The 40 Best Jack Canfield Phrases

Jonah Lester

I leave you the best Jack Canfield quotes, American businessman and author, whose best-known works are Chicken Soup for the Soul, The Principles of Success Y The power to stay focused.

You may also be interested in this compilation of phrases about success or these money.

1-Self-esteem is mainly made up of two things: feeling worthy of being loved and feeling capable.

2-When you think you can't, go back to a previous triumph.

3-Everything you want is on the other side of fear.

4-Essentially, there are two things that will make you wiser: the books you read and the people you meet.

5-Carry your most important goal in your portfolio.

6-Do not waste your life believing that you can not.

7-Everything valuable takes time, there are no successes from one day to the next.

8-If you want something different, you will have to do something different.

9-Overcome your barriers, try your best and be patient. You will be able to enjoy more balance, more growth, more income and more fun.

10-I believe that people build their own destiny through preparation and good strategy.

11-You become like the people you spend the most time with.

12-Everything you think, say and do needs to become intentional and be aligned with your purpose, values ​​and goals.

13-You only have control over three things in your life: the thoughts you think, the images you visualize and the actions you take.

14-Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask for it. Everything you want wants you too. But you have to take action to get it.

15-Almost everything you want is out of your comfort zone.

16-You must take responsibility for eliminating the "I can not" from your vocabulary.

17-The day you change your answers is the day your day begins to improve.

18-Your habits determine your results.

19-If you hold your goal, it is very likely that you will reach your goal.

20-Sometimes you dance with a partner and sometimes you dance alone. But the important thing is to keep dancing.

21-People who ask with confidence get more than those who do not dare. When you have discovered what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence.

22-Do not worry about failures, worry about the opportunities you lose when you do not even try.

23-Be patient. Hang in there. Do not give up. You will get it. Principles always work.

24-The principles always work if you work the principles.

25-If you love your work, if you enjoy it, you are already a success.

26-I believe that people should live a full life and not settle for less.

27-Keep in mind that part of growing is dealing with difficult times and the benefits can be great if you have the courage to ask for help. Human beings are not designed to go through life alone. No one has to bear the burden of hard times alone.

28-You can not change anyone, but people change in relation to your change.

29-There is no correct reaction. There is only reaction.

30-What others think of you is not your business.

31-Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible.

32-Higher self-esteem produces greater success and greater success produces higher self-esteem, so it maintains an upward spiral.

33-It is a universal principle that you get more than you think, speak and feel.

34-To change bad habits, we must study the habits of successful role models.

35-Repetition is the key to true learning.

36-For every reason that is not possible, there are hundreds of people who have faced the same circumstances and have been successful.

37-I believe that people should live a full life and not settle for less.

38-Babies do not walk the first try, but from one moment to another they get it.

39-Every day is an adventure to discover the adventure of life. Everything you do every day holds the key to discovering that meaning.

40-If it's not fun, don't do it.

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