The 48 Best Phrases of Beautiful Creatures

Abraham McLaughlin

I leave you the best quotes of Beautiful creatures, original title Beautiful Creatures, youth novel written by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, published in 2009, and released as a film in 2013.

You may also be interested in these romantic movie phrases.

-Most people wait for that moment when everything changes. It never happens. -Ethan Wate.

-In that kind of darkness, there is not even the memory of love, only power. -Macon Ravenwood.

-The first time your heart is broken… That's enough to make any girl go dark, be she a mortal or a conjurer. -Sarafine.

-Lena will not turn dark. She is too strong. -Macon Ravenwood.

-Nothing remains. -Lena Duchannes.

-Okay, slap my ass and call me Sally! -Ms. Lincoln.

-My mom says there are two types of people who live in Gatlin, people too stupid to leave, and people too stupid to move out. -Ethan Wate.

-The coincidences do not exist. -Ethan Wate.

-The memories were erased. I saw the sign once more and remembered. I remembered you. All the moments we spent together and the secrets we kept. Everything came back flooding my heart. -Ethan Wate.

-There is darkness within you. Don't try to deny it. Accept it honey. Come with me. Together we can rule a new world, our world. -Sarafine.

-Don't worry, you will find it, just look for it under the name “how not to become your mother”. -Ethan Wate.

-God gives us what we can handle, even when we don't believe it ourselves. -Amma.

-Close your eyes and say in your mind what you are looking for as if you have already found it. -Amma.

-I promised his mother. -Macon Ravenwood.

-When a conjurer turns 16, we are faced with an event called the reclamation. My powers will be claimed by either the dark side or the light side, depending on my true nature. Depending on what it is meant to be. -Lena Duchannes.

-My mom used to tell me: son get out of this town as soon as you can. Go and find out how other people live and think before you find a place of your own. -Ethan Wate.

-What part of "you can't touch a conjurer" didn't you understand? -Amma.

-I agree with you. I'm just a stupid mortal who can't make his own thunder, but there's no way we can solve this unless you stop feeling sorry for you. -Ethan Wate.

-Ethan promised me one thing, that it would be a perfectly normal human date. -Lena Duchannes.

-No matter what they do to me, I'm still here. -Ethan Wate.

-Woof! Can you grow whatever it is? -Ethan Wate.

-There is no way that what Lena and I feel is going to turn into something wrong and evil. There is no way. -Ethan Wate.

-I could hear the sound. That sound was me breaking. I cried because he had lived and now he has died. I was saved. I only knew that the girl I once was was gone. He was right, nothing good could have come of loving a mortal. -Lena Duchannes.

-My father said that trouble always followed that family like the stench on the backside of a fly. -Amma.

-I said: get away from my boyfriend, bitch! -Lena Duchannes.

-All the books they let you read are pretty boring I guess. -Ethan Wate.

-Genevieve used the forbidden spell to bring the one she loved to life. To break the curse, the one I love must die. -Lena Duchannes.

-I'm not going straight to hell. I'll make a stop in New York first. -Ethan Wate.

-Blessed your heart, heart. You must have been the first of your litter. -Lena Duchannes.

-You don't know anything about me. You don't know who I really am. I don't know who I am going to be. -Lena Duchannes.

-I hate hiding all the time. I feel like everyone is secreting about me, about how people realize what a freak I am. Sometimes I just want to be normal. -Lena Duchannes.

-My mom says devil worshipers hate fresh air. It makes them drown. -Savannah.

-I still don't understand… you go to church every day. How can you believe in all this and still believe in God? -Ethan Wate.

-As long as I live I will never understand them. They have no real powers and live at the mercy of forces beyond their control, yet they believe that what they feel will make things okay. -Macon Ravenwood.

-You still don't understand it, right? I don't want to be further away from you than I am right now. One way or another, love is a risk for everyone. Go ahead and kill me. -Ethan Wate.

-I never know if you are insulting me or not. But hey, I like it. If it makes any difference, I like you. -Ethan Wate.

-Everything comes with a price. -Amma.

-Everyone has to deal with things in their lives, Lena. You want to be a normal human, how do you think that is? To be human is to feel bad, angry, scared, and unable to do anything. -Ethan Wate.

-Lena will be more powerful than either of us. She is going to lead us all. -Sarafine.

-I yelled at you because I care about you and that's what normal people do when they love each other and when one of them acts like a child. Now could you please stop making it rain? -Ethan Wate.

-Lenna, you are a miracle. Why would you want to be normal? -Ethan Wate.

-My family is different. We have powers. -Firewood.
-Are you a witch? -Ethan.
-We prefer the term conjurators. -Lena Duchannes.

-There is a new world mom. It is not all darkness, it is not all light, and it is not all of us. -Lenna Duchannes.

-I'm not supposed to show this to a mortal, but it bothers me not to tell someone. -Lena Duchannes.

-I'm not afraid of you or any of your kind. God our creator will condemn you to the eternal fire of hell along with terrorists, atheists, homosexuals, democrats, liberals, socialists, Greenpeace activists and all other unnatural abominations. -Ms. Lincoln.

-Not! I'm sick of listening to your family. I've been hunted, hypnotized, paralyzed, and nearly killed by your family. I've been freaking out for the past two weeks, then your mom shows up at my door and gives me a heart attack. -Ethan Wate.

-They continue to recreate the Civil War as if it were going to turn out in some different way. -Ethan Wate.

-I can feel your powers wane. Oh, how sad! They are weakening and you know why. -Sarafine.

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