The 50 Best Phrases of Merlina Addams

Egbert Haynes
The 50 Best Phrases of Merlina Addams

I leave you the best phrases of Merlina Addams, the small, serious, sarcastic and intelligent girl of the Addams family. In Spain it is known as Wednesday and in the United States as Wednesday Friday Addams.

You may also be interested in these movie phrases.

Source: Cosplay / personification of Merlina Addams. By: Taylor Bartram Photography Cosplays. November 1, 2014.

-I will never forget you.-Joel.
-Won't you? -Merlina.
-You are too weird. -Joel.

-Baking powder. And Uncle Lucas uses his spray preservative.

-This is all about Uncle Lucas, isn't it??

-You seriously underestimate my apathy.

-Help me, I'm dying! -Amanda Buckman.
-I do not know how to swim. -Merlin.

-Do you remember all those red, white and blue flashes coming out of his head?

-It's an American Bald Eagle! - Becky.
-But what are they not extinct? -Gary.
-Now they are. -Merlin.

-Did you fix it? That doll has no head. -Homer.
-It is Marie Antoinette. -Merlin.

-Children, why do you hate the baby? -Homer and Morticia.
-We just want to play with him. -Pericles.
-Especially his head. -Merlin.

-I am not "happy".

-Wolves can smell petulance.

-We do not hug. We are contagious.

-I'm killing you in my mind.

-This is my costume. They a homicidal maniac, they look just like the others.

-Are they made of real girl scouts?

-You need at least six more ounces of kerosene for that to work properly.

-We can't share bread with you.

-Pericles, tell your food to stop playing!

-Merlina, do you think that one day you would like to get married and have children? -Joel.
-But how about you find the right man, who idolizes and worships you, who does what you tell him, and who is your devoted slave? What would you do then? - Joel.
-I would feel sorry for myself.-Merlina.

-And then Mommy kissed Daddy, and the angel said to stork, and the stork came down from the sky and left a diamond under a leaf and turned into a baby. -Little girl.
-They had sex. -Merlin.

-The vugoodlack preys only on the darkest human beings in our society, domestic abusers, serial killers, congressmen. The dirtier his blood, the more he yearns for her.

-What is a Chippewa? -Pericles.
-It means orphan. -Merlin.

-Nice knife! Can I play autopsy with him?

-How I look? -Joel. -Disturbing. -Merlin.

-You sent us to camp. They made us sing.

-Nobody leaves the Bermuda triangle, not even on vacation. Everybody knows that.

-Children, what are you doing? -Morticia. -Playing (… ). Calamity to the republic. -Merlin.

-Merlina is at that age when a girl has only one thing on her mind. -Morticia.
-Guys? -Ellen Buckman.
-Homicide. -Merlin.

-Could you pass me the salt? -Merlin.
-How do you say? -Morticia.
-Now! -Merlin.

-I hate everything.

-Do you believe in evil? -Merlina to Joel.

-She was not sick, she was neglected. If I wanted to kill my husband, I would and I wouldn't be caught doing it. (…) It would scare him to death.

-Come sadness, we welcome you. Let us join in sorrow, rejoice in despair, and honor the lucky dead.

-But I can't sleep in my childhood coffin forever, you know what I mean?

-"You would look prettier if you smiled" (Imitating).

-I'll clean my room. In exchange for your immortal soul.

-Joel, I can't see you anymore. There are forces that separate us, Gary, Debbie, and the seventh grade.

-This is the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of human events. Uncle Lucas is getting married.

-I have a sad little spider, I like to sit with it. You never know where it has been because it turns and turns and turns. My spider is a prowler and that's why I call her Homer. She loves to work and spin all day, and at night she likes to play. His web is like his mother's hair; and his eyes have the look of my father. She might not jump, twist, or crouch, but a spider is a girl's best friend.

-Pericles, sit in the chair. Lets play a game. It is called: does God exist?

-What are you studying? (… ) Weakness.

-I do not want to participate in the contest. Your work is childish and badly staged. You lack any sense of structure, character, and Aristotelian units.

-Children, like your new babysitter, I know we are very concerned about the environment. So this morning we will discuss how to prevent forest fires. -Heather.
-Prevent them? (Strikes a match) -Merlin.

-Yes, but I will never be able to meet her eyes again.

-And so the next night the ghost returned to the haunted cabin. And then he said to the campers, “None of you believe in me. So I will have to show my power. " The next morning when they woke up, their old noses had grown back.

-Very good children. I am fed up. Now, answer me a simple question. Where is the baby? -Ms. Montomery.
-Which part? -Merlin.

-You have taken the land that is rightfully ours. (…) The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, "Don't trust the pilgrims, especially Sarah Miller." And for all these reasons I have decided to rip out your hair and burn your town to ashes..

-Naturally I look cruel, but it's okay. Keeps weak people away.

-You can go find a pretty girl that you can be miserable with.

-He's a dead man.

-Monsters do not prey on bored children, contrary to what is seen in movies and books. Real monsters feed on real monsters, so you should never fear them, as long as you don't become a.

-Death! Death to the enemies of the people of the republic! Urra! Justice has been served. Bring on the wicked. You have betrayed the people of France, you are evil incarnate. How do you declare yourself? Guilty by own admission! The sentence is death. Executioner, put it on the block.

-I love sleeping. It's like being dead without the commitment.

-I will be the victim! -Amanda Buckman.
-All your life. -Merlin.

-Don't be a baby. I know what i'm doing.

-Why are you dressed like someone died? -Amanda Buckman.
-Wait and see.-Merlina.

-We have to see our family. It's very important.

-He is just a child.

-I'm an early riser, my coffin only allows me six hours of oxygen.

-It has to warm up. -Merlin.
-So that? -Pericles.
-So I can kill you. -Merlin.

-Are they not dead? -Pericles.
-That matters? -Merlin.

-Be afraid, very afraid.

-Pericles, the baby weighs 5 kilos, and the cannonball weighs 10 kilos. Who will fall the stone hallway first?

-Attention to detail is the first quality I look for in an accomplice.

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