The 50 Best Phrases of The Advantages of Being Invisible

Anthony Golden

I leave you the best phrases of The advantages of being invisible (Hispano-America) or The Advantages of Being an Outcast (Spain), 2012 film based on the novel by American author Stephen Chbosky, published in 1999.

You may also be interested in these movie phrases.

-I guess we are who we are for many reasons, and we may never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can choose where we are going. -Charlie

-I think the idea is that each person has to live their own life and then make the decision to share it with other people. Maybe that's what makes people "participate." -Charlie.

-We accept the love we think we deserve. -Bill.

-It was the only time in the day that I actually wanted the clock to stop. And stay there for a long time. -Charlie.

-I don't even remember the season. I just remember walking among them and feeling that for the first time I belonged to something. -Charlie.

-Patrick and Sam didn't just keep telling inside jokes to make me struggle to understand them. Not only that. They also asked me things. -Charlie.

-It can't all be low self-esteem, can it? -Charlie.

-I was not bitter. However, he was sad. But it was a somewhat hopeful sadness. The kind of sadness that just takes time. -Charlie.

-So this is my life. And I want you to know that I'm both happy and sad, and I'm trying to figure out what this means. -Charlie.

-And in that moment, I swear we were infinite. -Charlie.

-I'm usually very shy, but he seemed like the kind of guy you could have a football game with even if you were three years younger and unpopular. -Charlie.

-Sometimes people use thinking so they don't have to participate in life. -Bill.

-I am interested and fascinated by how everyone loves each other, but no one really likes each other. -Michael.

-And if someone is in a worse situation than you, that does not change the fact that you have what you have. Good and bad. -Charlie.

-It was the kind of kiss that I couldn't say to my friends. It was the kind of kiss that let me know that I had never been so happy in my life. -Charlie.

-What happens when someone doesn't need a shoulder? What if they need the arms? -Sam.

-If someone likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think they think I am. And I don't want them to carry it inside themselves. I want you to show it to me, so I can feel it too. -Sam.

-Girls are weird, and I don't mean that in an offensive way. I just can't describe it in any other way. -Charlie.

-I guess I realized in that moment that I really loved her. Because he had nothing to gain, and that didn't matter. -Charlie.

-Everyone else is either asleep or having sex. I have been watching television and eating jelly. -Charlie.

-Things change and friends leave. And life does not stop for anyone. -Charlie.

-I just think too fast, too fast. -Charlie.

-I'm going to do what I want to do. I'm going to become who I want to become. And I'm going to find out what it is that I want. -Charlie.

-I don't know if you've ever felt this way. As if you want to fall asleep for a thousand years. Or simply not exist. Or not being aware that you exist. -Charlie.

-Sam and Patrick looked at me. And I was looking at them. And I think they knew. Nothing specific really. They just knew it. And I think that's all you can ask for from a friend. -Charlie.

-It's weird, because sometimes I read a book, and I think I'm the people in that book. -Charlie.

-Please believe me that things are good with me, and even if they are not, they will soon be. And I will always believe the same about you. -Charlie.

-No matter how sad I feel, I think what really bothers me is not knowing. -Charlie.

-This moment will be just another story one day. -Charlie.

-I just want to tell you that you are very special ... and the only reason I'm telling you is because I don't know if anyone ever has been. -Bill.

-After that, I couldn't believe that Sam gave me a gift, because I honestly thought that his gift was saying "I love you." -Charlie.

-I was in my bed trying to figure out why sometimes we can wake up and go back to sleep, and sometimes not. -Charlie.

-There's nothing like taking deep breaths after laughing this hard. Nothing in the world compares to experiencing a stomach ache for the right reasons. -Charlie.

-I feel happy and sad at the same time, and I keep trying to figure out how this could be. -Charlie.

-Old photos look tough and young, and the people in the photos always seem to be much happier than you are. -Charlie.

-We don't talk about anything serious or light. We were just there together. And that was enough. -Charlie.

-Being on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But it's time to see how it looks from the dance floor. -Stephen Chbosky.

-People try to control situations all the time that they fear that if they don't, nothing will work out the way they want. -Charlie quoting Mary Elizabeth.

-Just tell me how to be different in a way that makes sense, to make this all go away. -Charlie.

-I would die for you. But I won't live for you -Charlie quoting The spring.

-I've never been to a party before. -Charlie.

-I closed my eyes, and I wanted nothing more than his arms. -Charlie.

-Maybe these were my glory days, and I hadn't even realized it because they don't have a ball in between. -Charlie.

-This moment will be just another story one day. -Charlie.

-Not everyone has a sad story, Charlie, and if they do, it's not an excuse. -Charlie's dad.

-I guess at that time I loved her. Because there was nothing to gain, and it didn't matter. -Charlie.

-I really think everyone should have watercolors, magnetic poetry, and a harmonica. -Charlie.

-To be honest, I've been avoiding everything. -Charlie.

-Sometimes it is much easier not to know things. -Charlie.

-Maybe it's good to put things in perspective, but sometimes, I think the only perspective is really being there. -Charlie.

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