In this article I will emphasize the four identities that the ego adopts to undermine our true identity. The ego is an entity in eternal conflict, its existence is based on destabilizing, separating, judging and attacking.
He is never at peace or tranquility with his surroundings, he is always in a state of continuous alert, wanting to control everything that passes through his scrutiny. His main desires are power, ambition, wealth and exclusivity. Separation and duality are the foundations that cement their existence.
These four ego identities are built to separate us from the vast intelligence that operates within us, which is capable of accurately detecting what is our true identity and meaning. They are learned from an early age and are the basis of our learning as people. These are the four fallacies that the ego wants us to create and apply:
From the first moments that we are aware of our existence, we receive the teaching and the message that having nothing is equivalent to being, a human being without any value or merit.
Fruit of this fictitious learning an inordinate compulsion arises to have, lust for and ambition all kinds of material goods. Our concept of ourselves changes radically: from feeling that we are valuable for who we are essentially as people - intelligent, loving, compassionate beings who seek to live with purpose and fulfillment - to evaluating our validity and importance based on how many material goods we possess.
The balance of what is truly important is totally inverted and devalued.
Wayne W. Dyer He puts it clearly with this statement that prompts reflection: "If we are what we have, then when we do not have, we are not".
We are constantly trying to convince us in a subtle way, about the importance of the observations, opinions and appreciations of others. From a young age, we are told that the opinions of others have more value than our perspective, due to the “experience” that these affirmations have, and to our ineptitude to know what life is and what it entails..
The problem of this identity resides in the incapacity it generates in people. Every possibility of happiness, joy and bliss It depends on the assessment that a third party makes of our performance, greatly hindering self-esteem and self-confidence.
If we really know who we are- people whose conscious nature is above any unconsciousness and false identity constructed by the mind - and what are our true talents and capacities, we can ignore all those unconscious messages coming from that dysfunctional voice and see them as mere opinions whose value will depend exclusively on the particular meaning that each of us wants to give.
In this ego perspective, each of us We are evaluated based on the quality of our actions and our acquired and achieved status. Our worth depends on how well we do things, our skills and the knowledge and learning acquired. With each task and learning that we undertake, we adopt an identity that tells us: "If you manage to do things more successfully than others, then you will have added and more solid value".
You should know that the maximum "You are what you do" it is reductionist and false. The ego in its permanent state of fear and alert, needs to build problems and visions that hinder your happiness, in order to continue being in a position of victimhood..
Your reality goes far beyond having a great position, status or financial situation. An action done from the heart is invaluable, no matter who it comes from, or what social circle that person is. Therefore, let us be ourselves and develop our vision and our actions with the greatest coherence and transparency possible. Being true to yourself is what brings us peace and happiness.
Separation is one of the identities that is most ingrained in the ego's perspective. The ego tries to make us believe that our nature is dark, meaningless and empty.
There is no ulterior meaning in our existence, we are disconnected entities that fight to the point of exhaustion to survive and achieve some enjoyment and pleasure and then die and disappear.. There is no dynamism, interrelation and meaning, everything is reduced to an experience that fluctuates from pleasure to pain and vice versa.
When you are able to realize your true nature, which has an intimate relationship with everything that exists, your perspective takes a radical turn..
You are able to see yourself in the other, a special union with the world arises and you internalize an important lesson: Every action has an individual and global impact. Everything is related to everything, and everything goes somewhere certain.
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