soul.

-I've learned that being with those I like is enough.

-Nothing lasts except personal qualities.

-I accept reality and I don't dare to question it.

-What satisfies the soul is true.

-I certainly deserved my enemies, but I don't think I deserved my friends.

-For me, every hour of the day and night is an unspeakable perfect miracle.

-Be curious, not judicious.

-Nothing more beautiful can happen than death.

-A big city is the one with the biggest men and women.

-The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunlight of letters, is simplicity.

-I like to feel strong and healthy under the full Moon and get up singing happily to greet the Sun.

-You will learn to listen in all directions and you will let the essence of the Universe filter through your being.

-There has never been another beginning than this one now, nor more youth than this, nor more old age than this; and there will never be more perfection than the one we have, no more heaven or more hell than this one now.

-And the invisible is tested by the visible, until the visible becomes invisible and is proven in turn.

-I am out of these pushes that bring me and carry me. I stay up, happy, idle, compassionate, seeing everything in panorama, looking upright at the world from on high or leaning my arm on a secure but invisible support, waiting curiously, with my head half turned to one side, what is going to happen.

-In the confusion we stay with each other, happy to be together, speaking without uttering a single word.

-A glorious morning at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.

-The great poets have no biography, they have destiny.

-Produce great men, the rest follow.

-The smallest leaf of grass teaches us that death does not exist; that if it ever existed, it was only to produce life.

-The dirtiest book of all is the expunged book.

-If something is sacred, the human body is sacred.

-He who walks a single league without love, walks shrouded towards his own funeral.

-I have nothing to do with this system, not even what is necessary to oppose it.

-I celebrate and sing to myself. And what I say about myself now, I say about you, because what I have you have, and every atom of my body is yours too.

-My marches sound not only for the victorious but for the defeated and the dead as well.

-Battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won.

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